Processing math: 100%
KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
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Kratos::Geometry< TPointType > Class Template Reference

Geometry base class. More...

#include <geometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >:
Collaboration diagram for Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >:

Public Member Functions

Life Cycle
 Geometry ()
 Standard Constructor. Generates self assigned id. More...
 Geometry (IndexType GeomertyId)
 Standard Constructor with a geometry Id. More...
 Geometry (const std::string &GeometryName)
 Standard Constructor with a Name. More...
 Geometry (const PointsArrayType &ThisPoints, GeometryData const *pThisGeometryData=&GeometryDataInstance())
 Geometry (IndexType GeometryId, const PointsArrayType &ThisPoints, GeometryData const *pThisGeometryData=&GeometryDataInstance())
 Geometry (const std::string &GeometryName, const PointsArrayType &ThisPoints, GeometryData const *pThisGeometryData=&GeometryDataInstance())
 Geometry (const Geometry &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
template<class TOtherPointType >
 Geometry (Geometry< TOtherPointType > const &rOther)
 Copy constructor with TOtherPointType. More...
virtual ~Geometry ()
 Destructor. Do nothing!!! More...
virtual GeometryData::KratosGeometryFamily GetGeometryFamily () const
virtual GeometryData::KratosGeometryType GetGeometryType () const
Geometryoperator= (const Geometry &rOther)
template<class TOtherPointType >
Geometryoperator= (Geometry< TOtherPointType > const &rOther)
 operator PointsArrayType & ()
PointerVector Operators
TPointType & operator[] (const SizeType &i)
TPointType const & operator[] (const SizeType &i) const
PointPointerTypeoperator() (const SizeType &i)
ConstPointPointerTypeoperator() (const SizeType &i) const
PointerVector Operations
iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
ptr_iterator ptr_begin ()
ptr_const_iterator ptr_begin () const
ptr_iterator ptr_end ()
ptr_const_iterator ptr_end () const
PointReferenceType front ()
ConstPointReferenceType front () const
PointReferenceType back ()
ConstPointReferenceType back () const
SizeType size () const
SizeType PointsNumber () const
virtual SizeType PointsNumberInDirection (IndexType LocalDirectionIndex) const
 Returns number of points per direction. More...
SizeType max_size () const
void swap (GeometryType &rOther)
void push_back (PointPointerType x)
void clear ()
void reserve (int dim)
int capacity ()
PointPointerContainerTypeGetContainer ()
 ‍** Gives a reference to underly normal container. *‍/ More...
const PointPointerContainerTypeGetContainer () const
Data Container
DataValueContainerGetData ()
DataValueContainer const & GetData () const
void SetData (DataValueContainer const &rThisData)
template<class TDataType >
bool Has (const Variable< TDataType > &rThisVariable) const
template<class TVariableType >
void SetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable, typename TVariableType::Type const &rValue)
template<class TVariableType >
TVariableType::Type & GetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable)
template<class TVariableType >
TVariableType::Type const & GetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable) const
Dynamic access to internals
virtual void Assign (const Variable< bool > &rVariable, const bool Input)
 Assign with bool. More...
virtual void Assign (const Variable< int > &rVariable, const int Input)
 Assign with int. More...
virtual void Assign (const Variable< double > &rVariable, const double Input)
 Assign with double. More...
virtual void Assign (const Variable< array_1d< double, 2 >> &rVariable, const array_1d< double, 2 > &rInput)
 Assign with array_1d<double, 2> More...
virtual void Assign (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, const array_1d< double, 3 > &rInput)
 Assign with array_1d<double, 3> More...
virtual void Assign (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rVariable, const array_1d< double, 6 > &rInput)
 Assign with array_1d<double, 6> More...
virtual void Assign (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, const Vector &rInput)
 Assign with Vector. More...
virtual void Assign (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, const Matrix &rInput)
 Assign with Matrix. More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< bool > &rVariable, bool &rOutput) const
 Calculate with bool. More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< int > &rVariable, int &rOutput) const
 Calculate with int. More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< double > &rVariable, double &rOutput) const
 Calculate with double. More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 2 >> &rVariable, array_1d< double, 2 > &rOutput) const
 Calculate with array_1d<double, 2> More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rOutput) const
 Calculate with array_1d<double, 3> More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rVariable, array_1d< double, 6 > &rOutput) const
 Calculate with array_1d<double, 6> More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, Vector &rOutput) const
 Calculate with Vector. More...
virtual void Calculate (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, Matrix &rOutput) const
 Calculate with Matrix. More...
virtual Pointer Create (PointsArrayType const &rThisPoints) const
 Creates a new geometry pointer. More...
virtual Pointer Create (const IndexType NewGeometryId, PointsArrayType const &rThisPoints) const
 Creates a new geometry pointer. More...
Pointer Create (const std::string &rNewGeometryName, PointsArrayType const &rThisPoints) const
 Creates a new geometry pointer. More...
virtual Pointer Create (const GeometryType &rGeometry) const
 Creates a new geometry pointer. More...
virtual Pointer Create (const IndexType NewGeometryId, const GeometryType &rGeometry) const
 Creates a new geometry pointer. More...
Pointer Create (const std::string &rNewGeometryName, const GeometryType &rGeometry) const
 Creates a new geometry pointer. More...
void ClonePoints ()
virtual VectorLumpingFactors (Vector &rResult, const LumpingMethods LumpingMethod=LumpingMethods::ROW_SUM) const
 Lumping factors for the calculation of the lumped mass matrix. More...
Geometry Data and Geometry Shape Function Container
GeometryData const & GetGeometryData () const
 GeometryData contains all information about dimensions and has a set of precomputed values for integration points and shape functions, including derivatives. More...
virtual void SetGeometryShapeFunctionContainer (const GeometryShapeFunctionContainer< GeometryData::IntegrationMethod > &rGeometryShapeFunctionContainer)
virtual GeometryTypeGetGeometryParent (IndexType Index) const
 Some geometries require relations to other geometries. This is the case for e.g. quadrature points. To reach the parent geometry this function can be used. More...
virtual void SetGeometryParent (GeometryType *pGeometryParent)
 Some geometries require relations to other geometries. This is the case for e.g. quadrature points. To set or change the parent geometry this function can be used. More...
Geometry part functions
virtual GeometryTypeGetGeometryPart (const IndexType Index)
 Used for composite geometries. It returns the the geometry part, corresponding to the Index. More...
virtual const GeometryTypeGetGeometryPart (const IndexType Index) const
 Used for composite geometries. It returns the the geometry part, corresponding to the Index. More...
virtual GeometryType::Pointer pGetGeometryPart (const IndexType Index)
 Used for composite geometries. It returns the pointer of a geometry part, corresponding to the Index. More...
virtual const GeometryType::Pointer pGetGeometryPart (const IndexType Index) const
 Used for composite geometries. It returns the const pointer of a geometry part, corresponding to the Index. More...
virtual void SetGeometryPart (const IndexType Index, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Allows to exchange certain geometries. More...
virtual IndexType AddGeometryPart (GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Allows to enhance the coupling geometry, with another geometry. More...
virtual void RemoveGeometryPart (GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry)
 Removes a geometry part. More...
virtual void RemoveGeometryPart (const IndexType Index)
 Removes a geometry part. More...
virtual bool HasGeometryPart (const IndexType Index) const
 Use to check if certain Indexed object is within the geometry parts of this geometry. More...
virtual SizeType NumberOfGeometryParts () const
SizeType WorkingSpaceDimension () const
SizeType LocalSpaceDimension () const
Mathematical Informations
virtual SizeType PolynomialDegree (IndexType LocalDirectionIndex) const
 Return polynomial degree of the geometry in a certain direction. More...
Geometrical Informations
virtual double Length () const
virtual double Area () const
 This method calculate and return area or surface area of this geometry depending to it's dimension. More...
virtual double Volume () const
 This method calculate and return volume of this geometry. More...
virtual double DomainSize () const
 This method calculate and return length, area or volume of this geometry depending to it's dimension. More...
virtual double MinEdgeLength () const
virtual double MaxEdgeLength () const
virtual double AverageEdgeLength () const
virtual double Circumradius () const
virtual double Inradius () const
virtual bool HasIntersection (const GeometryType &ThisGeometry) const
virtual bool HasIntersection (const Point &rLowPoint, const Point &rHighPoint) const
virtual void BoundingBox (TPointType &rLowPoint, TPointType &rHighPoint) const
 Calculates the boundingbox of the geometry. More...
virtual Point Center () const
virtual array_1d< double, 3 > Normal (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointLocalCoordinates) const
 It returns a vector that is normal to its corresponding geometry in the given local point. More...
virtual array_1d< double, 3 > Normal (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex) const
 It returns the vector, which is normal to its corresponding geometry in the given integration point for the default integration method. More...
virtual array_1d< double, 3 > Normal (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
 It returns the vector, which is normal to its corresponding geometry in the given integration point. More...
virtual array_1d< double, 3 > UnitNormal (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointLocalCoordinates) const
 It computes the unit normal of the geometry in the given local point. More...
virtual array_1d< double, 3 > UnitNormal (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex) const
 It returns the normalized normal vector in the given integration point. More...
virtual array_1d< double, 3 > UnitNormal (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
 It returns the normalized normal vector in the given integration point. More...
double Quality (const QualityCriteria qualityCriteria) const
virtual void ComputeDihedralAngles (Vector &rDihedralAngles) const
virtual void ComputeSolidAngles (Vector &rSolidAngles) const
const PointsArrayTypePoints () const
PointsArrayTypePoints ()
const TPointType::Pointer pGetPoint (const int Index) const
TPointType::Pointer pGetPoint (const int Index)
TPointType const & GetPoint (const int Index) const
TPointType & GetPoint (const int Index)
virtual MatrixPointsLocalCoordinates (Matrix &rResult) const
virtual CoordinatesArrayTypePointLocalCoordinates (CoordinatesArrayType &rResult, const CoordinatesArrayType &rPoint) const
 Returns the local coordinates of a given arbitrary point. More...
virtual bool IsInside (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rResult, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Checks if given point in global space coordinates is inside the geometry boundaries. This function computes the local coordinates and checks then if this point lays within the boundaries. More...
virtual int IsInsideLocalSpace (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointLocalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Checks if given point in local space coordinates of this geometry is inside the geometry boundaries. More...
virtual void SpansLocalSpace (std::vector< double > &rSpans, IndexType LocalDirectionIndex=0) const
virtual GeometriesArrayType GenerateBoundariesEntities () const
 This method gives you all boundaries entities of this geometry. More...
virtual GeometriesArrayType GeneratePoints () const
 This method gives you all points of this geometry. More...
virtual SizeType EdgesNumber () const
 This method gives you number of all edges of this geometry. More...
