KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
List of all members
Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition Class Reference

Load Condition for 2D axisymmetric geometries. (base class) More...

#include <axisymmetric_line_load_condition.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition:
Collaboration diagram for Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition:

Public Member Functions

Type Definitions
Life Cycle
 AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Default constructor. More...
 AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
 AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition (AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition () override
 Destructor. More...
Condition::Pointer Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) const override
Condition::Pointer Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override
int Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::LineLoadCondition< TDim >
 LineLoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Default constructor. More...
 LineLoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
 LineLoadCondition (LineLoadCondition const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~LineLoadCondition () override
 Destructor. More...
 LineLoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 LineLoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
 ~LineLoadCondition () override
 Destructor. More...
Condition::Pointer Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) const override
Condition::Pointer Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override
int Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
Condition::Pointer Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) const override
 Creates a new condition pointer. More...
Condition::Pointer Create (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeom, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) const override
 Creates a new condition pointer. More...
Condition::Pointer Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override
 Creates a new condition pointer and clones the previous condition data. More...
void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 Calculate a array_1d Variable. More...
std::string Info () const override
 Turn back information as a string. More...
void PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override
 Print information about this object. More...
void PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const override
 Print object's data. More...
 Counted pointer of LineLoadCondition. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::LoadCondition
 LoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Constructor with Id and geometry. More...
 LoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
 Constructor with Id, geometry and property. More...
 LoadCondition ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~LoadCondition () override
 Destructor. More...
 LoadCondition ()
 Empty constructor needed for serialization. More...
 LoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Default constructor. More...
 LoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
 LoadCondition (LoadCondition const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~LoadCondition () override
 Destructor. More...
void CalculateRightHandSide (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 This is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the condition right hand side matrix. More...
void CalculateLeftHandSide (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 This is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the condition left hand side matrix. More...
void CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function provides a more general interface to the element. More...
void EquationIdVector (EquationIdVectorType &rResult, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
 Sets on rResult the ID's of the element degrees of freedom. More...
void GetDofList (DofsVectorType &rElementalDofList, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
 Sets on rConditionDofList the degrees of freedom of the considered element geometry. More...
void CalculateAll (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo, const bool CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag, const bool CalculateResidualVectorFlag)
void DeterminantOfJacobianInitial (const GeometryType &rGeometry, Vector &rDeterminantOfJacobian)
int Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
 Counted pointer definition of LoadCondition. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::Condition
 Condition (IndexType NewId=0)
 Condition (IndexType NewId, const NodesArrayType &ThisNodes)
 Condition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Condition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
 Condition (Condition const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~Condition () override
 Destructor. More...
Conditionoperator= (Condition const &rOther)
 Assignment operator. More...
virtual IntegrationMethod GetIntegrationMethod () const
virtual void ResetConstitutiveLaw ()
virtual void FinalizeNonLinearIteration (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void FinalizeSolutionStep (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateFirstDerivativesContributions (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateFirstDerivativesLHS (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateFirstDerivativesRHS (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateSecondDerivativesContributions (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateSecondDerivativesLHS (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateSecondDerivativesRHS (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void AddExplicitContribution (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void AddExplicitContribution (const VectorType &rRHSVector, const Variable< VectorType > &rRHSVariable, const Variable< double > &rDestinationVariable, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
