KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
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Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities Class Reference

#include <fluid_auxiliary_utilities.h>

Collaboration diagram for Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities:

Public Types

Type Definitions
using IndexType = std::size_t
using NodeType = Node
using GeometryType = Geometry< NodeType >
using ModifiedShapeFunctionsFactoryType = std::function< ModifiedShapeFunctions::UniquePointer(const GeometryType::Pointer, const Vector &)>

Static Public Member Functions

Static Operations
static bool IsSplit (const Vector &rElementDistancesVector)
 Checks if an element is split From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is split. More...
static bool IsPositive (const Vector &rElementDistancesVector)
 Checks if an element is positive From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is positive. More...
static bool IsNegative (const Vector &rElementDistancesVector)
 Checks if an element is negative From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is negative. More...
static double CalculateFluidVolume (const ModelPart &rModelPart)
 Calculate the fluid volume For the given model part, this function iterates its elements to calculate the total volume (or area in 2D) More...
static double CalculateFluidPositiveVolume (const ModelPart &rModelPart)
 Calculate the fluid positive volume For the given model part, this function calculates the total positive fluid volume fraction. It is assumed that a unique element geometry type it is present in the mesh. Only simplex geometries (linear triangle and tetrahedron) are supported. The positive fraction must be described in terms of a continuous level set function stored in the variable DISTANCE of the historical database. More...
static double CalculateFluidNegativeVolume (const ModelPart &rModelPart)
 Calculate the fluid negative volume For the given model part, this function calculates the total negative fluid volume fraction. It is assumed that a unique element geometry type it is present in the mesh. Only simplex geometries (linear triangle and tetrahedron) are supported. The negative fraction must be described in terms of a continuous level set function stored in the variable DISTANCE of the historical database. More...
static double CalculateFlowRate (const ModelPart &rModelPart)
 Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions This method calculates the flow rate throught the given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More...
static double CalculateFlowRatePositiveSkin (const ModelPart &rModelPart)
 Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (positive subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the positive part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More...
static double CalculateFlowRateNegativeSkin (const ModelPart &rModelPart)
 Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (negative subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the negative part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More...
static double CalculateFlowRatePositiveSkin (const ModelPart &rModelPart, const Flags &rSkinFlag)
 Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (positive subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the positive part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More...
static double CalculateFlowRateNegativeSkin (const ModelPart &rModelPart, const Flags &rSkinFlag)
 Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (negative subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the negative part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More...
static ModifiedShapeFunctionsFactoryType GetStandardModifiedShapeFunctionsFactory (const GeometryType &rGeometry)
 Get the Standard Modified Shape Functions Factory object For the given geometry, this methods returns a factory function to create the corresponding standard modified shape functions. The factory returns a unique pointer and expects a pointer to the geometry as well as the nodal distances vector. More...
static void MapVelocityFromSkinToVolumeRBF (ModelPart &rVolumeModelPart, ModelPart &rSkinModelPart, const double SearchRadius)
 This function maps the velocity of the nodes "on the skin" by the use of RBF interpolation to the variable EMBEDDED_VELOCITY of the nodes which correspond to the cut cells in the volume. It is designed for use together with the "embedded solver". More...
static double FindMaximumEdgeLength (ModelPart &rModelPart, const bool CalculateNodalNeighbours=true)
 Find the maximum edge length This function finds and returns the maximum edge length in the given model part from the nodal neighbours. More...

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