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KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
Basic set of CFD tools. The aim of the Fluid Dynamics Application is to implement a basic set of tools for the solution of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) problems. This application contains the basics, stable and tested implementations of common CFD techniques that can be used as a base for extension in other applications. More...
Classes | |
class | Kratos::PeriodicVariablesContainer |
A container of Kratos variables used to define a periodic boundary condition. More... | |
class | Kratos::DistanceCalculationElementSimplex< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::PeriodicCondition |
Condition used to assign periodic boundary conditions. More... | |
class | Kratos::ElementSizeCalculator< TDim, TNumNodes > |
A collection of functions to compute element size, to be used as the h parameter in stabilized CFD formulations. More... | |
class | Kratos::GeometryMetricCalculator< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::FractionalStepSettingsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
Helper class to define solution strategies for FS_Strategy. More... | |
class | Kratos::PotentialWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a wall condition for the potential flow formulation. More... | |
class | Kratos::AxisymmetricEulerianConvectionDiffusionElement< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::AdjointMonolithicWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::EmbeddedAusasNavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a wall condition for the Navier-Stokes monolithic formulation. More... | |
class | Kratos::FSGeneralizedWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a generalized wall model accounting for pressure gradients. More... | |
class | Kratos::FSPeriodicCondition< TDim > |
Condition used to assign periodic boundary conditions when using a fractional step fluid solver. More... | |
class | Kratos::FSWernerWengleWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a power-law wall model. More... | |
class | Kratos::MonolithicWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a wall condition for the monolithic formulation. More... | |
class | Kratos::NavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes, TWallModel > |
Implements a wall condition for the Navier-Stokes (and Stokes) monolithic formulations This condition is intended to be used in combination with Navier-Stokes (or Stokes) monolithic formulations. It supports the Neumann BC contribution as well as the addition of a wall law contribution through the TWallModel template argument. Such TWallModel must be a class implementing the wall model RHS and LHS Gauss point contributions (as example see @NavierSlipWallLaw). Current condition also has optional features that help numerical stability such as the outlet inflow energy correction or the spurious tangential velocity correction for pure slip boundaries. More... | |
class | Kratos::StokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a wall condition for the monolithic stokes formulation - based on BDF2. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoFluidNavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes, TWallModel > |
Implements a wall condition for the Navier-Stokes monolithic formulation. More... | |
class | Kratos::WallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a wall condition for the monolithic formulation. More... | |
class | Kratos::WallConditionDiscontinuous< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a wall condition for the monolithic formulation. More... | |
class | Kratos::LinearLogWallLaw< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Linear-log law LHS and RHS contribution implementation This class implements the LHS and RHS Gauss point contributions of the linear-log wall model This class should be used in combination with an incompressible Navier-Stokes (or Stokes) condition implementing the remaining terms (see @NavierStokesWallCondition). More... | |
class | Kratos::NavierSlipWallLaw< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Navier-slip law LHS and RHS contribution implementation This class implements the LHS and RHS contributions of the Navier-slip wall model This class should be used in combination with an incompressible Navier-Stokes (or Stokes) condition implementing the remaining terms (see @NavierStokesWallCondition). More information about can be found in https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/fld.663. More... | |
class | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw |
This class contains the common infrastructure for fluid constitutive laws. More... | |
class | Kratos::AlternativeDVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::AlternativeQSVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::AxisymmetricNavierStokes< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::BinghamFluid< TBaseElement, TShapeFunctionValues, TShapeFunctionGradients > |
class | Kratos::DVMS< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::DVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::AxisymmetricNavierStokesData< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::DPGVMS< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::DynamicVMS< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::EmbeddedFluidElement< TBaseElement > |
class | Kratos::EmbeddedFluidElementDiscontinuous< TBaseElement > |
class | Kratos::FIC< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::Internals::FICSpecializedAddTimeIntegratedSystem< TElementData, TDataKnowsAboutTimeIntegration > |
class | Kratos::Internals::FICSpecializedAddTimeIntegratedSystem< TElementData, true > |
class | Kratos::Internals::FICSpecializedAddTimeIntegratedSystem< TElementData, false > |
class | Kratos::FluidElement< TElementData > |
Large Displacement Lagrangian Element for 3D and 2D geometries. (base class) More... | |
class | Kratos::FractionalStep< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::FractionalStepDiscontinuous< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::HerschelBulkleyFluid< TBaseElement, TShapeFunctionValues, TShapeFunctionGradients > |
class | Kratos::QSVMS< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::QSVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::SpalartAllmaras |
Short class definition. More... | |
class | Kratos::StationaryStokes< TDim > |
GLS-stabilized element for the solution of the stationary Stokes problem. More... | |
class | Kratos::SymbolicStokes< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::TwoFluidVMS< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::TwoFluidVMSLinearizedDarcy< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Version of TwoFluidVMS that treats the Darcy term explicitly. More... | |
class | Kratos::VMS< TDim, TNumNodes > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::VMSAdjointElement< TDim > |
An adjoint element for discrete shape sensitivity of VMS fluid element. More... | |