 KRATOS_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE ("This is legacy version (use GenerateEdges instead)") virtual GeometriesArrayType Edges(void)
 This method gives you all edges of this geometry. More...
virtual GeometriesArrayType GenerateEdges () const
 This method gives you all edges of this geometry. More...
virtual SizeType FacesNumber () const
 Returns the number of faces of the current geometry. More...
 KRATOS_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE ("This is legacy version (use GenerateFaces instead)") virtual GeometriesArrayType Faces(void)
 Returns all faces of the current geometry. More...
virtual GeometriesArrayType GenerateFaces () const
 Returns all faces of the current geometry. More...
virtual void NumberNodesInFaces (DenseVector< unsigned int > &rNumberNodesInFaces) const
virtual void NodesInFaces (DenseMatrix< unsigned int > &rNodesInFaces) const
Integration Points
SizeType IntegrationPointsNumber () const
SizeType IntegrationPointsNumber (IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
const IntegrationPointsArrayTypeIntegrationPoints () const
const IntegrationPointsArrayTypeIntegrationPoints (IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual void CreateIntegrationPoints (IntegrationPointsArrayType &rIntegrationPoints, IntegrationInfo &rIntegrationInfo) const
Quadrature Point Geometries
virtual void CreateQuadraturePointGeometries (GeometriesArrayType &rResultGeometries, IndexType NumberOfShapeFunctionDerivatives, const IntegrationPointsArrayType &rIntegrationPoints, IntegrationInfo &rIntegrationInfo)
virtual void CreateQuadraturePointGeometries (GeometriesArrayType &rResultGeometries, IndexType NumberOfShapeFunctionDerivatives, IntegrationInfo &rIntegrationInfo)
Operation within Global Space
virtual CoordinatesArrayTypeGlobalCoordinates (CoordinatesArrayType &rResult, CoordinatesArrayType const &LocalCoordinates) const
void GlobalCoordinates (CoordinatesArrayType &rResult, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex) const
void GlobalCoordinates (CoordinatesArrayType &rResult, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, const IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
 This method provides the global coordinates to the corresponding integration point. More...
virtual CoordinatesArrayTypeGlobalCoordinates (CoordinatesArrayType &rResult, CoordinatesArrayType const &LocalCoordinates, Matrix &DeltaPosition) const
virtual void GlobalSpaceDerivatives (std::vector< CoordinatesArrayType > &rGlobalSpaceDerivatives, const CoordinatesArrayType &rLocalCoordinates, const SizeType DerivativeOrder) const
 This method maps from dimension space to working space and computes the number of derivatives at the dimension parameter. More...
virtual void GlobalSpaceDerivatives (std::vector< CoordinatesArrayType > &rGlobalSpaceDerivatives, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, const SizeType DerivativeOrder) const
 This method maps from dimension space to working space and computes the number of derivatives at the dimension parameter. More...
Spatial Operations
virtual int ProjectionPoint (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rProjectedPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rProjectedPointLocalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Projects a certain point on the geometry, or finds the closest point, depending on the provided initial guess. The external point does not necessary lay on the geometry. It shall deal as the interface to the mathematical projection function e.g. the Newton-Raphson. Thus, the breaking criteria does not necessarily mean that it found a point on the surface, if it is really the closest if or not. It shows only if the breaking criteria, defined by the tolerance is reached. More...
virtual int ProjectionPointLocalToLocalSpace (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointLocalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rProjectionPointLocalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Projects a point onto the geometry Projects a certain point on the geometry, or finds the closest point, depending on the provided initial guess. The external point does not necessary lay on the geometry. It shall deal as the interface to the mathematical projection function e.g. the Newton-Raphson. Thus, the breaking criteria does not necessarily mean that it found a point on the surface, if it is really the closest if or not. It shows only if the breaking criteria, defined by the tolerance is reached. This function requires an initial guess, provided by rProjectionPointLocalCoordinates. This function can be a very costly operation. More...
virtual int ProjectionPointGlobalToLocalSpace (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rProjectionPointLocalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Projects a point onto the geometry Projects a certain point on the geometry, or finds the closest point, depending on the provided initial guess. The external point does not necessary lay on the geometry. It shall deal as the interface to the mathematical projection function e.g. the Newton-Raphson. Thus, the breaking criteria does not necessarily mean that it found a point on the surface, if it is really the closest if or not. It shows only if the breaking criteria, defined by the tolerance is reached. This function requires an initial guess, provided by rProjectionPointLocalCoordinates. This function can be a very costly operation. More...
virtual int ClosestPoint (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rClosestPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rClosestPointLocalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Returns all coordinates of the closest point on the geometry given to an arbitrary point in global coordinates. The basic concept is to first do a projection towards this geometry and second checking if the projection was successfull or if no point on the geometry was found. More...
virtual int ClosestPoint (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rClosestPointGlobalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Returns global coordinates of the closest point on the geometry given to an arbitrary point in global coordinates. The basic concept is to first do a projection towards this geometry and second checking if the projection was successfull or if no point on the geometry was found. More...
virtual int ClosestPointLocalCoordinates (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rClosestPointLocalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Returns local coordinates of the closest point on the geometry given to an arbitrary point in global coordinates. The basic concept is to first do a projection towards this geometry and second checking if the projection was successfull or if no point on the geometry was found. More...
virtual int ClosestPointLocalToLocalSpace (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointLocalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rClosestPointLocalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Calculates the closes point projection This method calculates the closest point projection of a point in local space coordinates. More...
virtual int ClosestPointGlobalToLocalSpace (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointGlobalCoordinates, CoordinatesArrayType &rClosestPointLocalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Calculates the closes point projection This method calculates the closest point projection of a point in global space coordinates. More...
virtual double CalculateDistance (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPointGlobalCoordinates, const double Tolerance=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) const
 Computes the distance between an point in global coordinates and the closest point of this geometry. If projection fails, double::max will be returned. More...
JacobiansTypeJacobian (JacobiansType &rResult) const
virtual JacobiansTypeJacobian (JacobiansType &rResult, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual JacobiansTypeJacobian (JacobiansType &rResult, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod, Matrix &DeltaPosition) const
MatrixJacobian (Matrix &rResult, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex) const
virtual MatrixJacobian (Matrix &rResult, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual MatrixJacobian (Matrix &rResult, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod, const Matrix &rDeltaPosition) const
virtual MatrixJacobian (Matrix &rResult, const CoordinatesArrayType &rCoordinates) const
virtual MatrixJacobian (Matrix &rResult, const CoordinatesArrayType &rCoordinates, Matrix &rDeltaPosition) const
VectorDeterminantOfJacobian (Vector &rResult) const
virtual VectorDeterminantOfJacobian (Vector &rResult, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
double DeterminantOfJacobian (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex) const
virtual double DeterminantOfJacobian (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual double DeterminantOfJacobian (const CoordinatesArrayType &rPoint) const
JacobiansTypeInverseOfJacobian (JacobiansType &rResult) const
virtual JacobiansTypeInverseOfJacobian (JacobiansType &rResult, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
MatrixInverseOfJacobian (Matrix &rResult, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex) const
virtual MatrixInverseOfJacobian (Matrix &rResult, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual MatrixInverseOfJacobian (Matrix &rResult, const CoordinatesArrayType &rCoordinates) const
Shape Function
const MatrixShapeFunctionsValues () const
virtual VectorShapeFunctionsValues (Vector &rResult, const CoordinatesArrayType &rCoordinates) const
const MatrixShapeFunctionsValues (IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
double ShapeFunctionValue (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IndexType ShapeFunctionIndex) const
double ShapeFunctionValue (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IndexType ShapeFunctionIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual double ShapeFunctionValue (IndexType ShapeFunctionIndex, const CoordinatesArrayType &rCoordinates) const
const ShapeFunctionsGradientsTypeShapeFunctionsLocalGradients () const
const ShapeFunctionsGradientsTypeShapeFunctionsLocalGradients (IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
const MatrixShapeFunctionLocalGradient (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex) const
const MatrixShapeFunctionLocalGradient (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
const MatrixShapeFunctionLocalGradient (IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IndexType ShapeFunctionIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual MatrixShapeFunctionsLocalGradients (Matrix &rResult, const CoordinatesArrayType &rPoint) const
const MatrixShapeFunctionDerivatives (IndexType DerivativeOrderIndex, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
const MatrixShapeFunctionDerivatives (IndexType DerivativeOrderIndex, IndexType IntegrationPointIndex) const
virtual ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivativesTypeShapeFunctionsSecondDerivatives (ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivativesType &rResult, const CoordinatesArrayType &rPoint) const
virtual ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivativesTypeShapeFunctionsThirdDerivatives (ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivativesType &rResult, const CoordinatesArrayType &rPoint) const
void ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients (ShapeFunctionsGradientsType &rResult) const
virtual void ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients (ShapeFunctionsGradientsType &rResult, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual void ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients (ShapeFunctionsGradientsType &rResult, Vector &rDeterminantsOfJacobian, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
virtual void ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients (ShapeFunctionsGradientsType &rResult, Vector &rDeterminantsOfJacobian, IntegrationMethod ThisMethod, Matrix &ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsValues) const
virtual int Check () const
Input and output
virtual std::string Info () const
 Return geometry information as a string. More...
virtual std::string Name () const
 Returns name. More...
virtual void PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const
 Print information about this object. More...
virtual void PrintName (std::ostream &rOstream) const
 Print name. More...
virtual void PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const
 Print object's data. More...

