KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NActiveSetUtilitiesThis namespace includes some utilities used for contact active set computations
 NConstraintUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities necessaries for the computation of the MPC
 NCppTestsUtilitiesThis namespace includes utilities for simplifying the deploy of C++ tests
 Ncreate_xdmf_fileA script for creating XDMF files for results stored in HDF5
 NDelaunatorUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities using the library triangle
 NElementUtilitiesThis class includes several utilities necessaries for the computation of the different elements
 NEntitiesUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities necessaries for the computation of entities functions in a efficient way
 NExplicitIntegrationUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities necessaries for the computation of the explicit integration
 NGeometricalTransformationUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities necessaries for transformation (translation and rotation)
 NHDF5ApplicationCore HDF5 IO
 NHyperElasticIsotropicHenky1DThis constitutive law represents the hyper-elastic henky 1D law
 NHyperElasticIsotropicOgden1DThis constitutive law represents the hyper-elastic OGDEN 1D law
 Nimport_model_part_from_hdf5_processLoad simulation results in the initialization step from HDF5
 Ninitialization_from_hdf5_processLoad simulation results in the initialization step from HDF5
 Nkratos_perturbation_processAn initial condition process for KratosMultiphysics license: license.txt
 NMeshingUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities necessaries for the computation of the meshing techniques
 NMortarUtilitiesThis is a class that provides auxiliar utilities for the mortar integration
 NMPMExplicitUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities necessaries for the computation of the explicit integration
 NMultiLinearElastic1DLawThis constitutive law represents a multi linear elastic 1d claw
 NMultiLinearIsotropicPlaneStress2DThis constitutive law represents a multi linear elastic 2d claw for plane stress
 Nmultiple_mesh_temporal_output_processStore a model part and simulation results after each solution step with HDF5
 NNormalCalculationUtilsTool to evaluate the normals on nodes based on the normals of a set of surface conditions
 Nonthefly_kratos_inlet_processAn inlet boundary condition process for KratosMultiphysics
 NPropertiesUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities for the Properties
 NRayleighDampingCoefficientsUtilitiesThis utility computes the two first eigen values of the system and estimates the alpha and beta Rayleigh damping coefficients
 NSelfContactUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities necessaries for the computation of self-contact
 Nsingle_mesh_primal_output_processStore primal simulation results for a single mesh with HDF5
 Nsingle_mesh_temporal_input_processLoad simulation results before each solution step for a single mesh from HDF5
 Nsingle_mesh_temporal_output_processStore temporal simulation results for a single mesh with HDF5
 Nsingle_mesh_xdmf_output_processStore temporal simulation results for a single mesh with HDF5 and Xdmf
 NStaticCondensationUtilityThis utilitiy condenses given degrees of freedom from any element stiffness matrix to model e.g. hinges
 Nsteady_wind_kratos_inlet_processAn inlet boundary condition process for KratosMultiphysics
 NStringUtilitiesThis namespace includes several utilities necessaries for computing string operations
 NTrussConstitutiveLawThis constitutive law represents a linear elastic 1D law
 NTrussPlasticityConstitutiveLawThis constitutive law represents a linear hardening plasticity 1D law
 Nuser_defined_io_processConstruct a user-defined HDF5 IO process
 NutilsHDF5 custom IO process utilities
 Nxdmf_utilsUtilities for creating XDMF metadata from results stored in HDF5