class | Kratos::WeaklyCompressibleNavierStokes< TElementData > |
class | Kratos::ApplyCompressibleNavierStokesBoundaryConditionsProcess |
This process applies diferent boundary conditions accoring to the mach regime. Parameters: More... | |
class | Kratos::WindkesselModel |
An impelementation of the Windkessel model for boundary condition of incompressible flows. More... | |
class | Kratos::BoussinesqForceProcess |
Auxiliary process to set Boussinesq buoyancy forces in variable temperature flows. More... | |
class | Kratos::CalulateLevelsetConsistentNodalGradientProcess |
Utility to calculate the nodal gradient separately for the positive and negative sides of the zero level-set function (interface) More... | |
class | Kratos::ComputePressureCoefficientProcess |
This process computes the pressure coefficient as a function of reference fluid properties. More... | |
class | Kratos::ComputeYPlusProcess |
class | Kratos::DistanceModificationProcess |
class | Kratos::DistanceSmoothingProcess< TDim, TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
class | Kratos::EmbeddedNodesInitializationProcess |
class | Kratos::EmbeddedPostprocessProcess |
Utility to filter the embedded velocity and pressure values. More... | |
class | Kratos::EmbeddedSkinVisualizationProcess |
This process saves the intersected elements in a different model part for its visualization. More... | |
class | Kratos::IntegrationPointStatisticsProcess |
Helper process to record statistics on the integration points of the mesh. More... | |
class | Kratos::MassConservationCheckProcess |
class | Kratos::ShockCapturingEntropyViscosityProcess |
class | Kratos::ShockCapturingPhysicsBasedProcess |
class | Kratos::SpalartAllmarasTurbulenceModel< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
An impelementation of the Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model for incompressible flows. More... | |
class | Kratos::StokesInitializationProcess< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
A process to provide initial values for Navier-Stokes problems. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoFluidsInletProcess |
class | Kratos::DragResponseFunction< TDim > |
A response function for drag. More... | |
class | Kratos::VelocityPressureNormSquareResponseFunction |
A response function for norm square calculation. More... | |
class | Kratos::BDF2TurbulentScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace > |
A scheme for BDF2 time integration. More... | |
class | Kratos::FractionalStepStrategy< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
Fractional-step strategy for incompressible Navier-Stokes formulation This strategy implements a splitting scheme for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. It is intended to be used in combination with the FractionalStep element in the FluidDynamicsApplication. The fractional step index, which is stored in the ProcessInfo, takes the values 1 : Momentum step (calculate fractional step velocity) 2-3 : Unused (reserved for componentwise calculation of frac step velocity) 4 : Pressure step 5 : Computation of projections 6 : End of step velocity. More... | |
class | Kratos::AccelerationLimitationUtilities |
class | Kratos::CompressibleElementRotationUtility< TLocalMatrixType, TLocalVectorType > |
A utility to rotate the local contributions of certain nodes to the system matrix, which is required to apply slip conditions in arbitrary directions. More... | |
class | Kratos::DragUtilities |
Auxiliary utility to compute the drag force. More... | |
class | Kratos::DynamicSmagorinskyUtils |
Helper class to dynamically determine a value for the Smagorinsly parameter. More... | |
class | Kratos::EmbeddedData< TFluidData > |
class | Kratos::EmbeddedDiscontinuousData< TFluidData > |
class | Kratos::EstimateDtUtility |
Estimate the time step in a fluid problem to obtain a given Courant number. More... | |
class | Kratos::FICData< TDim, TNumNodes, TElementIntegratesInTime > |
class | Kratos::FluidAdjointSlipUtilities |
class | Kratos::FluidAdjointUtilities< TDim > |
class | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities |
class | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities |
class | Kratos::FluidCharacteristicNumbersUtilities |
Fluid characteristic numbers calculation utility This class provides static methods to calculate the common adimensional magnitudes that characterize any fluid flow. More... | |
class | Kratos::FluidElementData< TDim, TNumNodes, TElementIntegratesInTime > |
Base class for data containers used within FluidElement and derived types. More... | |
class | Kratos::FluidElementUtilities< TNumNodes > |
Auxiliary and specialized functions for elements derived from FluidElement. More... | |
class | Kratos::FractionalStepSettings< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
Helper class to define solution strategies for FS_Strategy. More... | |
class | Kratos::FractionalStepSettingsPeriodic< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
Helper class to define solution strategies for FS_Strategy. More... | |
class | Kratos::IntegrationPointToNodeTransformationUtility< TDim, TNumNodes > |
A utility for transforming values on integration points to nodes. More... | |
class | Kratos::PeriodicConditionUtilities |
Auxiliary utilitiy to define periodic boundary conditions for flow problems. More... | |
class | Kratos::QSVMSData< TDim, TNumNodes, TElementIntegratesInTime > |
class | Kratos::QSVMSDEMCoupledData< TDim, TNumNodes, TElementIntegratesInTime > |
class | Kratos::SolverSettings< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
Helper class to define solution strategies for FS_Strategy. More... | |
class | Kratos::StatisticsData |
Internal container for integration point statistitcs on a given element. More... | |
class | Kratos::StatisticsRecord |
Main class for online statistics calculation. More... | |
class | Kratos::StatisticsSampler |
Base class for statistical measurements. More... | |
class | Kratos::ScalarAverageSampler |
This class manages the computation of the average of a scalar quantity. More... | |
class | Kratos::VectorAverageSampler< VectorType > |
This class manages the computation of the average of a vector quantity. More... | |
class | Kratos::VarianceSampler |
This class manages the computation of the (co)variance between two given quantities (scalar or vector). More... | |
class | Kratos::SymmetricVarianceSampler |
This class manages the computation of the variance for a given quantity. More... | |
class | Kratos::ComponentwiseVarianceSampler |
This class manages the computation of the (co)variance when one or both variables are Vector components. More... | |
class | Kratos::ThirdOrderCorrelationSampler |
This class manages the computation of third order moments of scalars or vector components. More... | |
class | Kratos::SymbolicStokesData< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::TimeIntegratedFICData< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::TimeIntegratedQSVMSData< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::TwoFluidNavierStokesAlphaMethodData< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::TwoFluidNavierStokesData< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::VorticityUtilities< TDim > |