Protected Member Functions

Geometry Data
void SetGeometryData (GeometryData const *pGeometryData)
 updates the pointer to GeometryData of the respective geometry. More...
Protected Operations
virtual double InradiusToCircumradiusQuality () const
 Quality functions. More...
virtual double AreaToEdgeLengthRatio () const
virtual double ShortestAltitudeToEdgeLengthRatio () const
virtual double InradiusToLongestEdgeQuality () const
virtual double ShortestToLongestEdgeQuality () const
virtual double RegularityQuality () const
virtual double VolumeToSurfaceAreaQuality () const
virtual double VolumeToEdgeLengthQuality () const
virtual double VolumeToAverageEdgeLength () const
virtual double VolumeToRMSEdgeLength () const
virtual double MinDihedralAngle () const
virtual double MaxDihedralAngle () const
virtual double MinSolidAngle () const
Protected Inquiry
bool AllPointsAreValid () const
 Checks if the geometry points are valid Checks if the geometry points are valid from the pointer value Points are not valid when the pointer value is null. More...


Private Friends
template<class TOtherPointType >
class Geometry

Type Definitions

enum class  QualityCriteria {
 This defines the different methods to compute the lumping methods. More...
typedef Geometry< TPointType > GeometryType
 This Geometry type. More...
typedef PointerVector< TPointType > PointsArrayType
typedef GeometryData::IntegrationMethod IntegrationMethod
typedef PointerVector< GeometryTypeGeometriesArrayType
typedef TPointType PointType
typedef std::size_t IndexType
typedef std::size_t SizeType
typedef PointType::CoordinatesArrayType CoordinatesArrayType
typedef IntegrationPoint< 3 > IntegrationPointType
typedef std::vector< IntegrationPointTypeIntegrationPointsArrayType
typedef std::array< IntegrationPointsArrayType, static_cast< int >GeometryData::IntegrationMethod::NumberOfIntegrationMethods)> IntegrationPointsContainerType
typedef std::array< Matrix, static_cast< int >GeometryData::IntegrationMethod::NumberOfIntegrationMethods)> ShapeFunctionsValuesContainerType
typedef GeometryData::ShapeFunctionsLocalGradientsContainerType ShapeFunctionsLocalGradientsContainerType
typedef DenseVector< MatrixJacobiansType
typedef GeometryData::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType ShapeFunctionsGradientsType
typedef GeometryData::ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivativesType ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivativesType
typedef GeometryData::ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivativesType ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivativesType
typedef DenseVector< doubleNormalType
typedef PointType::Pointer PointPointerType
 data type stores in this container. More...
typedef const PointPointerType ConstPointPointerType
typedef TPointType & PointReferenceType
typedef const TPointType & ConstPointReferenceType
typedef std::vector< PointPointerTypePointPointerContainerType
typedef PointsArrayType::iterator iterator
 PointsArrayType typedefs. More...
typedef PointsArrayType::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef PointsArrayType::ptr_iterator ptr_iterator
typedef PointsArrayType::ptr_const_iterator ptr_const_iterator
typedef PointsArrayType::difference_type difference_type
static constexpr IndexType BACKGROUND_GEOMETRY_INDEX = std::numeric_limits<IndexType>::max()
 Pointer definition of Geometry. More...


class Serializer


bool empty () const
bool HasIntegrationMethod (IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) const
IntegrationMethod GetDefaultIntegrationMethod () const
virtual IntegrationInfo GetDefaultIntegrationInfo () const
 Provides the default integration per geometry. More...
virtual bool IsSymmetric () const
static bool HasSameType (const GeometryType &rLHS, const GeometryType &rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometryType have the same type. More...
static bool HasSameType (const GeometryType *rLHS, const GeometryType *rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometryType have the same type (pointer version) More...
static bool HasSameGeometryType (const GeometryType &rLHS, const GeometryType &rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometryType have the same geometry type. More...
static bool HasSameGeometryType (const GeometryType *rLHS, const GeometryType *rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometryType have the same geometry type (pointer version) More...
static bool IsSame (const GeometryType &rLHS, const GeometryType &rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometryType are the same. More...
static bool IsSame (const GeometryType *rLHS, const GeometryType *rRHS)
 Checks if two GeometryType are the same (pointer version) More...


IndexType const & Id () const
 Id of this Geometry. More...
bool IsIdGeneratedFromString ()
 Returns if id was generated from a geometry name. More...
bool IsIdSelfAssigned ()
 Returns if id was generated by itself. More...
void SetId (const IndexType Id)
 Sets Id of this Geometry. More...
void SetId (const std::string &rName)
 Sets Id with the use of the name of this geometry. More...
static IndexType GenerateId (const std::string &rName)
 Gets the corresponding hash-Id to a string name. More...

Detailed Description

template<class TPointType>
class Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >

Geometry base class.

As a base class Geometry has all the common interface of Kratos' geometries. Also it contains array of pointers to its points, reference to shape functions values in all integrations points and also local gradients of shape functions evaluated in all integrations points.

Geometry is a template class with just one template parameter:

See also

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ const_iterator

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointsArrayType::const_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::const_iterator

◆ ConstPointPointerType

template<class TPointType >
typedef const PointPointerType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ConstPointPointerType

◆ ConstPointReferenceType

template<class TPointType >
typedef const TPointType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ConstPointReferenceType

◆ CoordinatesArrayType

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointType::CoordinatesArrayType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::CoordinatesArrayType

◆ difference_type

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointsArrayType::difference_type Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::difference_type

◆ GeometriesArrayType

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointerVector<GeometryType> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GeometriesArrayType

A Vector of counted pointers to Geometries. Used for returning edges of the geometry.

◆ GeometryType

template<class TPointType >
typedef Geometry<TPointType> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GeometryType

This Geometry type.

◆ IndexType

template<class TPointType >
typedef std::size_t Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IndexType

Type used for indexing in geometry class.std::size_t used for indexing point or integration point access methods and also all other methods which need point or integration point index.

◆ IntegrationMethod

template<class TPointType >
typedef GeometryData::IntegrationMethod Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IntegrationMethod

Integration methods implemented in geometry.

◆ IntegrationPointsArrayType

template<class TPointType >
typedef std::vector<IntegrationPointType> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IntegrationPointsArrayType

A Vector of IntegrationPointType which used to hold integration points related to an integration method. IntegrationPoints functions used this type to return their results.

◆ IntegrationPointsContainerType

A Vector of IntegrationPointsArrayType which used to hold integration points related to different integration method implemented in geometry.

◆ IntegrationPointType

template<class TPointType >
typedef IntegrationPoint<3> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IntegrationPointType

This type used for representing an integration point in geometry. This integration point is a point with an additional weight component.

◆ iterator

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointsArrayType::iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::iterator

PointsArrayType typedefs.

◆ JacobiansType

template<class TPointType >
typedef DenseVector<Matrix > Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::JacobiansType

A third order tensor to hold jacobian matrices evaluated at integration points. Jacobian and InverseOfJacobian functions return this type as their result.

◆ NormalType

template<class TPointType >
typedef DenseVector<double> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::NormalType

Type of the normal vector used for normal to edges in geomety.

◆ PointPointerContainerType

template<class TPointType >
typedef std::vector<PointPointerType> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointPointerContainerType

◆ PointPointerType

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointType::Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointPointerType

data type stores in this container.

◆ PointReferenceType

template<class TPointType >
typedef TPointType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointReferenceType

◆ PointsArrayType

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointerVector<TPointType> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointsArrayType

Array of counted pointers to point. This type used to hold geometry's points.

◆ PointType

template<class TPointType >
typedef TPointType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointType

Redefinition of geometry template parameter TPointType as this geometry point type.

◆ ptr_const_iterator

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointsArrayType::ptr_const_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ptr_const_iterator

◆ ptr_iterator

template<class TPointType >
typedef PointsArrayType::ptr_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ptr_iterator

◆ ShapeFunctionsGradientsType

A third order tensor to hold shape functions' gradients. ShapefunctionsGradients function return this type as its result.

◆ ShapeFunctionsLocalGradientsContainerType

A fourth order tensor used as shape functions' local gradients container in geometry.

◆ ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivativesType

A third order tensor to hold shape functions' local second derivatives. ShapefunctionsLocalGradients function return this type as its result.

◆ ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivativesType

A fourth order tensor to hold shape functions' local third order derivatives

◆ ShapeFunctionsValuesContainerType

template<class TPointType >
typedef std::array<Matrix, static_cast<int>GeometryData::IntegrationMethod::NumberOfIntegrationMethods)> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsValuesContainerType

A third order tensor used as shape functions' values continer.

◆ SizeType

template<class TPointType >
typedef std::size_t Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SizeType

This typed used to return size or dimension in geometry. Dimension, WorkingDimension, PointsNumber and ... return this type as their results.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ LumpingMethods

template<class TPointType >
enum Kratos::Geometry::LumpingMethods

This defines the different methods to compute the lumping methods.

The three methods available are:

  • The row sum method
  • Diagonal scaling
  • Evaluation of M using a quadrature involving only the nodal points and thus automatically yielding a diagonal matrix for standard element shape function

◆ QualityCriteria

template<class TPointType >
enum Kratos::Geometry::QualityCriteria

Different criteria to evaluate the quality of a geometry. Different criteria to evaluate the quality of a geometry.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Geometry() [1/8]

template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Geometry ( )

Standard Constructor. Generates self assigned id.

◆ Geometry() [2/8]

template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Geometry ( IndexType  GeomertyId)

Standard Constructor with a geometry Id.

◆ Geometry() [3/8]

template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Geometry ( const std::string &  GeometryName)

Standard Constructor with a Name.

◆ Geometry() [4/8]

template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Geometry ( const PointsArrayType ThisPoints,
GeometryData const *  pThisGeometryData = &GeometryDataInstance() 

Complete argument constructor. This constructor gives a complete set of arguments to pass all the initial value of all the member variables of geometry class. Also it has default value for integration variables to make it usefull in the case of constructing new geometry without mapping and integrating properties.

ThisPointsVector of pointers to points which this geometry constructing on them. Points must have dimension equal or greater than working space dimension though there is no control on it.
ThisDefaultMethodDefault integration method. Its default value is gaussian integration with orden one which make no deference while in this condition there is no shape function database exist and integrating is not possible including by default method.
ThisIntegrationPointsAll the integration points in all methods. This is a Vector of IntegrationPointsArrayType and It must have at least four component correspounding to four integration method defined now. If there is some geometry which don't have all this method implemented related points Vector must exist but with zero size. For example if a geometry don't have gaussian orden one ThisIntegrationPoints[GI_GAUSS_1] must be an empty IntegrationPointsArrayType.
ThisShapeFunctionsValuesValues of all the shape functions evaluated in all integrations points of all integration methods. It's a three dimensional array F_{ijk} where i = GI_GAUSS_1,..., GI_GAUSS_4 and j is the integration point index and k is the shape function index. In the other word component f_{ijk} is the value of the shape function related to node k evaluated in integration point j of i integration method point set. Again if there is some integration method unsupported an empty Matrix must assigned to related place. For example if a geometry don't have gaussian orden four ThisShapeFunctionsValues[GI_GAUSS_4] must be an empty Matrix.
ThisShapeFunctionsLocalGradientsValues of local gradients respected to all local coordinates of all the shape functions evaluated in all integrations points of all integration methods. It's a four dimensional array F_{ijkh} where i = GI_GAUSS_1,..., GI_GAUSS_4 and j is the integration point index and k is the shape function index and h is local coordinate index. In the other word component f_{ijkh} is the value of h'th component of local gradient of the shape function related to node k evaluated in integration point j of i integration method point set. Again if there is some integration method unsupported an empty ShapeFunctionsGradientsType must assigned to related place. For example if a geometry don't have gaussian orden two ThisShapeFunctionsValues[GI_GAUSS_2] must be an empty ShapeFunctionsGradientsType.

◆ Geometry() [5/8]

template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Geometry ( IndexType  GeometryId,
const PointsArrayType ThisPoints,
GeometryData const *  pThisGeometryData = &GeometryDataInstance() 

◆ Geometry() [6/8]

template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Geometry ( const std::string &  GeometryName,
const PointsArrayType ThisPoints,
GeometryData const *  pThisGeometryData = &GeometryDataInstance() 

◆ Geometry() [7/8]

template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Geometry ( const Geometry< TPointType > &  rOther)

Copy constructor.

Does not copy the points but shares same points with the original geometry. Any change to the points of the copied geometry affect point of original geometry, too.
Copied geometry shares the same Id as the original geometry.

◆ Geometry() [8/8]

template<class TPointType >
template<class TOtherPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Geometry ( Geometry< TOtherPointType > const &  rOther)

Copy constructor with TOtherPointType.

   Copies geometry with a different type of points.
   TOtherPointType* must be implicity convertible
   to TPointType of the original geometry.
Does not copy the points but shares same points with the original geometry. Any change to the points of the copied geometry affect point of original geometry, too.
Copied geometry shares the same Id as the original geometry.

