KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
Data Types | Modules | Functions/Subroutines | Variables
TensorModule.f File Reference

Data Types

interface  tensors::operator(.dot.)
interface  tensors::operator(.dyad.)
interface  tensors::operator(.double.)
interface  tensors::unit
interface  tensors::norm
interface  tensors::tr
interface  tensors::det
interface  tensors::inverse
interface  tensors::mb
interface  tensors::hs1
interface  tensors::sign1
interface  tensors::dev


module  tensors


double precision function, dimension(3, 3) tensors::dev33 (A33)
double precision function tensors::tr33 (a)
double precision function tensors::det33 (T)
double precision function, dimension(3, 3) tensors::dot1 (a1, a2)
double precision function tensors::dot2 (a1, a2)
double precision function tensors::dot3 (a1, a2, k)
subroutine tensors::elmod1 (E, nu, ELMOD)
subroutine tensors::ivol1 (Ivol)
subroutine tensors::isym1 (Isym)
subroutine tensors::iunit1 (Iunit)
subroutine tensors::idev1 (Idev)
subroutine tensors::iunit2 (Iunit)
subroutine tensors::matrixtovector (vec1, mat1)
subroutine tensors::vectortomatrix (vec1, mat1)
subroutine tensors::tensortomatrix (a3333, b66)
subroutine tensors::f1 (T, Fm)
subroutine tensors::pq (T, p, q)
subroutine tensors::j23s (T, J2s, J3s)
subroutine tensors::initial (STRESS, T, DSTRAN, DEPS, NTENS, NDI, NSHR)
subroutine tensors::solution (NTENS, NDI, NSHR, T, STRESS, JAC, DDSDDE)
double precision function, dimension(3, 3, 3, 3) tensors::dyad33x33 (a1, a2)
double precision function, dimension(3, 3) tensors::double3333x33 (a, b)
double precision function, dimension(3, 3) tensors::double33x3333 (b, a)
double precision function tensors::double33x33 (a, b)
double precision function, dimension(3, 3, 3, 3) tensors::double3333x3333 (a, b)
double precision function tensors::norm33 (a)
double precision function, dimension(3, 3) tensors::unit33 (a)
subroutine tensors::d1 (DSTRAN, D, dtime, NDI, NSHR, NTENS)
double precision function, dimension(3, 3, 3, 3) tensors::inverse3333 (a3333)
double precision function, dimension(3, 3) tensors::inverse33 (a33)
subroutine tensors::dpdtdqdt (T, dpdT, dqdT)
subroutine tensors::lode (T, theta)
subroutine tensors::cep1 (Elmod, dFdT, dgdT, H, CEP)
subroutine tensors::dotgamma1 (Elmod, dFdT, dgdT, H, D, dotgamma)
subroutine tensors::phimob (ndi, nshr, ntens, stress, sinphim)
subroutine tensors::m1 (phi, M)
subroutine tensors::cos33 (A, B, c)
subroutine tensors::sttosvi (st, svi)
subroutine tensors::svitost (st, svi)
double precision function tensors::cos3theta1 (a)
double precision function tensors::mb (a)
double precision function tensors::hs1 (a)
integer function tensors::sign1 (a)
subroutine tensors::rigidrot (tensor33, dfgrd0, dfgrd1)


double precision, dimension(3, 3), public tensors::delta
double precision, public tensors::sq2
double precision, public tensors::sq3
double precision, public tensors::sq4
double precision, public tensors::pi
double precision, public tensors::minvalue
integer tensors::i
integer tensors::j
integer tensors::k
integer tensors::l