A set of functions to compute quantities of interest for turbulent flows. More... | |
class | Kratos::WeaklyCompressibleNavierStokesData< TDim, TNumNodes > |
class | Kratos::KratosFluidDynamicsApplication |
Main class of the Fluid Dynamics Application. More... | |
class | Kratos::TrilinosStokesInitializationProcess< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
A process to provide initial values for Navier-Stokes problems. More... | |
class | Kratos::WssStatisticsUtilities |
A set of functions to compute the Wall Shear Stress (WSS) More... | |
class | Kratos::PFEM2MonolithicSlipStrategy< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > |
class | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw |
This class contains the common infrastructure for solid constitutive laws. More... | |
class | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
struct | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
class | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::HRomVisualizationMeshModeler |
Modeler for setting up HROM visualization meshes This modeler is intended to be used for setting up HROM visualization meshes From a parent HROM model part (the model part on which the HROM problem is solved) this modeler fills up the required data in the provided visualization model part. The process info, variable list and buffer size are taken from the provided HROM model part while the ROM_BASIS and DOFs are retrieved from the RomParameters.json. More... | |
class | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities |
class | Kratos::ComputeLaplacianSimplexCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a wall condition for the laplacian recovery. More... | |
class | Kratos::MonolithicDEMCoupledWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > |
Implements a wall condition for the monolithic formulation. More... | |
class | Kratos::MonolithicDEMCoupled< TDim, TNumNodes > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
class | Kratos::MonolithicDEMCoupledWeak< TDim, TNumNodes > |
A stabilized element for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. More... | |
Friends | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Add integration point contribution to the mass matrix. More... | |
Type Definitions | |
typedef ConstitutiveLaw | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::BaseType |
typedef std::size_t | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::SizeType |
Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION (FluidConstitutiveLaw) | |
Type Definitions | |
using | Kratos::FluidAdjointUtilities< TDim >::IndexType = std::size_t |
Type Definitions | |
using | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::IndexType = std::size_t |
using | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::NodeType = Node |
using | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::GeometryType = Geometry< NodeType > |
using | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::ModifiedShapeFunctionsFactoryType = std::function< ModifiedShapeFunctions::UniquePointer(const GeometryType::Pointer, const Vector &)> |
Type Definitions | |
using | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::IndexType = std::size_t |
using | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::NodeType = Node |
using | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::GeometryType = Geometry< NodeType > |
template<class TDataType > | |
using | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::ComponentDataType = std::tuple< TDataType &, const TDataType & > |
Type Definitions | |
typedef ConstitutiveLaw | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::BaseType |
typedef std::size_t | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::SizeType |
Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION (PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw) | |
Type Definitions | |
typedef GlobalPointersVector< Element > | Kratos::ElementWeakPtrVectorType |
Type Definitions | |
using | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::SizeType = std::size_t |
using | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::IndexType = std::size_t |
using | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::NodeType = Node |
using | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GeometryType = Geometry< NodeType > |
using | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GeometryPointerType = Geometry< NodeType >::Pointer |
using | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::NodesPointerSetType = ModelPart::NodesContainerType |
using | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::ElementFacesMapType = std::unordered_map< std::vector< IndexType >, std::pair< bool, GeometryPointerType >, KeyHasherRange< std::vector< IndexType > >, KeyComparorRange< std::vector< IndexType > >> |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Input and output | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::Serializer |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::NodalFreeSurfaceLength (unsigned int nodeIndex) |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Serialization | |
class | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::Serializer |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
std::vector< Vector > | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::mCurrentTotalCauchyStress |
std::vector< Vector > | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::mCurrentDeviatoricCauchyStress |
std::vector< Vector > | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::mUpdatedTotalCauchyStress |
std::vector< Vector > | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::mUpdatedDeviatoricCauchyStress |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
std::vector< Matrix > | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::mDeformationGradientF0 |
Vector | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::mDeterminantF0 |
Protected member Variables | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::mpConstitutiveLaw = nullptr |