◆ ~Geometry()

template<class TPointType >
virtual Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::~Geometry ( )

Destructor. Do nothing!!!

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddGeometryPart()

template<class TPointType >
virtual IndexType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::AddGeometryPart ( GeometryType::Pointer  pGeometry)

Allows to enhance the coupling geometry, with another geometry.

pGeometryThe new geometry to add

Reimplemented in Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >.

◆ AllPointsAreValid()

template<class TPointType >
bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::AllPointsAreValid ( ) const

Checks if the geometry points are valid Checks if the geometry points are valid from the pointer value Points are not valid when the pointer value is null.

true All points are valid
false At least one point has nullptr value

◆ Area()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Area ( ) const

This method calculate and return area or surface area of this geometry depending to it's dimension.

For one dimensional geometry it returns length, for two dimensional it gives area and for three dimensional geometries it gives surface area.

double value contains area or surface area.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ AreaToEdgeLengthRatio()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::AreaToEdgeLengthRatio ( ) const

Calculates the minimum to maximum edge length quality metric. Calculates the minimum to maximum edge length quality metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (0,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value

@formulae \frac{h_{min}}{h_{max}}

The Inradius to Circumradius Quality metric.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, and Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >.

◆ Assign() [1/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Assign ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 2 >> &  rVariable,
const array_1d< double, 2 > &  rInput 

Assign with array_1d<double, 2>

◆ Assign() [2/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Assign ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &  rVariable,
const array_1d< double, 3 > &  rInput 

◆ Assign() [3/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Assign ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> &  rVariable,
const array_1d< double, 6 > &  rInput 

Assign with array_1d<double, 6>

◆ Assign() [4/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Assign ( const Variable< bool > &  rVariable,
const bool  Input 

Assign with bool.

◆ Assign() [5/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Assign ( const Variable< double > &  rVariable,
const double  Input 

Assign with double.

◆ Assign() [6/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Assign ( const Variable< int > &  rVariable,
const int  Input 

Assign with int.

◆ Assign() [7/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Assign ( const Variable< Matrix > &  rVariable,
const Matrix rInput 

Assign with Matrix.

Reimplemented in Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >.

◆ Assign() [8/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Assign ( const Variable< Vector > &  rVariable,
const Vector rInput 

Assign with Vector.

◆ AverageEdgeLength()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::AverageEdgeLength ( ) const

◆ back() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
PointReferenceType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::back ( )

◆ back() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
ConstPointReferenceType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::back ( ) const

◆ begin() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::begin ( )

◆ begin() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
const_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::begin ( ) const

◆ BoundingBox()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::BoundingBox ( TPointType &  rLowPoint,
TPointType &  rHighPoint 
) const

Calculates the boundingbox of the geometry.

Corresponds with the highest and lowest point in space

rLowPointLower point of the boundingbox.
rHighPointHigher point of the boundingbox.

◆ Calculate() [1/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Calculate ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 2 >> &  rVariable,
array_1d< double, 2 > &  rOutput 
) const

Calculate with array_1d<double, 2>

◆ Calculate() [2/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Calculate ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &  rVariable,
array_1d< double, 3 > &  rOutput 
) const

◆ Calculate() [3/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Calculate ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> &  rVariable,
array_1d< double, 6 > &  rOutput 
) const

Calculate with array_1d<double, 6>

◆ Calculate() [4/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Calculate ( const Variable< bool > &  rVariable,
bool rOutput 
) const

Calculate with bool.

◆ Calculate() [5/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Calculate ( const Variable< double > &  rVariable,
double rOutput 
) const

Calculate with double.

◆ Calculate() [6/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Calculate ( const Variable< int > &  rVariable,
int rOutput 
) const

Calculate with int.

◆ Calculate() [7/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Calculate ( const Variable< Matrix > &  rVariable,
Matrix rOutput 
) const

Calculate with Matrix.

Reimplemented in Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >.

◆ Calculate() [8/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Calculate ( const Variable< Vector > &  rVariable,
Vector rOutput 
) const

◆ CalculateDistance()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::CalculateDistance ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointGlobalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Computes the distance between an point in global coordinates and the closest point of this geometry. If projection fails, double::max will be returned.

rPointGlobalCoordinatesthe point to which the closest point has to be found.
Toleranceaccepted orthogonal error.
Distance to geometry. positive -> outside of to the geometry (for 2D and solids) 0 -> on/ in the geometry.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >.

◆ capacity()

template<class TPointType >
int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::capacity ( )

◆ Center()

template<class TPointType >
virtual Point Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Center ( ) const

Calculates center of this geometry by a simple averaging algorithm. Each center point component calculated using:

c_i = \sum_j^n(x_i^j) / n

where c_i is component i of center point and X_i^j is component i of j'th point of geometry and n is number of the points in this geometry.

PointType which is the calculated center of this geometry.

Reimplemented in Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::PointOnGeometry< TContainerPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimensionOfBackground >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >.

◆ Check()

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Check ( ) const

◆ Circumradius()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Circumradius ( ) const

Calculates the circumradius of the geometry. Calculates the circumradius of the geometry.

Circumradius of the geometry.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ clear()

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::clear ( )

◆ ClonePoints()

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ClonePoints ( )

This methods will create a duplicate of all its points and substitute them with its points.

◆ ClosestPoint() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ClosestPoint ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rClosestPointGlobalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Returns global coordinates of the closest point on the geometry given to an arbitrary point in global coordinates. The basic concept is to first do a projection towards this geometry and second checking if the projection was successfull or if no point on the geometry was found.

rPointGlobalCoordinatesthe point to which the closest point has to be found.
rClosestPointGlobalCoordinatesthe location of the closest point in global coordinates.

WARNING: This function does not provide the possibility to use an initial guess!!

Toleranceaccepted orthogonal error.
-1 -> failed 0 -> outside 1 -> inside 2 -> on the boundary

◆ ClosestPoint() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ClosestPoint ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rClosestPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rClosestPointLocalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Returns all coordinates of the closest point on the geometry given to an arbitrary point in global coordinates. The basic concept is to first do a projection towards this geometry and second checking if the projection was successfull or if no point on the geometry was found.

rPointGlobalCoordinatesthe point to which the closest point has to be found.
rClosestPointGlobalCoordinatesthe location of the closest point in global coordinates.
rClosestPointLocalCoordinatesthe location of the closest point in local coordinates. IMPORTANT: The variable can also be used as initial guess.
Toleranceaccepted orthogonal error.
-1 -> failed 0 -> outside 1 -> inside 2 -> on the boundary

◆ ClosestPointGlobalToLocalSpace()

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ClosestPointGlobalToLocalSpace ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rClosestPointLocalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Calculates the closes point projection This method calculates the closest point projection of a point in global space coordinates.

rPointLocalCoordinatesInput global coordinates
rClosestPointLocalCoordinatesClosest point local coordinates. This should be initialized with the initial guess
ToleranceAccepted orthogonal error
int -1 -> failed 0 -> outside 1 -> inside 2 -> on the boundary

◆ ClosestPointLocalCoordinates()

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ClosestPointLocalCoordinates ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rClosestPointLocalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Returns local coordinates of the closest point on the geometry given to an arbitrary point in global coordinates. The basic concept is to first do a projection towards this geometry and second checking if the projection was successfull or if no point on the geometry was found.

rPointGlobalCoordinatesthe point to which the closest point has to be found.
rClosestPointLocalCoordinatesthe location of the closest point in local coordinates.

IMPORTANT: The rClosestPointLocalCoordinates can also be used as initial guess.

Toleranceaccepted orthogonal error.
-1 -> failed 0 -> outside 1 -> inside 2 -> on the boundary

◆ ClosestPointLocalToLocalSpace()

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ClosestPointLocalToLocalSpace ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointLocalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rClosestPointLocalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Calculates the closes point projection This method calculates the closest point projection of a point in local space coordinates.

rPointLocalCoordinatesInput local coordinates
rClosestPointLocalCoordinatesClosest point local coordinates. This should be initialized with the initial guess
ToleranceAccepted orthogonal error
int -1 -> failed 0 -> outside 1 -> inside 2 -> on the boundary

Reimplemented in Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, and Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >.

◆ ComputeDihedralAngles()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ComputeDihedralAngles ( Vector rDihedralAngles) const

Calculates the dihedral angles of the geometry. Calculates the dihedral angles of the geometry.

a vector of dihedral angles of the geometry..

Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >.

◆ ComputeSolidAngles()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ComputeSolidAngles ( Vector rSolidAngles) const

Calculates the solid angles of the geometry. Calculates the solid angles of the geometry.

a vector of dihedral angles of the geometry..

Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >.

◆ Create() [1/6]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Create ( const GeometryType rGeometry) const

◆ Create() [2/6]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Create ( const IndexType  NewGeometryId,
const GeometryType rGeometry 
) const

◆ Create() [3/6]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Create ( const IndexType  NewGeometryId,
PointsArrayType const &  rThisPoints 
) const

Creates a new geometry pointer.

NewGeometryIdthe ID of the new geometry
rThisPointsthe nodes of the new geometry
Pointer to the new geometry

Reimplemented in Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >.

◆ Create() [4/6]

template<class TPointType >
Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Create ( const std::string &  rNewGeometryName,
const GeometryType rGeometry 
) const

Creates a new geometry pointer.

rNewGeometryNamethe name of the new geometry
rGeometryReference to an existing geometry
Pointer to the new geometry

◆ Create() [5/6]

template<class TPointType >
Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Create ( const std::string &  rNewGeometryName,
PointsArrayType const &  rThisPoints 
) const

Creates a new geometry pointer.

rNewGeometryNamethe name of the new geometry
rThisPointsthe nodes of the new geometry
Pointer to the new geometry

◆ Create() [6/6]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Create ( PointsArrayType const &  rThisPoints) const

Creates a new geometry pointer.

rThisPointsthe nodes of the new geometry
Pointer to the new geometry

Reimplemented in Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, and Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >.

◆ CreateIntegrationPoints()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::CreateIntegrationPoints ( IntegrationPointsArrayType rIntegrationPoints,
IntegrationInfo rIntegrationInfo 
) const

◆ CreateQuadraturePointGeometries() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::CreateQuadraturePointGeometries ( GeometriesArrayType rResultGeometries,
IndexType  NumberOfShapeFunctionDerivatives,
const IntegrationPointsArrayType rIntegrationPoints,
IntegrationInfo rIntegrationInfo 

◆ CreateQuadraturePointGeometries() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::CreateQuadraturePointGeometries ( GeometriesArrayType rResultGeometries,
IndexType  NumberOfShapeFunctionDerivatives,
IntegrationInfo rIntegrationInfo 

◆ DeterminantOfJacobian() [1/5]

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::DeterminantOfJacobian ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPoint) const

Determinant of jacobian in given point. This method calculate determinant of jacobian matrix in given point.

rPointpoint which determinant of jacobians has to be calculated in it.
Determinamt of jacobian matrix |J| in given point.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, and Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >.