 This function is designed to make the condition to assemble an rRHS vector identified by a variable rRHSVariable by assembling it to the nodes on the variable rDestinationVariable. (This is the double version) More...
virtual void AddExplicitContribution (const MatrixType &rLHSMatrix, const Variable< MatrixType > &rLHSVariable, const Variable< Matrix > &rDestinationVariable, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
 This function is designed to make the condition to assemble an rRHS vector identified by a variable rRHSVariable by assembling it to the nodes on the variable rDestinationVariable. (This is the matrix version) More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< double > &rVariable, double &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, Vector &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, Matrix &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< bool > &rVariable, std::vector< bool > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< int > &rVariable, std::vector< int > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 4 >> &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 4 >> &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 9 >> &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 9 >> &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, std::vector< Vector > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, std::vector< Matrix > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< bool > &rVariable, const std::vector< bool > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< int > &rVariable, const std::vector< int > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< double > &rVariable, const std::vector< double > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, const std::vector< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 4 >> &rVariable, const std::vector< array_1d< double, 4 >> &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rVariable, const std::vector< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 9 >> &rVariable, const std::vector< array_1d< double, 9 >> &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, const std::vector< Vector > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, const std::vector< Matrix > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void MassMatrix (MatrixType &rMassMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void AddMassMatrix (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, double coeff, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void DampMatrix (MatrixType &rDampMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void AddInertiaForces (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, double coeff, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateLocalVelocityContribution (MatrixType &rDampingMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateSensitivityMatrix (const Variable< double > &rDesignVariable, Matrix &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void CalculateSensitivityMatrix (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rDesignVariable, Matrix &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
PropertiesType::Pointer pGetProperties ()
 returns the pointer to the property of the condition. Does not throw an error, to allow copying of conditions which don't have any property assigned. More...
const PropertiesType::Pointer pGetProperties () const
PropertiesTypeGetProperties ()
PropertiesType const & GetProperties () const
void SetProperties (PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
bool HasProperties () const
 Check that the Condition has a correctly initialized pointer to a Properties instance. More...
 Pointer definition of Condition. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::GeometricalObject
 GeometricalObject (IndexType NewId=0)
 Default constructor. More...
 GeometricalObject (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Default constructor. More...
 ~GeometricalObject () override
 Destructor. More...
 GeometricalObject (GeometricalObject const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
GeometricalObjectoperator= (GeometricalObject const &rOther)
 Assignment operator. More...
virtual void SetGeometry (GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Sets the pointer to the geometry. More...
GeometryType::Pointer pGetGeometry ()
 Returns the pointer to the geometry. More...
const GeometryType::Pointer pGetGeometry () const
 Returns the pointer to the geometry (const version) More...
GeometryTypeGetGeometry ()
 Returns the reference of the geometry. More...
GeometryType const & GetGeometry () const
 Returns the reference of the geometry (const version) More...
FlagsGetFlags ()
 Returns the flags of the object. More...
Flags const & GetFlags () const
 Returns the flags of the object (const version) More...
void SetFlags (Flags const &rThisFlags)
 Sets the flags of the object. More...
DataValueContainerData ()
DataValueContainerGetData ()
DataValueContainer const & GetData () const
void SetData (DataValueContainer const &rThisData)
template<class TDataType >
bool Has (const Variable< TDataType > &rThisVariable) const
template<class TVariableType >
void SetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable, typename TVariableType::Type const &rValue)
template<class TVariableType >
TVariableType::Type & GetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable)
template<class TVariableType >
TVariableType::Type const & GetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable) const
unsigned int use_count () const noexcept
 Pointer definition of GeometricalObject. More...
bool IsActive () const
 Checks if the GeometricalObject is active. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::IndexedObject
 IndexedObject (IndexType NewId=0)
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~IndexedObject ()