Input and output | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, PeriodicVariablesContainer &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const PeriodicVariablesContainer &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, DistanceCalculationElementSimplex< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const DistanceCalculationElementSimplex< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, PeriodicCondition &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const PeriodicCondition &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TDenseSpace , class TSparseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FractionalStepSettingsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TDenseSpace , class TSparseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FractionalStepSettingsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, PotentialWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const PotentialWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, AdjointMonolithicWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const AdjointMonolithicWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, EmbeddedAusasNavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const EmbeddedAusasNavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FSGeneralizedWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FSGeneralizedWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FSPeriodicCondition< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FSPeriodicCondition< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FSWernerWengleWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FSWernerWengleWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, MonolithicWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const MonolithicWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes, class TWallModel > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, NavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes, TWallModel > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes, class TWallModel > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const NavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes, TWallModel > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, StokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const StokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes, class TWallModel > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoFluidNavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes, TWallModel > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes, class TWallModel > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoFluidNavierStokesWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes, TWallModel > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, WallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const WallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, WallConditionDiscontinuous< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const WallConditionDiscontinuous< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, AlternativeDVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const AlternativeDVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, AlternativeQSVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const AlternativeQSVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, AxisymmetricNavierStokes< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const AxisymmetricNavierStokes< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TBaseElement > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, BinghamFluid< TBaseElement > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TBaseElement > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const BinghamFluid< TBaseElement > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, DVMS< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const DVMS< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, DVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const DVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, DPGVMS< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const DPGVMS< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, DynamicVMS< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const DynamicVMS< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, EmbeddedFluidElement< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const EmbeddedFluidElement< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, EmbeddedFluidElementDiscontinuous< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const EmbeddedFluidElementDiscontinuous< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FIC< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FIC< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FluidElement< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FluidElement< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FractionalStep< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FractionalStep< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FractionalStepDiscontinuous< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FractionalStepDiscontinuous< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TBaseElement > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, HerschelBulkleyFluid< TBaseElement > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TBaseElement > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const HerschelBulkleyFluid< TBaseElement > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, QSVMS< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const QSVMS< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, QSVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const QSVMSDEMCoupled< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, SpalartAllmaras &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const SpalartAllmaras &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, StationaryStokes< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const StationaryStokes< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, SymbolicStokes< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const SymbolicStokes< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoFluidVMS< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoFluidVMS< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoFluidVMSLinearizedDarcy< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoFluidVMSLinearizedDarcy< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, VMS< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const VMS< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, VMSAdjointElement< TDim > &rThis) |
Defines an input stream operator that does nothing. More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const VMSAdjointElement< TDim > &rThis) |
Defines an output stream operator that prints element info. More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, WeaklyCompressibleNavierStokes< TElementData > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TElementData > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const WeaklyCompressibleNavierStokes< TElementData > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ApplyCompressibleNavierStokesBoundaryConditionsProcess &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, WindkesselModel &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const WindkesselModel &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const BoussinesqForceProcess &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ComputeYPlusProcess &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, IntegrationPointStatisticsProcess &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const IntegrationPointStatisticsProcess &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ShockCapturingEntropyViscosityProcess &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ShockCapturingPhysicsBasedProcess &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, SpalartAllmarasTurbulenceModel< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const SpalartAllmarasTurbulenceModel< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, StokesInitializationProcess< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const StokesInitializationProcess< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, BDF2TurbulentScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const BDF2TurbulentScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const AccelerationLimitationUtilities &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TLocalMatrixType , class TLocalVectorType > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, CompressibleElementRotationUtility< TLocalMatrixType, TLocalVectorType > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TLocalMatrixType , class TLocalVectorType > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const CompressibleElementRotationUtility< TLocalMatrixType, TLocalVectorType > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const DragUtilities &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TDenseSpace , class TSparseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FractionalStepSettings< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TDenseSpace , class TSparseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FractionalStepSettings< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TDenseSpace , class TSparseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, FractionalStepSettingsPeriodic< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TDenseSpace , class TSparseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const FractionalStepSettingsPeriodic< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, PeriodicConditionUtilities &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const PeriodicConditionUtilities &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TDenseSpace , class TSparseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, SolverSettings< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TDenseSpace , class TSparseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const SolverSettings< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, StatisticsData &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const StatisticsData &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, StatisticsRecord &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const StatisticsRecord &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, StatisticsSampler &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const StatisticsSampler &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TrilinosStokesInitializationProcess< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver > | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TrilinosStokesInitializationProcess< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, ComputeLaplacianSimplexCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const ComputeLaplacianSimplexCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, MonolithicDEMCoupledWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const MonolithicDEMCoupledWallCondition< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, MonolithicDEMCoupled< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const MonolithicDEMCoupled< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::istream & | Kratos::operator>> (std::istream &rIStream, MonolithicDEMCoupledWeak< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
input stream function More... | |
template<unsigned int TDim, unsigned int TNumNodes> | |
std::ostream & | Kratos::operator<< (std::ostream &rOStream, const MonolithicDEMCoupledWeak< TDim, TNumNodes > &rThis) |
output stream function More... | |
Life Cycle | |
Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::FluidConstitutiveLaw () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::FluidConstitutiveLaw (const FluidConstitutiveLaw &rOther) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::~FluidConstitutiveLaw () override | |
Destructor. More... | |
Operations | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::Clone () const override |
Initialize a new instance of this type of law. More... | |
void | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateMaterialResponseCauchy (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override |
Calculate the response of the material for the current strain rates. More... | |
int | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::Check (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Validate the data received by the constitutive law. More... | |
Access | |
int & | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateValue (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, const Variable< int > &rThisVariable, int &rValue) override |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful. More... | |
double & | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateValue (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, const Variable< double > &rThisVariable, double &rValue) override |
We are abusing the constitutive law interface to return the effective viscosity to the calling element through this function. More... | |
Vector & | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateValue (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, const Variable< Vector > &rThisVariable, Vector &rValue) override |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful. More... | |
array_1d< double, 3 > & | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateValue (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rThisVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rValue) override |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful. More... | |
array_1d< double, 6 > & | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateValue (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &rThisVariable, array_1d< double, 6 > &rValue) override |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful. More... | |
Matrix & | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateValue (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, const Variable< Matrix > &rThisVariable, Matrix &rValue) override |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful. More... | |
Inquiry | |
SizeType | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::WorkingSpaceDimension () override |
This lets user classes know if the constitutive law is defined for 1D, 2D or 3D. More... | |
SizeType | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::GetStrainSize () const override |
This lets the user know the size of the strain rate vector (in Voigt notation) used by the constitutive law. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::Info () const override |
void | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print basic information about this constitutive law instance. More... | |
void | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print detailed information about this constitutive law instance and its managed data. More... | |
Protected Operations | |
void | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::NewtonianConstitutiveMatrix2D (double EffectiveViscosity, Matrix &rC) |
Helper function to write the constitutive matrix using an effective viscosity (2D version). More... | |
void | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::NewtonianConstitutiveMatrix3D (double EffectiveViscosity, Matrix &rC) |
Helper function to write the constitutive matrix using an effective viscosity (3D version). More... | |
Protected Access | |
virtual double | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::GetEffectiveViscosity (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters) const |
Get the Effective Viscosity object Get the effective viscosity (in dynamic units – Pa s) for the fluid. More... | |
virtual double | Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::GetValueFromTable (const Variable< double > &rVariableInput, const Variable< double > &rVariableOutput, ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters) const |
Get the Value From Table object For an table input variable, this method returns the table output variable value. Note that the properties container must have a table relating the input and output variables. More... | |
Life Cycle | |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::FIC (IndexType NewId=0) | |
Default constuctor. More... | |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::FIC (IndexType NewId, const NodesArrayType &ThisNodes) | |
Constructor using an array of nodes. More... | |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::FIC (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry) | |
Constructor using a geometry object. More... | |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::FIC (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, Properties::Pointer pProperties) | |
Constuctor using geometry and properties. More... | |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::~FIC () override | |
Destructor. More... | |
Operations | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, Properties::Pointer pProperties) const override |
Create a new element of this type. More... | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Create (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeom, Properties::Pointer pProperties) const override |
Create a new element of this type using given geometry. More... | |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Calculate (const Variable< double > &rVariable, double &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Calculate (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, Vector &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Calculate (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, Matrix &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Access | |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> const &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rValues, ProcessInfo const &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (Variable< double > const &rVariable, std::vector< double > &rValues, ProcessInfo const &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> const &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rValues, ProcessInfo const &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (Variable< Vector > const &rVariable, std::vector< Vector > &rValues, ProcessInfo const &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (Variable< Matrix > const &rVariable, std::vector< Matrix > &rValues, ProcessInfo const &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Inquiry | |
int | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Input and output | |
const Parameters | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::GetSpecifications () const override |
This method provides the specifications/requirements of the element. More... | |
std::string | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Protected Operations | |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AddTimeIntegratedSystem (TElementData &rData, MatrixType &rLHS, VectorType &rRHS) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AddTimeIntegratedLHS (TElementData &rData, MatrixType &rLHS) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AddTimeIntegratedRHS (TElementData &rData, VectorType &rRHS) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AddVelocitySystem (TElementData &rData, MatrixType &rLocalLHS, VectorType &rLocalRHS) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AddMassLHS (TElementData &rData, MatrixType &rMassMatrix) override |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AddBoundaryTraction (TElementData &rData, const Vector &rUnitNormal, MatrixType &rLHS, VectorType &rRHS) override |
Adds the boundary traction component along a cut plane for embedded formulations. This method adds the boundary traction component to the LHS and RHS arrays. Such boundary integral must be implemented in all the fluid dynamics elements deriving from this one in accordance to the formulation used. This method is intended to be called from the derived elements to add the contribution of the tractions on the elemental cuts to enforce equilibrium. This means that what we call external traction is nothing but minus the base formulation boundary term. More... | |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AddMassStabilization (TElementData &rData, MatrixType &rMassMatrix) |
void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AddViscousTerm (const TElementData &rData, BoundedMatrix< double, LocalSize, LocalSize > &rLHS, VectorType &rRHS) |
virtual void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::CalculateTau (const TElementData &rData, const array_1d< double, 3 > &Velocity, double &TauIncompr, double &TauMomentum, array_1d< double, 3 > &TauGrad) const |
virtual void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::CalculateTauGrad (const TElementData &rData, array_1d< double, 3 > &TauGrad) const |
virtual void | Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::AlgebraicMomentumResidual (const TElementData &rData, const Vector &rConvection, array_1d< double, 3 > &rResidual) const |
Static Operations | |
template<class TDataType > | |
static const Variable< double > & | Kratos::FluidAdjointUtilities< TDim >::GetRelevantVariable (const IndexType DirectionIndex, const Variable< TDataType > &rVariable, const std::array< const Variable< double > *, 3 > &rAllVariableComponents) |
template<class TDataType , std::size_t TGradientVariableTotalDimensionality> | |
static std::array< const Variable< double > *, TDim > | Kratos::FluidAdjointUtilities< TDim >::GetRelevantGradientVariableComponentList (const IndexType DirectionIndex, const Variable< TDataType > &rVariable, const std::array< const Variable< double > *, TGradientVariableTotalDimensionality > &rAllGradientVariableComponents) |
Static Operations | |