◆ DeterminantOfJacobian() [2/5]

template<class TPointType >
double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::DeterminantOfJacobian ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex) const

Determinant of jacobian in specific integration point of default integration method. This method just call DeterminantOfJacobian(IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which determinant jacobians has to be calculated in it.
Determinamt of jacobian matrix |J|_i where i is the given integration point index of default integration method.
See also

◆ DeterminantOfJacobian() [3/5]

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::DeterminantOfJacobian ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

Determinant of jacobian in specific integration point of given integration method. This method calculate determinant of jacobian in given integration point of given integration method.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which jacobians has to be calculated in it.
IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which determinant of jacobians has to be calculated in it.
Determinamt of jacobian matrix |J|_i where i is the given integration point index of given integration method.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, and Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >.

◆ DeterminantOfJacobian() [4/5]

template<class TPointType >
Vector& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::DeterminantOfJacobian ( Vector rResult) const

Determinant of jacobians for default integration method. This method just call DeterminantOfJacobian(enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.

Vector of double which is vector of determinants of jacobians |J|_i where i=1,2,...,n is the integration point index of default integration method.
See also

◆ DeterminantOfJacobian() [5/5]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Vector& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::DeterminantOfJacobian ( Vector rResult,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

◆ DomainSize()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::DomainSize ( ) const

This method calculate and return length, area or volume of this geometry depending to it's dimension.

For one dimensional geometry it returns its length, for two dimensional it gives area and for three dimensional geometries it gives its volume.

double value contains length, area or volume.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ EdgesNumber()

template<class TPointType >
virtual SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::EdgesNumber ( ) const

This method gives you number of all edges of this geometry.

For example, for a hexahedron, this would be 12

SizeType containes number of this geometry edges.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ empty()

template<class TPointType >
bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::empty ( ) const

◆ end() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::end ( )

◆ end() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
const_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::end ( ) const

◆ FacesNumber()

template<class TPointType >
virtual SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::FacesNumber ( ) const

Returns the number of faces of the current geometry.

This is only implemented for 3D geometries, since 2D geometries only have edges but no faces

See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ front() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
PointReferenceType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::front ( )

◆ front() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
ConstPointReferenceType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::front ( ) const

◆ GenerateBoundariesEntities()

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometriesArrayType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GenerateBoundariesEntities ( ) const

This method gives you all boundaries entities of this geometry.

This method will gives you all the boundaries entities

GeometriesArrayType containes this geometry boundaries entities.
See also

◆ GenerateEdges()

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometriesArrayType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GenerateEdges ( ) const

This method gives you all edges of this geometry.

This method will gives you all the edges with one dimension less than this geometry. For example a triangle would return three lines as its edges or a tetrahedral would return four triangle as its edges but won't return its six edge lines by this method.

GeometriesArrayType containes this geometry edges.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >.

◆ GenerateFaces()

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometriesArrayType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GenerateFaces ( ) const

◆ GenerateId()

template<class TPointType >
static IndexType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GenerateId ( const std::string &  rName)

Gets the corresponding hash-Id to a string name.

◆ GeneratePoints()

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometriesArrayType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GeneratePoints ( ) const

This method gives you all points of this geometry.

This method will gives you all the points

GeometriesArrayType containes this geometry points.
See also

◆ GetContainer() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
PointPointerContainerType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetContainer ( )

‍** Gives a reference to underly normal container. *‍/

◆ GetContainer() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
const PointPointerContainerType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetContainer ( ) const

Gives a constant reference to underly normal container.

◆ GetData() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
DataValueContainer& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetData ( )

Access Data:

◆ GetData() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
DataValueContainer const& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetData ( ) const

◆ GetDefaultIntegrationInfo()

template<class TPointType >
virtual IntegrationInfo Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetDefaultIntegrationInfo ( ) const

◆ GetDefaultIntegrationMethod()

template<class TPointType >
IntegrationMethod Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetDefaultIntegrationMethod ( ) const
default integration method

◆ GetGeometryData()

template<class TPointType >
GeometryData const& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetGeometryData ( ) const

GeometryData contains all information about dimensions and has a set of precomputed values for integration points and shape functions, including derivatives.

the geometry data of a certain geometry class.

◆ GetGeometryFamily()

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometryData::KratosGeometryFamily Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetGeometryFamily ( ) const

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PointOnGeometry< TContainerPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimensionOfBackground >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >.

◆ GetGeometryParent()

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometryType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetGeometryParent ( IndexType  Index) const

◆ GetGeometryPart() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometryType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetGeometryPart ( const IndexType  Index)

Used for composite geometries. It returns the the geometry part, corresponding to the Index.

Indexof the geometry part. This index can be used differently within the derived classes.
reference to corresponding geometry.

◆ GetGeometryPart() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual const GeometryType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetGeometryPart ( const IndexType  Index) const

Used for composite geometries. It returns the the geometry part, corresponding to the Index.

Indexof the geometry part. This index can be used differently within the derived classes.
const reference to corresponding geometry.

◆ GetGeometryType()

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometryData::KratosGeometryType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetGeometryType ( ) const

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >.

◆ GetPoint() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
TPointType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetPoint ( const int  Index)

An access method to the i'th points stored in this geometry.

A counted pointer to i'th point of geometry.

◆ GetPoint() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
TPointType const& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetPoint ( const int  Index) const

A constant access method to the i'th points stored in this geometry.

A constant counted pointer to i'th point of geometry.

◆ GetValue() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
template<class TVariableType >
TVariableType::Type& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetValue ( const TVariableType &  rThisVariable)

Get Data with GetValue and the Variable to get:

◆ GetValue() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
template<class TVariableType >
TVariableType::Type const& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GetValue ( const TVariableType &  rThisVariable) const

◆ GlobalCoordinates() [1/4]

template<class TPointType >
virtual CoordinatesArrayType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GlobalCoordinates ( CoordinatesArrayType rResult,
CoordinatesArrayType const &  LocalCoordinates 
) const

This method provides the global coordinates corresponding to the local coordinates provided

rResultThe array containing the global coordinates corresponding to the local coordinates provided
LocalCoordinatesThe local coordinates provided
An array containing the global coordinates corresponding to the local coordinates provides
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::PointOnGeometry< TContainerPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimensionOfBackground >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >.

◆ GlobalCoordinates() [2/4]

template<class TPointType >
virtual CoordinatesArrayType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GlobalCoordinates ( CoordinatesArrayType rResult,
CoordinatesArrayType const &  LocalCoordinates,
Matrix DeltaPosition 
) const

This method provides the global coordinates corresponding to the local coordinates provided, considering additionally a certain increment in the coordinates

rResultThe array containing the global coordinates corresponding to the local coordinates provided
LocalCoordinatesThe local coordinates provided
DeltaPositionThe increment of position considered
An array containing the global coordinates corresponding to the local coordinates provides
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, and Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >.

◆ GlobalCoordinates() [3/4]

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GlobalCoordinates ( CoordinatesArrayType rResult,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex 
) const

This method provides the global coordinates to the corresponding integration point

rResultThe global coordinates
IntegrationPointIndexThe index of the integration point
the global coordinates

◆ GlobalCoordinates() [4/4]

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GlobalCoordinates ( CoordinatesArrayType rResult,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
const IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

This method provides the global coordinates to the corresponding integration point.

rResultThe global coordinates
IntegrationPointIndexThe index of the integration point
ThisMethodThe integration method
The global coordinates

◆ GlobalSpaceDerivatives() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GlobalSpaceDerivatives ( std::vector< CoordinatesArrayType > &  rGlobalSpaceDerivatives,
const CoordinatesArrayType rLocalCoordinates,
const SizeType  DerivativeOrder 
) const

This method maps from dimension space to working space and computes the number of derivatives at the dimension parameter.

rGlobalSpaceDerivativesThe derivative in global space.
rLocalCoordinatesthe local coordinates
rDerivativeOrderof computed derivatives
std::vector<array_1d<double, 3>> with the coordinates in working space The list is structured as following: [0] - global coordinates [1 - loc_space_dim] - base vectors (du, dv, dw) [...] - second order vectors: 1D: du^2 2D: du^2, dudv, dv^2 3D: du^2, dudv, dudw, dv^2, dvdw, dw^2 [...] - third order vectors: 1D: du^3 2D: du^3, du^2dv, dudv^2, dv^3

Reimplemented in Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, and Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >.

◆ GlobalSpaceDerivatives() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::GlobalSpaceDerivatives ( std::vector< CoordinatesArrayType > &  rGlobalSpaceDerivatives,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
const SizeType  DerivativeOrder 
) const

This method maps from dimension space to working space and computes the number of derivatives at the dimension parameter.

IntegrationPointIndexthe coordinates of a certain integration point.
rDerivativeOrderof computed derivatives
std::vector<array_1d<double, 3>> with the coordinates in working space The list is structured as following: [0] - global coordinates [1 - loc_space_dim] - base vectors [...] - higher order vectors (2D: du^2, dudv, dv^2)

◆ Has()

template<class TPointType >
template<class TDataType >
bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Has ( const Variable< TDataType > &  rThisVariable) const

Check if the Data exists with Has(..) methods:

◆ HasGeometryPart()

template<class TPointType >
virtual bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::HasGeometryPart ( const IndexType  Index) const

◆ HasIntegrationMethod()

template<class TPointType >
bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::HasIntegrationMethod ( IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod) const

This method confirm you if this geometry has a specific integration method or not. This method will be usefull to control the geometry before intagrating using a specific method. In Geometry class this method controls if the integration points vector respecting to this method is empty or not.

bool true if this integration method exist and false if this method is not imeplemented for this geometry.

◆ HasIntersection() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::HasIntersection ( const GeometryType ThisGeometry) const

Test the intersection with another geometry

Test if this geometry intersects with other geometry

ThisGeometryGeometry to intersect with
True if the geometries intersect, False in any other case.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, and Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >.

◆ HasIntersection() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::HasIntersection ( const Point rLowPoint,
const Point rHighPoint 
) const

◆ HasSameGeometryType() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
static bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::HasSameGeometryType ( const GeometryType rLHS,
const GeometryType rRHS 

Checks if two GeometryType have the same geometry type.

True if the geometries are the same type, false otherwise

◆ HasSameGeometryType() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
static bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::HasSameGeometryType ( const GeometryType rLHS,
const GeometryType rRHS 

Checks if two GeometryType have the same geometry type (pointer version)

True if the geometries are the same type, false otherwise

◆ HasSameType() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
static bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::HasSameType ( const GeometryType rLHS,
const GeometryType rRHS 

Checks if two GeometryType have the same type.

True if the objects are the same type, false otherwise

◆ HasSameType() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
static bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::HasSameType ( const GeometryType rLHS,
const GeometryType rRHS 

Checks if two GeometryType have the same type (pointer version)

True if the objects are the same type, false otherwise

◆ Id()

template<class TPointType >
IndexType const& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Id ( ) const

Id of this Geometry.

◆ Info()

template<class TPointType >
virtual std::string Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Info ( ) const

Return geometry information as a string.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PointOnGeometry< TContainerPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimensionOfBackground >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ Inradius()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Inradius ( ) const

Calculates the inradius of the geometry. Calculates the inradius of the geometry.