 Destructor. More...
 IndexedObject (IndexedObject const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
IndexedObjectoperator= (IndexedObject const &rOther)
 Assignment operator. More...
template<class TObjectType >
IndexType operator() (TObjectType const &rThisObject) const
IndexType Id () const
IndexType GetId () const
virtual void SetId (IndexType NewId)
IndexTypeDepricatedIdAccess ()
 TODO: remove this function when removing data_file_io object. More...
 Pointer definition of IndexedObject. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::Flags
Flagsoperator= (Flags const &rOther)
 Assignment operator. More...
 operator bool () const
Flags operator~ () const
bool operator! () const
void AssignFlags (Flags const &rOther)
void Set (const Flags ThisFlag)
void Set (const Flags ThisFlag, bool Value)
void Reset (const Flags ThisFlag)
void Flip (const Flags ThisFlag)
void SetPosition (IndexType Position, bool Value=true)
bool GetPosition (IndexType Position) const
void FlipPosition (IndexType Position)
void ClearPosition (IndexType Position)
void Clear ()
Flags AsFalse () const
bool Is (Flags const &rOther) const
bool IsDefined (Flags const &rOther) const
bool IsNot (Flags const &rOther) const
bool IsNotDefined (Flags const &rOther) const
 Pointer definition of Flags. More...
const Flagsoperator|= (const Flags &Other)
const Flagsoperator&= (const Flags &Other)
 Flags ()
 Default constructor. More...
 Flags (Flags const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~Flags ()
 Destructor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::BoundaryCondition
 BoundaryCondition ()
 Empty constructor needed for serialization. More...
 BoundaryCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Default constructor. More...
 BoundaryCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
 BoundaryCondition (BoundaryCondition const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~BoundaryCondition () override
 Destructor. More...
void Initialize (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void InitializeSolutionStep (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void InitializeNonLinearIteration (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void GetDofList (DofsVectorType &rConditionDofList, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
void EquationIdVector (EquationIdVectorType &rResult, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
void GetValuesVector (Vector &rValues, int Step=0) const override
void GetFirstDerivativesVector (Vector &rValues, int Step=0) const override
void GetSecondDerivativesVector (Vector &rValues, int Step=0) const override
void CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void CalculateRightHandSide (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void CalculateLeftHandSide (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void CalculateMassMatrix (MatrixType &rMassMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void CalculateDampingMatrix (MatrixType &rDampingMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void AddExplicitContribution (const VectorType &rRHS, const Variable< VectorType > &rRHSVariable, const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rDestinationVariable, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< double > &rVariable, std::vector< double > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::BaseLoadCondition
 BaseLoadCondition ()
 BaseLoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 BaseLoadCondition (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties)
 BaseLoadCondition (BaseLoadCondition const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
 ~BaseLoadCondition () override
BaseLoadConditionoperator= (BaseLoadCondition const &rOther)
 Assignment operator. More...
void EquationIdVector (EquationIdVectorType &rResult, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
 Sets on rResult the ID's of the element degrees of freedom. More...
void GetDofList (DofsVectorType &ElementalDofList, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
 Sets on rElementalDofList the degrees of freedom of the considered element geometry. More...
void GetValuesVector (Vector &rValues, int Step=0) const override
 Sets on rValues the nodal displacements. More...
void GetFirstDerivativesVector (Vector &rValues, int Step=0) const override
 Sets on rValues the nodal velocities. More...
void GetSecondDerivativesVector (Vector &rValues, int Step=0) const override
 Sets on rValues the nodal accelerations. More...
void CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function provides a more general interface to the element. More...
void CalculateRightHandSide (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 This is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only. More...
void CalculateMassMatrix (MatrixType &rMassMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 This is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental mass matrix. More...
void CalculateDampingMatrix (MatrixType &rDampingMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 This is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental damping matrix. More...
void AddExplicitContribution (const VectorType &rRHS, const Variable< VectorType > &rRHSVariable, const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rDestinationVariable, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function is designed to make the element to assemble an rRHS vector identified by a variable rRHSVariable by assembling it to the nodes on the variable rDestinationVariable. More...
int Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
 This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. More...
virtual bool HasRotDof () const
 Check if Rotational Dof existant. More...
unsigned int GetBlockSize () const
 This method computes the DoF block size. More...
const Parameters GetSpecifications () const override
 This method provides the specifications/requirements of the element. More...