static bool | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::IsSplit (const Vector &rElementDistancesVector) |
Checks if an element is split From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is split. More... | |
static bool | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::IsPositive (const Vector &rElementDistancesVector) |
Checks if an element is positive From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is positive. More... | |
static bool | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::IsNegative (const Vector &rElementDistancesVector) |
Checks if an element is negative From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is negative. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::CalculateFluidVolume (const ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Calculate the fluid volume For the given model part, this function iterates its elements to calculate the total volume (or area in 2D) More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::CalculateFluidPositiveVolume (const ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Calculate the fluid positive volume For the given model part, this function calculates the total positive fluid volume fraction. It is assumed that a unique element geometry type it is present in the mesh. Only simplex geometries (linear triangle and tetrahedron) are supported. The positive fraction must be described in terms of a continuous level set function stored in the variable DISTANCE of the historical database. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::CalculateFluidNegativeVolume (const ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Calculate the fluid negative volume For the given model part, this function calculates the total negative fluid volume fraction. It is assumed that a unique element geometry type it is present in the mesh. Only simplex geometries (linear triangle and tetrahedron) are supported. The negative fraction must be described in terms of a continuous level set function stored in the variable DISTANCE of the historical database. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::CalculateFlowRate (const ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions This method calculates the flow rate throught the given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::CalculateFlowRatePositiveSkin (const ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (positive subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the positive part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::CalculateFlowRateNegativeSkin (const ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (negative subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the negative part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::CalculateFlowRatePositiveSkin (const ModelPart &rModelPart, const Flags &rSkinFlag) |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (positive subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the positive part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::CalculateFlowRateNegativeSkin (const ModelPart &rModelPart, const Flags &rSkinFlag) |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (negative subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the negative part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field. More... | |
static ModifiedShapeFunctionsFactoryType | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::GetStandardModifiedShapeFunctionsFactory (const GeometryType &rGeometry) |
Get the Standard Modified Shape Functions Factory object For the given geometry, this methods returns a factory function to create the corresponding standard modified shape functions. The factory returns a unique pointer and expects a pointer to the geometry as well as the nodal distances vector. More... | |
static void | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::MapVelocityFromSkinToVolumeRBF (ModelPart &rVolumeModelPart, ModelPart &rSkinModelPart, const double SearchRadius) |
This function maps the velocity of the nodes "on the skin" by the use of RBF interpolation to the variable EMBEDDED_VELOCITY of the nodes which correspond to the cut cells in the volume. It is designed for use together with the "embedded solver". More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::FindMaximumEdgeLength (ModelPart &rModelPart, const bool CalculateNodalNeighbours=true) |
Find the maximum edge length This function finds and returns the maximum edge length in the given model part from the nodal neighbours. More... | |
Static Operations | |
template<class... TRefVariableValuePairArgs> | |
static void | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::EvaluateInPoint (const GeometryType &rGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunction, const int Step, const TRefVariableValuePairArgs &... rValueVariablePairs) |
Evaluates given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations at step. More... | |
template<class... TRefVariableValuePairArgs> | |
static void | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::EvaluateInPoint (const GeometryType &rGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunction, const TRefVariableValuePairArgs &... rValueVariablePairs) |
Evaluates given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations at current step. More... | |
template<class... TRefVariableValuePairArgs> | |
static void | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::EvaluateNonHistoricalInPoint (const GeometryType &rGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunction, const TRefVariableValuePairArgs &... rValueVariablePairs) |
Evaluates given list of non historical variable pairs at gauss point locations. More... | |
template<class... TRefVariableValuePairArgs> | |
static void | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::EvaluateGradientInPoint (const GeometryType &rGeometry, const Matrix &rShapeFunctionDerivatives, const int Step, const TRefVariableValuePairArgs &... rValueVariablePairs) |
Evaluates gradients of given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations at step. More... | |
template<class... TRefVariableValuePairArgs> | |
static void | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::EvaluateGradientInPoint (const GeometryType &rGeometry, const Matrix &rShapeFunctionDerivatives, const TRefVariableValuePairArgs &... rValueVariablePairs) |
Evaluates gradients of given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations at current step. More... | |
template<class... TRefVariableValuePairArgs> | |
static void | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::EvaluateNonHistoricalGradientInPoint (const GeometryType &rGeometry, const Matrix &rShapeFunctionDerivatives, const TRefVariableValuePairArgs &... rValueVariablePairs) |
Evaluates non historical gradients of given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations. More... | |
template<unsigned int TSize> | |
static void | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::ReadSubVector (BoundedVector< double, TSize > &rOutput, const Vector &rInput, const IndexType Position) |