Inradius of the geometry.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ InradiusToCircumradiusQuality()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::InradiusToCircumradiusQuality ( ) const

Quality functions.

Calculates the inradius to circumradius quality metric. Calculates the inradius to circumradius quality metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (0,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value


The inradius to circumradius quality metric.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ InradiusToLongestEdgeQuality()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::InradiusToLongestEdgeQuality ( ) const

Calculates the inradius to longest edge quality metric. Calculates the inradius to longest edge quality metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (0,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value


The inradius to longest edge quality metric.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ IntegrationPoints() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
const IntegrationPointsArrayType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IntegrationPoints ( ) const

Integtation points for default integration method. This method just call IntegrationPoints(enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.

const IntegrationPointsArrayType which is Vector of integration points for default integrating method.

◆ IntegrationPoints() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
const IntegrationPointsArrayType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IntegrationPoints ( IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod) const

Integtation points for given integration method. This method use integration points data base to obtain integration points Vector respected to given method.

const IntegrationPointsArrayType which is Vector of integration points for default integrating method.

◆ IntegrationPointsNumber() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IntegrationPointsNumber ( ) const

Number of integtation points for default integration method. This method just call IntegrationPointsNumber(enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.

SizeType which is the number of integration points for default integrating method.

◆ IntegrationPointsNumber() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IntegrationPointsNumber ( IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod) const

Number of integtation points for given integration method. This method use integration points data base to obtain size of the integration points Vector respected to given method.

SizeType which is the number of integration points for given integrating method.

◆ InverseOfJacobian() [1/5]

template<class TPointType >
JacobiansType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::InverseOfJacobian ( JacobiansType rResult) const

Inverse of jacobians for default integration method. This method just call InverseOfJacobian(enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.

Inverse of jacobian matrices J_i^{-1} where i=1,2,...,n is the integration point index of default integration method.
See also

◆ InverseOfJacobian() [2/5]

template<class TPointType >
virtual JacobiansType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::InverseOfJacobian ( JacobiansType rResult,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

Inverse of jacobians for given integration method. This method calculate inverse of jacobians matrices in all integrations points of given integration method.

ThisMethodintegration method which inverse of jacobians has to be calculated in its integration points.
Inverse of jacobian matrices J^{-1}_i where i=1,2,...,n is the integration point index of given integration method.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ InverseOfJacobian() [3/5]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::InverseOfJacobian ( Matrix rResult,
const CoordinatesArrayType rCoordinates 
) const

Inverse of jacobian in given point. This method calculate inverse of jacobian matrix in given point.

rPointpoint which inverse of jacobians has to be calculated in it.
Inverse of jacobian matrix J^{-1} in given point.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, and Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >.

◆ InverseOfJacobian() [4/5]

template<class TPointType >
Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::InverseOfJacobian ( Matrix rResult,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex 
) const

Inverse of jacobian in specific integration point of default integration method. This method just call InverseOfJacobian(IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which inverse of jacobians has to be calculated in it.
Inverse of jacobian matrix J^{-1}_i where i is the given integration point index of default integration method.
See also

◆ InverseOfJacobian() [5/5]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::InverseOfJacobian ( Matrix rResult,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

Inverse of jacobian in specific integration point of given integration method. This method calculate Inverse of jacobian matrix in given integration point of given integration method.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which inverse of jacobians has to be calculated in it.
ThisMethodintegration method which inverse of jacobians has to be calculated in its integration points.
Inverse of jacobian matrix J^{-1}_i where i is the given integration point index of given integration method.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ IsIdGeneratedFromString()

template<class TPointType >
bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IsIdGeneratedFromString ( )

Returns if id was generated from a geometry name.

◆ IsIdSelfAssigned()

template<class TPointType >
bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IsIdSelfAssigned ( )

Returns if id was generated by itself.

◆ IsInside()

template<class TPointType >
virtual bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IsInside ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rResult,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Checks if given point in global space coordinates is inside the geometry boundaries. This function computes the local coordinates and checks then if this point lays within the boundaries.

rPointGlobalCoordinatesthe global coordinates of the external point.
rResultthe local coordinates of the point.
Tolerancethe tolerance to the boundary.
true if the point is inside, false otherwise

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ IsInsideLocalSpace()

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IsInsideLocalSpace ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointLocalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Checks if given point in local space coordinates of this geometry is inside the geometry boundaries.

rPointLocalCoordinatesthe point on the geometry, which shall be checked if it lays within the boundaries.
Tolerancethe tolerance to the boundary.
-1 -> failed 0 -> outside 1 -> inside 2 -> on the boundary

Reimplemented in Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, and Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >.

◆ IsSame() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
static bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IsSame ( const GeometryType rLHS,
const GeometryType rRHS 

Checks if two GeometryType are the same.

True if the object is the same, false otherwise

◆ IsSame() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
static bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IsSame ( const GeometryType rLHS,
const GeometryType rRHS 

Checks if two GeometryType are the same (pointer version)

True if the object is the same, false otherwise

◆ IsSymmetric()

template<class TPointType >
virtual bool Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::IsSymmetric ( ) const

This method is to know if this geometry is symmetric or not.

Making some method related to symmetry axis and more...
bool true if this geometry is symmetric and false if it's not.

◆ Jacobian() [1/8]

template<class TPointType >
JacobiansType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Jacobian ( JacobiansType rResult) const

Jacobians for default integration method. This method just call Jacobian(enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.

JacobiansType a Vector of jacobian matrices J_i where i=1,2,...,n is the integration point index of default integration method.
See also

◆ Jacobian() [2/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual JacobiansType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Jacobian ( JacobiansType rResult,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

◆ Jacobian() [3/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual JacobiansType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Jacobian ( JacobiansType rResult,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod,
Matrix DeltaPosition 
) const

Jacobians for given method. This method calculate jacobians matrices in all integrations points of given integration method.

ThisMethodintegration method which jacobians has to be calculated in its integration points.
JacobiansType a Vector of jacobian matrices J_i where i=1,2,...,n is the integration point index of given integration method.
DeltaPositionMatrix with the nodes position increment which describes the configuration where the jacobian has to be calculated.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ Jacobian() [4/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Jacobian ( Matrix rResult,
const CoordinatesArrayType rCoordinates 
) const

Jacobian in given point. This method calculate jacobian matrix in given point.

rCoordinatespoint which jacobians has to be calculated in it.
Matrix of double which is jacobian matrix J in given point.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, and Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >.

◆ Jacobian() [5/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Jacobian ( Matrix rResult,
const CoordinatesArrayType rCoordinates,
Matrix rDeltaPosition 
) const

Jacobian in given point. This method calculate jacobian matrix in given point.

rCoordinatespoint which jacobians has to be calculated in it.
rDeltaPositionMatrix with the nodes position increment which describes the configuration where the jacobian has to be calculated.
Matrix of double which is jacobian matrix J in given point.
See also

◆ Jacobian() [6/8]

template<class TPointType >
Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Jacobian ( Matrix rResult,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex 
) const

Jacobian in specific integration point of default integration method. This method just call Jacobian(IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which jacobians has to be calculated in it.
Matrix<double> Jacobian matrix J_i where i is the given integration point index of default integration method.
See also

◆ Jacobian() [7/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Jacobian ( Matrix rResult,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

Jacobian in specific integration point of given integration method. This method calculate jacobian matrix in given integration point of given integration method.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which jacobians has to be calculated in it.
ThisMethodintegration method which jacobians has to be calculated in its integration points.
Matrix<double> Jacobian matrix J_i where i is the given integration point index of given integration method.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >, and Kratos::QuadraturePointPartitionedGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >.

◆ Jacobian() [8/8]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Jacobian ( Matrix rResult,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod,
const Matrix rDeltaPosition 
) const

Jacobian in specific integration point of given integration method. This method calculate jacobian matrix in given integration point of given integration method.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which jacobians has to be calculated in it.
ThisMethodintegration method which jacobians has to be calculated in its integration points.
rDeltaPositionMatrix with the nodes position increment which describes the configuration where the jacobian has to be calculated.
Matrix<double> Jacobian matrix J_i where i is the given integration point index of given integration method.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, and Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >.


template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION ( Geometry< TPointType >  )

Pointer definition of Geometry.


template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::KRATOS_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE ( "This is legacy version (use GenerateEdges instead)"  )

This method gives you all edges of this geometry.

This method will gives you all the edges with one dimension less than this geometry. For example a triangle would return three lines as its edges or a tetrahedral would return four triangle as its edges but won't return its six edge lines by this method.

GeometriesArrayType containes this geometry edges.
This is legacy version, move to GenerateFaces
See also


template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::KRATOS_DEPRECATED_MESSAGE ( "This is legacy version (use GenerateFaces instead)"  )

Returns all faces of the current geometry.

This is only implemented for 3D geometries, since 2D geometries only have edges but no faces

GeometriesArrayType containes this geometry faces.
This is legacy version, move to GenerateFaces
See also

◆ Length()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Length ( ) const

This method calculate and return Length or charactereistic length of this geometry depending to it's dimension. For one dimensional geometry for example Line it returns length of it and for the other geometries it gives Characteristic length otherwise.

double value contains length or Characteristic length
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ LocalSpaceDimension()

template<class TPointType >
SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::LocalSpaceDimension ( ) const

Local space dimension. for example a triangle is a 2 dimensional shape but can have 3 dimensional area coordinates l1, l2, l3.

SizeType, local space dimension of this geometry.
See also

◆ LumpingFactors()

template<class TPointType >
virtual Vector& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::LumpingFactors ( Vector rResult,
const LumpingMethods  LumpingMethod = LumpingMethods::ROW_SUM 
) const

Lumping factors for the calculation of the lumped mass matrix.

rResultVector containing the lumping factors
LumpingMethodThe lumping method considered. The three methods available are:
  • The row sum method
  • Diagonal scaling
  • Evaluation of M using a quadrature involving only the nodal points and thus automatically yielding a diagonal matrix for standard element shape function

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ max_size()

template<class TPointType >
SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::max_size ( ) const

◆ MaxDihedralAngle()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::MaxDihedralAngle ( ) const

Calculates the max dihedral angle quality metric. Calculates the max dihedral angle quality metric. The max dihedral angle is max angle between two faces of the element In radians


Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >.

◆ MaxEdgeLength()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::MaxEdgeLength ( ) const

◆ MinDihedralAngle()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::MinDihedralAngle ( ) const

Calculates the min dihedral angle quality metric. Calculates the min dihedral angle quality metric. The min dihedral angle is min angle between two faces of the element In radians


Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >.

◆ MinEdgeLength()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::MinEdgeLength ( ) const

◆ MinSolidAngle()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::MinSolidAngle ( ) const

Calculates the min solid angle quality metric. Calculates the min solid angle quality metric. The min solid angle [stereoradians] is the lowest solid angle "seen" from any of the 4 nodes of the geometry. Valid only for 3d elems! In stereo radians


Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ Name()

template<class TPointType >
virtual std::string Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Name ( ) const

Returns name.

