◆ allnodes
integer, dimension(:), allocatable nice_names::boundary::allnodes |
◆ boundary
double precision, value nice_names::boundary::boundary |
◆ dofs
integer, dimension(2) nice_names::boundary::dofs |
◆ elsetname
character*10 nice_names::boundary::elsetname |
◆ end
double precision, value nice_names::boundary::end |
◆ nodesout
integer, dimension(:), allocatable nice_names::boundary::nodesout |
◆ nsetname
character*10 nice_names::boundary::nsetname |
◆ remove
integer nice_names::boundary::remove |
◆ step
integer nice_names::boundary::step |
◆ type
double precision, value nice_names::boundary::type |
The documentation for this type was generated from the following file:
- /home/runner/work/Documentation/Documentation/master/applications/UmatApplication/umat_models/NiceNames.f