Protected Member Functions

Protected member Variables
 AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition ()
Protected Operations
void CalculateKinematics (ConditionVariables &rVariables, const double &rPointNumber) override
void CalculateAndAddLHS (LocalSystemComponents &rLocalSystem, ConditionVariables &rVariables, double &rIntegrationWeight) override
void CalculateAndAddRHS (LocalSystemComponents &rLocalSystem, ConditionVariables &rVariables, double &rIntegrationWeight) override
void CalculateRadius (double &rCurrentRadius, double &rReferenceRadius, const Vector &rN)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::LineLoadCondition< TDim >
void GetLocalAxis1 (array_1d< double, 3 > &rLocalAxis, const Matrix &rJacobian) const
void GetLocalAxis1 (array_1d< double, 3 > &rLocalAxis, const Matrix &rJacobian) const
void GetLocalAxis2 (array_1d< double, 3 > &rLocalAxis) const
void GetLocalAxis2 (array_1d< double, 3 > &rLocalAxis) const
void GetCrossTangentMatrix (BoundedMatrix< double, 2, 2 > &rCrossTangentMatrix, const array_1d< double, 3 > &rTangentXi) const
void GetCrossTangentMatrix (BoundedMatrix< double, 3, 3 > &rCrossTangentMatrix, const array_1d< double, 3 > &rTangentXi) const
 LineLoadCondition ()
void InitializeConditionVariables (ConditionVariables &rVariables, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void CalculateKinematics (ConditionVariables &rVariables, const double &rPointNumber) override
void CalculateExternalLoad (ConditionVariables &rVariables) override
void CalculateAndAddKuug (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, ConditionVariables &rVariables, double &rIntegrationWeight) override
void CalculateAll (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo, const bool CalculateStiffnessMatrixFlag, const bool CalculateResidualVectorFlag) override
 This functions calculates both the RHS and the LHS. More...
void CalculateAndSubKp (Matrix &rK, const array_1d< double, 3 > &rTangentXi, const Matrix &rDN_De, const Vector &rN, const double Pressure, const double IntegrationWeight) const
 This method adds the local contribution of the pressure to the LHS matrix. More...
void CalculateAndAddPressureForce (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const Vector &rN, const array_1d< double, 3 > &rNormal, const double Pressure, const double IntegrationWeight) const
 This method adds the pressure contribution to the RHS. More...
void GetLocalAxis1 (array_1d< double, 3 > &rLocalAxis, const Matrix &rJacobian) const
 This method provides the local axis. More...
void GetLocalAxis2 (array_1d< double, 3 > &rLocalAxis) const
 This method provides the local axis. More...
void GetCrossTangentMatrix (BoundedMatrix< double, TDim, TDim > &rCrossTangentMatrix, const array_1d< double, 3 > &rTangentXi) const
 This method provides the cross tangent matrix. More...
 LineLoadCondition ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::LoadCondition
bool HasVariableDof (VariableVectorType &rVariable) const override
void InitializeConditionVariables (ConditionVariables &rVariables, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void CalculateAndAddExternalForces (Vector &rRightHandSideVector, ConditionVariables &rVariables, double &rIntegrationWeight) override
doubleCalculateAndAddExternalEnergy (double &rEnergy, ConditionVariables &rVariables, double &rIntegrationWeight, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::BoundaryCondition
void InitializeExplicitContributions ()
virtual bool HasVariableDof (VariableScalarType &rVariable) const
virtual unsigned int GetDofsSize () const
virtual void InitializeSystemMatrices (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, Flags &rCalculationFlags)
virtual void CalculateConditionSystem (LocalSystemComponents &rLocalSystem, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
void GetNodalDeltaMovements (Vector &rValues, const int &rNode)
VectorGetNodalCurrentValue (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, Vector &rValue, const unsigned int &rNode)
VectorGetNodalPreviousValue (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, Vector &rValue, const unsigned int &rNode)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::BaseLoadCondition
virtual double GetIntegrationWeight (const GeometryType::IntegrationPointsArrayType &IntegrationPoints, const SizeType PointNumber, const double detJ) const