◆ NodesInFaces()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::NodesInFaces ( DenseMatrix< unsigned int > &  rNodesInFaces) const

◆ Normal() [1/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual array_1d<double, 3> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Normal ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointLocalCoordinates) const

It returns a vector that is normal to its corresponding geometry in the given local point.

rPointLocalCoordinatesReference to the local coordinates of the point in where the normal is to be computed
The normal in the given point

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, and Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >.

◆ Normal() [2/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual array_1d<double, 3> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Normal ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex) const

It returns the vector, which is normal to its corresponding geometry in the given integration point for the default integration method.

IntegrationPointIndexindex in internal integration point list
The normal in the given integration point

◆ Normal() [3/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual array_1d<double, 3> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Normal ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

It returns the vector, which is normal to its corresponding geometry in the given integration point.

IntegrationPointIndexindex in internal integration point list
ThisMethodthe integration point is dependent on the used integration method
The normal in the given integration point

Reimplemented in Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >, and Kratos::QuadraturePointCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TPointType >.

◆ NumberNodesInFaces()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::NumberNodesInFaces ( DenseVector< unsigned int > &  rNumberNodesInFaces) const

◆ NumberOfGeometryParts()

template<class TPointType >
virtual SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::NumberOfGeometryParts ( ) const
the number of geometry parts that this geometry contains.

Reimplemented in Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >.

◆ operator PointsArrayType &()

template<class TPointType >
Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::operator PointsArrayType & ( )

◆ operator()() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
PointPointerType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::operator() ( const SizeType i)

◆ operator()() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
ConstPointPointerType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::operator() ( const SizeType i) const

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
Geometry& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::operator= ( const Geometry< TPointType > &  rOther)

Assignment operator.

This operator don't copy the points and this geometry shares points with given source geometry. It's obvious that any change to this geometry's point affect source geometry's points too.
See also

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
template<class TOtherPointType >
Geometry& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::operator= ( Geometry< TOtherPointType > const &  rOther)

Assignment operator for geometries with different point type.

This operator don't copy the points and this geometry shares points with given source geometry. It's obvious that any change to this geometry's point affect source geometry's points too.
See also

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
TPointType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::operator[] ( const SizeType i)

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
TPointType const& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::operator[] ( const SizeType i) const

◆ pGetGeometryPart() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual GeometryType::Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::pGetGeometryPart ( const IndexType  Index)

◆ pGetGeometryPart() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual const GeometryType::Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::pGetGeometryPart ( const IndexType  Index) const

◆ pGetPoint() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
TPointType::Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::pGetPoint ( const int  Index)

An access method to the i'th points stored in this geometry.

A counted pointer to i'th point of geometry.

◆ pGetPoint() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
const TPointType::Pointer Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::pGetPoint ( const int  Index) const

A constant access method to the i'th points stored in this geometry.

A constant counted pointer to i'th point of geometry.

◆ PointLocalCoordinates()

template<class TPointType >
virtual CoordinatesArrayType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointLocalCoordinates ( CoordinatesArrayType rResult,
const CoordinatesArrayType rPoint 
) const

◆ Points() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
PointsArrayType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Points ( )

An access method to the Vector of the points stored in this geometry.

A reference to PointsArrayType contains pointers to the points.

◆ Points() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
const PointsArrayType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Points ( ) const

A constant access method to the Vector of the points stored in this geometry.

A constant reference to PointsArrayType contains pointers to the points.

◆ PointsLocalCoordinates()

template<class TPointType >
virtual Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointsLocalCoordinates ( Matrix rResult) const

Returns a matrix of the local coordinates of all points

rResulta Matrix that will be overwritten by the results
the coordinates of all points of the current geometry

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ PointsNumber()

template<class TPointType >
SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointsNumber ( ) const

@detail Returns the number of the points/ nodes belonging to this geometry.

Number of points/ nodes.

◆ PointsNumberInDirection()

template<class TPointType >
virtual SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PointsNumberInDirection ( IndexType  LocalDirectionIndex) const

◆ PolynomialDegree()

template<class TPointType >
virtual SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PolynomialDegree ( IndexType  LocalDirectionIndex) const

◆ PrintData()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PrintData ( std::ostream &  rOStream) const

Print object's data.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PointOnGeometry< TContainerPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimensionOfBackground >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ PrintInfo()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PrintInfo ( std::ostream &  rOStream) const

Print information about this object.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::SurfaceInNurbsVolumeGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TVolumeContainerPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointSurfaceInVolumeGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PointOnGeometry< TContainerPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimensionOfBackground >, Kratos::Point3D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point3D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Point2D< TPointType >, Kratos::Point2D< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >.

◆ PrintName()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::PrintName ( std::ostream &  rOstream) const

Print name.

◆ ProjectionPoint()

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ProjectionPoint ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rProjectedPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rProjectedPointLocalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Projects a certain point on the geometry, or finds the closest point, depending on the provided initial guess. The external point does not necessary lay on the geometry. It shall deal as the interface to the mathematical projection function e.g. the Newton-Raphson. Thus, the breaking criteria does not necessarily mean that it found a point on the surface, if it is really the closest if or not. It shows only if the breaking criteria, defined by the tolerance is reached.

This function requires an initial guess, provided by rProjectedPointLocalCoordinates. This function can be a very costly operation.

rPointGlobalCoordinatesthe point to which the projection has to be found.
rProjectedPointGlobalCoordinatesthe location of the projection in global coordinates.
rProjectedPointLocalCoordinatesthe location of the projection in local coordinates. The variable is as initial guess!
Toleranceaccepted of orthogonal error to projection.
It is chosen to take an int as output parameter to keep more possibilities within the interface. 0 -> failed 1 -> converged

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, and Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >.

◆ ProjectionPointGlobalToLocalSpace()

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ProjectionPointGlobalToLocalSpace ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointGlobalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rProjectionPointLocalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Projects a point onto the geometry Projects a certain point on the geometry, or finds the closest point, depending on the provided initial guess. The external point does not necessary lay on the geometry. It shall deal as the interface to the mathematical projection function e.g. the Newton-Raphson. Thus, the breaking criteria does not necessarily mean that it found a point on the surface, if it is really the closest if or not. It shows only if the breaking criteria, defined by the tolerance is reached. This function requires an initial guess, provided by rProjectionPointLocalCoordinates. This function can be a very costly operation.

rPointLocalCoordinatesGlobal coordinates of the point to be projected
rProjectionPointLocalCoordinatesProjection point local coordinates. This should be initialized with the initial guess
ToleranceAccepted orthogonal error
int 0 -> failed 1 -> converged

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveOnSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TCurveContainerPointType, TSurfaceContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >.

◆ ProjectionPointLocalToLocalSpace()

template<class TPointType >
virtual int Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ProjectionPointLocalToLocalSpace ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointLocalCoordinates,
CoordinatesArrayType rProjectionPointLocalCoordinates,
const double  Tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() 
) const

Projects a point onto the geometry Projects a certain point on the geometry, or finds the closest point, depending on the provided initial guess. The external point does not necessary lay on the geometry. It shall deal as the interface to the mathematical projection function e.g. the Newton-Raphson. Thus, the breaking criteria does not necessarily mean that it found a point on the surface, if it is really the closest if or not. It shows only if the breaking criteria, defined by the tolerance is reached. This function requires an initial guess, provided by rProjectionPointLocalCoordinates. This function can be a very costly operation.

rPointLocalCoordinatesLocal coordinates of the point to be projected
rProjectionPointLocalCoordinatesProjection point local coordinates. This should be initialized with the initial guess
ToleranceAccepted orthogonal error
int 0 -> failed 1 -> converged

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, and Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >.

◆ ptr_begin() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
ptr_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ptr_begin ( )

◆ ptr_begin() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
ptr_const_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ptr_begin ( ) const

◆ ptr_end() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
ptr_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ptr_end ( )

◆ ptr_end() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
ptr_const_iterator Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ptr_end ( ) const

◆ push_back()

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::push_back ( PointPointerType  x)

◆ Quality()

template<class TPointType >
double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Quality ( const QualityCriteria  qualityCriteria) const

Calculates the quality of the geometry according to a given criteria.

Calculates the quality of the geometry according to a given criteria. In General The quality of the result is normalized being 1.0 for best quality, 0.0 for degenerated elements and -1.0 for inverted elements.

Different crtieria can be used to stablish the quality of the geometry.

double value contains quality of the geometry
See also

◆ RegularityQuality()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::RegularityQuality ( ) const

Calculates the Regularity quality metric. Calculates the Regularity quality metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (-1,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value -1 -> Negative volume


regularity quality.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ RemoveGeometryPart() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::RemoveGeometryPart ( const IndexType  Index)

Removes a geometry part.

Indexof the geometry part.

Reimplemented in Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >.

◆ RemoveGeometryPart() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::RemoveGeometryPart ( GeometryType::Pointer  pGeometry)

Removes a geometry part.

pGeometryThe new geometry to remove

Reimplemented in Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >.

◆ reserve()

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::reserve ( int  dim)

◆ SetData()

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SetData ( DataValueContainer const &  rThisData)

◆ SetGeometryData()

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SetGeometryData ( GeometryData const *  pGeometryData)

updates the pointer to GeometryData of the respective geometry.

pGeometryDatapointer to const GeometryData.

◆ SetGeometryParent()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SetGeometryParent ( GeometryType pGeometryParent)

◆ SetGeometryPart()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SetGeometryPart ( const IndexType  Index,
GeometryType::Pointer  pGeometry 

Allows to exchange certain geometries.

Indexof the geometry part. 0->Master; 1->Slave
pGeometryThe new geometry to add

Reimplemented in Kratos::CouplingGeometry< TPointType >.

◆ SetGeometryShapeFunctionContainer()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SetGeometryShapeFunctionContainer ( const GeometryShapeFunctionContainer< GeometryData::IntegrationMethod > &  rGeometryShapeFunctionContainer)

◆ SetId() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SetId ( const IndexType  Id)

Sets Id of this Geometry.

◆ SetId() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SetId ( const std::string &  rName)

Sets Id with the use of the name of this geometry.

◆ SetValue()

template<class TPointType >
template<class TVariableType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SetValue ( const TVariableType &  rThisVariable,
typename TVariableType::Type const &  rValue 

Set Data with SetValue and the Variable to set:

◆ ShapeFunctionDerivatives() [1/2]

template<class TPointType >
const Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionDerivatives ( IndexType  DerivativeOrderIndex,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex 
) const

◆ ShapeFunctionDerivatives() [2/2]

template<class TPointType >
const Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionDerivatives ( IndexType  DerivativeOrderIndex,
IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

◆ ShapeFunctionLocalGradient() [1/3]

template<class TPointType >
const Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionLocalGradient ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex) const

This method gives gradient of given shape function evaluated in given integration point of default integration method. It just call ShapeFunctionLocalGradient(IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IndexType ShapeFunctionIndex, enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method. There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container if they are existing. Otherwise it gives you error which this value is not exist.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which shape function gradient evaluated in it.
ShapeFunctionIndexindex of node which correspounding shape function gradient evaluated in given integration point.
Gradient of given shape function in given integration point of default integration method.
See also

◆ ShapeFunctionLocalGradient() [2/3]

template<class TPointType >
const Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionLocalGradient ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IndexType  ShapeFunctionIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

◆ ShapeFunctionLocalGradient() [3/3]

template<class TPointType >
const Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionLocalGradient ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

This method gives gradient of given shape function evaluated in given integration point of given integration method. There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container if they are existing. Otherwise it gives you error which this value is not exist.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which shape function gradient evaluated in it.
ShapeFunctionIndexindex of node which correspounding shape function gradient evaluated in given integration point.
ThisMethodintegration method which shape function gradient evaluated in its integration points.
Gradient of given shape function in given integration point of given integration method.
See also

◆ ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients() [1/4]

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients ( ShapeFunctionsGradientsType rResult) const

◆ ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients() [2/4]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients ( ShapeFunctionsGradientsType rResult,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

◆ ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients() [3/4]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients ( ShapeFunctionsGradientsType rResult,
Vector rDeterminantsOfJacobian,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

◆ ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients() [4/4]

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsGradients ( ShapeFunctionsGradientsType rResult,
Vector rDeterminantsOfJacobian,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod,
Matrix ShapeFunctionsIntegrationPointsValues 
) const

◆ ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients() [1/3]

template<class TPointType >
const ShapeFunctionsGradientsType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients ( ) const

This method gives all shape functions gradients evaluated in all integration points of default integration method. It just call ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients(enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method. There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container.

There is no control if there is any gradient calculated or not!
shape functions' gradients F_{ijk} where i is the integration point index and j is the shape function index and k is local coordinate index. In other word component f_{ijk} is k'th component of gradient of the shape function corresponding to node j evaluated in integration point i of default integration method.
See also

◆ ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients() [2/3]

template<class TPointType >
const ShapeFunctionsGradientsType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients ( IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod) const

This method gives all shape functions gradients evaluated in all integration points of given integration method. There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container.

There is no control if there is any gradient calculated or not!
ThisMethodintegration method which shape functions gradients evaluated in its integration points.
shape functions' gradients F_{ijk} where i is the integration point index and j is the shape function index and k is local coordinate index. In other word component f_{ijk} is k'th component of gradient of the shape function corresponding to node j evaluated in integration point i of given integration method.
See also

◆ ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients() [3/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsLocalGradients ( Matrix rResult,
const CoordinatesArrayType rPoint 
) const

This method gives gradient of all shape functions evaluated in given point. There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container if they are existing. Otherwise it gives you error which this value is not exist.

rResultthe given Container that will be overwritten by the solution
rPointthe given local coordinates the gradients will be evaluated for
a matrix of gradients for each shape function

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >, Kratos::PointOnGeometry< TContainerPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimensionOfBackground >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >.

◆ ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivatives()

template<class TPointType >
virtual ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivativesType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivatives ( ShapeFunctionsSecondDerivativesType rResult,
const CoordinatesArrayType rPoint 
) const

◆ ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivatives()

template<class TPointType >
virtual ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivativesType& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivatives ( ShapeFunctionsThirdDerivativesType rResult,
const CoordinatesArrayType rPoint 
) const

◆ ShapeFunctionsValues() [1/3]

template<class TPointType >
const Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsValues ( ) const

This method gives all shape functions values evaluated in all integration points of default integration method. It just call ShapeFunctionsValues(enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method.There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container.

There is no control if the return matrix is empty or not!
Matrix of values of shape functions F_{ij} where i is the integration point index and j is the shape function index. In other word component f_{ij} is value of the shape function corresponding to node j evaluated in integration point i of default integration method.
See also

◆ ShapeFunctionsValues() [2/3]

template<class TPointType >
const Matrix& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsValues ( IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod) const

This method gives all shape functions values evaluated in all integration points of given integration method. There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container.

There is no control if the return matrix is empty or not!
ThisMethodintegration method which shape functions evaluated in its integration points.
Matrix of values of shape functions F_{ij} where i is the integration point index and j is the shape function index. In other word component f_{ij} is value of the shape function corresponding to node j evaluated in integration point i of given integration method.
See also

◆ ShapeFunctionsValues() [3/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual Vector& Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionsValues ( Vector rResult,
const CoordinatesArrayType rCoordinates 
) const

This method gives all non-zero shape functions values evaluated at the rCoordinates provided

There is no control if the return vector is empty or not!
Vector of values of shape functions F_{i} where i is the shape function index (for NURBS it is the index of the local enumeration in the element).
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimension, TDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TWorkingSpaceDimension >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 2 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< TPointType, 3, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 2, 1 >, Kratos::QuadraturePointGeometry< Kratos::Node, 3, 1 >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PointOnGeometry< TContainerPointType, TWorkingSpaceDimension, TLocalSpaceDimensionOfBackground >, Kratos::NurbsVolumeGeometry< TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsSurfaceGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::NurbsCurveGeometry< TWorkingSpaceDimension, TContainerPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::BrepSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, Kratos::BrepCurveOnSurface< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >, and Kratos::BrepCurve< TContainerPointType, TContainerPointEmbeddedType >.

◆ ShapeFunctionValue() [1/3]

template<class TPointType >
double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionValue ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IndexType  ShapeFunctionIndex 
) const

This method gives value of given shape function evaluated in given integration point of default integration method. It just call ShapeFunctionValue(IndexType IntegrationPointIndex, IndexType ShapeFunctionIndex, enum IntegrationMethod ThisMethod) with default integration method. There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container if they are existing. Otherwise it gives you error which this value is not exist.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which shape functions evaluated in it.
ShapeFunctionIndexindex of node which correspounding shape function evaluated in given integration point.
Value of given shape function in given integration point of default integration method.
See also

◆ ShapeFunctionValue() [2/3]

template<class TPointType >
double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionValue ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IndexType  ShapeFunctionIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

This method gives value of given shape function evaluated in given integration point of given integration method. There is no calculation and it just give it from shape functions values container if they are existing. Otherwise it gives you error which this value is not exist.

IntegrationPointIndexindex of integration point which shape functions evaluated in it.
ShapeFunctionIndexindex of node which correspounding shape function evaluated in given integration point.
ThisMethodintegration method which shape function evaluated in its integration point.
Value of given shape function in given integration point of given integration method.
See also

◆ ShapeFunctionValue() [3/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShapeFunctionValue ( IndexType  ShapeFunctionIndex,
const CoordinatesArrayType rCoordinates 
) const

This method gives value of given shape function evaluated in given point.

rPointPoint of evaluation of the shape function. This point must be in local coordinate.
ShapeFunctionIndexindex of node which correspounding shape function evaluated in given integration point.
Value of given shape function in given point.
See also

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle2D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D10< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< TPointType >, Kratos::Sphere3D1< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::QuadrilateralInterface2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D9< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Quadrilateral2D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D5< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< TPointType >, Kratos::Pyramid3D13< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::PrismInterface3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D6< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Prism3D15< TPointType >, Kratos::Prism3D15< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::LineGaussLobatto3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line3D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line2D2< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D2< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::HexahedraInterface3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D27< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< TPointType >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D20< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Line3DN< TPointType >, Kratos::Line2D5< TPointType >, and Kratos::Line2D4< TPointType >.

◆ ShortestAltitudeToEdgeLengthRatio()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShortestAltitudeToEdgeLengthRatio ( ) const

Calculates the shortest altitude to edge length quality metric. Calculates the shortest altitude to edge length quality metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (0,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value

@formulae \frac{h_{min}}{h_{max}}

The shortest altitude to edge length quality metric.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Triangle3D3< TPointType >, Kratos::Triangle3D3< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Triangle2D3< TPointType >, and Kratos::Triangle2D3< Kratos::Node >.

◆ ShortestToLongestEdgeQuality()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::ShortestToLongestEdgeQuality ( ) const

Calculates the shortest to longest edge quality metric. Calculates the shortest to longest edge quality metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (0,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value



Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >.

◆ size()

template<class TPointType >
SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::size ( ) const

◆ SpansLocalSpace()

template<class TPointType >
virtual void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::SpansLocalSpace ( std::vector< double > &  rSpans,
IndexType  LocalDirectionIndex = 0 
) const

◆ swap()

template<class TPointType >
void Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::swap ( GeometryType rOther)

◆ UnitNormal() [1/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual array_1d<double, 3> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::UnitNormal ( const CoordinatesArrayType rPointLocalCoordinates) const

It computes the unit normal of the geometry in the given local point.

rPointLocalCoordinatesRefernce to the local coordinates of the point in where the unit normal is to be computed
The unit normal in the given point

◆ UnitNormal() [2/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual array_1d<double, 3> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::UnitNormal ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex) const

It returns the normalized normal vector in the given integration point.

IntegrationPointIndexindex in internal integration point list
ThisMethodthe integration point is dependent on the used integration method
The normal in the given integration point

◆ UnitNormal() [3/3]

template<class TPointType >
virtual array_1d<double, 3> Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::UnitNormal ( IndexType  IntegrationPointIndex,
IntegrationMethod  ThisMethod 
) const

It returns the normalized normal vector in the given integration point.

IntegrationPointIndexindex in internal integration point list
ThisMethodthe integration point is dependent on the used integration method
The normal in the given integration point

◆ Volume()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::Volume ( ) const

◆ VolumeToAverageEdgeLength()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::VolumeToAverageEdgeLength ( ) const

Calculates the volume to average edge lenght quality metric. Calculates the volume to average edge lenght quality metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (-1,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value -1 -> Negative volume



Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ VolumeToEdgeLengthQuality()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::VolumeToEdgeLengthQuality ( ) const

Calculates the Volume to edge length quaility metric. Calculates the Volume to edge length quaility metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (-1,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value -1 -> Negative volume


Volume to edge length quality.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ VolumeToRMSEdgeLength()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::VolumeToRMSEdgeLength ( ) const

Calculates the volume to average edge length quality metric. Calculates the volume to average edge length quality metric. The average edge lenght is calculated using the RMS. This metric is bounded by the interval (-1,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value -1 -> Negative volume



Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >, Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< TPointType >, and Kratos::Hexahedra3D8< Kratos::Node >.

◆ VolumeToSurfaceAreaQuality()

template<class TPointType >
virtual double Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::VolumeToSurfaceAreaQuality ( ) const

Calculates the volume to surface area quality metric. Calculates the volume to surface area quality metric. This metric is bounded by the interval (-1,1) being: 1 -> Optimal value 0 -> Worst value -1 -> Negative volume


volume to surface quality.

Reimplemented in Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< TPointType >, and Kratos::Tetrahedra3D4< Kratos::Node >.

◆ WorkingSpaceDimension()

template<class TPointType >
SizeType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::WorkingSpaceDimension ( ) const

Working space dimension. for example a triangle is a 2 dimensional shape but can be used in 3 dimensional space.

SizeType, working space dimension of this geometry.
See also

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Geometry

template<class TPointType >
template<class TOtherPointType >
friend class Geometry

◆ Serializer

template<class TPointType >
friend class Serializer

Member Data Documentation


template<class TPointType >
constexpr IndexType Kratos::Geometry< TPointType >::BACKGROUND_GEOMETRY_INDEX = std::numeric_limits<IndexType>::max()

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