class Serializer

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Kratos::LineLoadCondition< TDim >
typedef BaseLoadCondition BaseType
 We define the base class BaseLoadCondition. More...
typedef BaseType::IndexType IndexType
 Dfinition of the index type. More...
typedef BaseType::SizeType SizeType
 Definition of the size type. More...
typedef BaseType::NodeType NodeType
 Definition of the node type. More...
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType PropertiesType
 Definition of the properties type. More...
typedef BaseType::GeometryType GeometryType
 Definition of the geometry type with given NodeType. More...
typedef BaseType::NodesArrayType NodesArrayType
 Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType. More...
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::LoadCondition
typedef std::size_t SizeType
 Size types. More...
typedef std::size_t IndexType
typedef Geometry< NodeGeometryType
typedef GeometryType::Pointer GeometryPointerType
typedef GeometryData::SizeType SizeType
 Type for size. More...
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::Condition
typedef Condition ConditionType
 definition of condition type More...
typedef GeometricalObject BaseType
 base type: an GeometricalObject that automatically has a unique number More...
typedef Node NodeType
 definition of node type (default is: Node) More...
typedef Properties PropertiesType
typedef Geometry< NodeTypeGeometryType
 definition of the geometry type with given NodeType More...
typedef Geometry< NodeType >::PointsArrayType NodesArrayType
 definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType More...
typedef Vector VectorType
typedef Matrix MatrixType
typedef std::size_t IndexType
typedef std::size_t SizeType
typedef Dof< doubleDofType
typedef std::vector< std::size_t > EquationIdVectorType
typedef std::vector< DofType::PointerDofsVectorType
typedef PointerVectorSet< DofTypeDofsArrayType
typedef GeometryData::IntegrationMethod IntegrationMethod
 Type definition for integration methods. More...
typedef GeometryData GeometryDataType
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::GeometricalObject
typedef Node NodeType
 Definition of the node type. More...
typedef Geometry< NodeTypeGeometryType
 The geometry type definition. More...
typedef std::size_t IndexType
 Defines the index type. More...
typedef std::size_t result_type
 Defines the result type. More...
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::IndexedObject
typedef std::size_t IndexType
 The definition of the index type. More...
typedef std::size_t result_type
 The definition of the result_type. More...
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::Flags
enum  FlagsList {
  Flag0 = BlockType(1) , Flag1 = BlockType(1) << 1 , Flag2 = BlockType(1) << 2 , Flag3 = BlockType(1) << 3 ,
  Flag4 = BlockType(1) << 4 , Flag5 = BlockType(1) << 5 , Flag6 = BlockType(1) << 6 , Flag7 = BlockType(1) << 7 ,
  Flag8 = BlockType(1) << 8 , Flag9 = BlockType(1) << 9 , Flag10 = BlockType(1) << 10 , Flag11 = BlockType(1) << 11 ,
  Flag12 = BlockType(1) << 12 , Flag13 = BlockType(1) << 13 , Flag14 = BlockType(1) << 14 , Flag15 = BlockType(1) << 15 ,
  Flag16 = BlockType(1) << 16 , Flag17 = BlockType(1) << 17 , Flag18 = BlockType(1) << 18 , Flag19 = BlockType(1) << 19 ,
  Flag20 = BlockType(1) << 20 , Flag21 = BlockType(1) << 21 , Flag22 = BlockType(1) << 22 , Flag23 = BlockType(1) << 23 ,
  Flag24 = BlockType(1) << 24 , Flag25 = BlockType(1) << 25 , Flag26 = BlockType(1) << 26 , Flag27 = BlockType(1) << 27 ,
  Flag28 = BlockType(1) << 28 , Flag29 = BlockType(1) << 29 , Flag30 = BlockType(1) << 30
typedef int64_t BlockType
typedef int64_t FlagType
typedef std::size_t IndexType
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::BoundaryCondition
typedef Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > VariableVectorType
typedef Variable< doubleVariableScalarType
typedef GeometryData::SizeType SizeType
 Type for size. More...
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::BaseLoadCondition
typedef Condition BaseType
 We define the base class Condition. More...
typedef BaseType::IndexType IndexType
 Dfinition of the index type. More...
typedef BaseType::SizeType SizeType
 Definition of the size type. More...
typedef BaseType::NodeType NodeType
 Definition of the node type. More...
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType PropertiesType
 Definition of the properties type. More...
typedef BaseType::GeometryType GeometryType
 Definition of the geometry type with given NodeType. More...
typedef BaseType::NodesArrayType NodesArrayType
 Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::GeometricalObject
static bool HasSameType (const GeometricalObject &rLHS, const GeometricalObject &rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometricalObject have the same type. More...
static bool HasSameType (const GeometricalObject *rLHS, const GeometricalObject *rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometricalObject have the same type (pointer version) More...
static bool HasSameGeometryType (const GeometricalObject &rLHS, const GeometricalObject &rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometricalObject have the same geometry type. More...
static bool HasSameGeometryType (const GeometricalObject *rLHS, const GeometricalObject *rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometricalObject have the same geometry type (pointer version) More...
static bool IsSame (const GeometricalObject &rLHS, const GeometricalObject &rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometricalObject are the same. More...
static bool IsSame (const GeometricalObject *rLHS, const GeometricalObject *rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometricalObject are the same (pointer version) More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::Flags
static const Flags AllDefined ()
static const Flags AllTrue ()
static Flags Create (IndexType ThisPosition, bool Value=true)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Kratos::BoundaryCondition
IntegrationMethod mThisIntegrationMethod

Detailed Description

Load Condition for 2D axisymmetric geometries. (base class)

Implements a Load definition for structural analysis. This works for arbitrary geometries in 2D (base class)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition() [1/4]

Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition ( IndexType  NewId,
GeometryType::Pointer  pGeometry 

Default constructor.

◆ AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition() [2/4]

Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition ( IndexType  NewId,
GeometryType::Pointer  pGeometry,
PropertiesType::Pointer  pProperties 

◆ AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition() [3/4]

Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition ( AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition const &  rOther)

Copy constructor.

◆ ~AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition()

Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::~AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition ( )


◆ AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition() [4/4]

Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CalculateAndAddLHS()

void Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::CalculateAndAddLHS ( LocalSystemComponents rLocalSystem,
ConditionVariables rVariables,
double rIntegrationWeight 

Calculation and addition of the matrices of the LHS

Reimplemented from Kratos::BoundaryCondition.

◆ CalculateAndAddRHS()

void Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::CalculateAndAddRHS ( LocalSystemComponents rLocalSystem,
ConditionVariables rVariables,
double rIntegrationWeight 

Calculation and addition of the vectors of the RHS

Reimplemented from Kratos::BoundaryCondition.

◆ CalculateKinematics()

void Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::CalculateKinematics ( ConditionVariables rVariables,
const double rPointNumber 

Calculate Condition Kinematics

Reimplemented from Kratos::BoundaryCondition.

◆ CalculateRadius()

void Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::CalculateRadius ( double rCurrentRadius,
double rReferenceRadius,
const Vector rN 

Calculation of the contidion radius (axisymmetry)

◆ Check()

int Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::Check ( const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo) const

This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.


Reimplemented from Kratos::Condition.

◆ Clone()

Condition::Pointer Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::Clone ( IndexType  NewId,
NodesArrayType const &  ThisNodes 
) const

clones the selected condition variables, creating a new one

NewIdthe ID of the new condition
ThisNodesthe nodes of the new condition
pPropertiesthe properties assigned to the new condition
a Pointer to the new condition

Reimplemented from Kratos::Condition.

◆ Create()

Condition::Pointer Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::Create ( IndexType  NewId,
NodesArrayType const &  ThisNodes,
PropertiesType::Pointer  pProperties 
) const

creates a new condition pointer

NewIdthe ID of the new condition
ThisNodesthe nodes of the new condition
pPropertiesthe properties assigned to the new condition
a Pointer to the new condition

Reimplemented from Kratos::LoadCondition.


Kratos::AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION ( AxisymmetricLineLoadCondition  )

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Serializer

friend class Serializer

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