Get a sub vector from a vector. More... | |
template<unsigned int TSize> | |
static void | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::AddSubVector (Matrix &rOutput, const BoundedVector< double, TSize > &rInput, const unsigned int RowIndex, const unsigned int ColumnIndex) |
Adds values of a vector to a given matrix. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::CalculateLogarithmicYPlusLimit (const double Kappa, const double Beta, const int MaxIterations=20, const double Tolerance=1e-6) |
Calculates logarithmic and linear wall law region limit. More... | |
static double | Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::CalculateLogarithmicYPlus (const double WallVelocityMagnitude, const double WallHeight, const double KinematicViscosity, const double Kappa, const double Beta, const double YPlusLimit, const int MaxIterations=20, const double Tolerance=1e-6) |
Calculates linear or logarithmic y_plus value. More... | |
Life Cycle | |
Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw (const PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw &rOther) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::~PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw () override | |
Destructor. More... | |
Operations | |
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::Clone () const override |
Initialize a new instance of this type of law. More... | |
void | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateMaterialResponseCauchy (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override |
Calculate the response of the material for the current strain rate. More... | |
int | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::Check (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Validate the data received by the constitutive law. More... | |
Access | |
double & | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateValue (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, const Variable< double > &rThisVariable, double &rValue) override |
Inquiry | |
SizeType | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::WorkingSpaceDimension () override |
This lets user classes know if the constitutive law is defined for 1D, 2D or 3D. More... | |
SizeType | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::GetStrainSize () const override |
This lets the user know the size of the strain rate vector (in Voigt notation) used by the constitutive law. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::Info () const override |
void | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print basic information about this constitutive law instance. More... | |
void | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print detailed information about this constitutive law instance and its managed data. More... | |
Protected Access | |
virtual double | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::GetEffectiveMaterialParameter (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, const Variable< double > &rVariable) const |
Get the Effective Density object Get the effective density for the fluid. More... | |
virtual double | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::CalculateAveragedVariable (const Variable< double > &rVariableInput, ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters, unsigned int step) const |
Get the averaged value of the Input Variable. More... | |
virtual double | Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::GetValueFromTable (const Variable< double > &rIndependentVariable, const Variable< double > &rDependentVariable, ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rParameters) const |
Get the Value From Table object For an table independent variable, this method returns the table dependent variable value. Note that the properties container must have a table relating the two variables. More... | |
Operations | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, pPropertiesType pProperties) const override |
Create a new element of this type. More... | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data. More... | |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step. More... | |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateFirstVelocitySystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
Protected Operations | |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateStandardFSPressureSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
Operations | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, pPropertiesType pProperties) const override |
Create a new element of this type. More... | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data. More... | |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step. More... | |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateFSplusPSPGPressureSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
Operations | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, pPropertiesType pProperties) const override |
Create a new element of this type. More... | |
virtual Element::Pointer | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data. More... | |
virtual void | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step. More... | |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateSecondVelocitySystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
Protected Operations | |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateStandardFSPressureSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
Life Cycle | |
Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId=0) | |
Default constuctor. More... | |
Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, const NodesArrayType &ThisNodes) | |
Constructor using an array of nodes. More... | |
Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry) | |
Constructor using a geometry object. More... | |
Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, pPropertiesType pProperties) | |
Constuctor using geometry and properties. More... | |
Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement const &rOther) | |
copy constructor More... | |
virtual | Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::~ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement () |
Destructor. More... | |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Life Cycle | |
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId=0) | |
Default constuctor. More... | |
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, const NodesArrayType &ThisNodes) | |
Constructor using an array of nodes. More... | |
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry) | |
Constructor using a geometry object. More... | |
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, pPropertiesType pProperties) | |
Constuctor using geometry and properties. More... | |
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement (TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement const &rOther) | |
copy constructor More... | |
virtual | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::~TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement () |
Destructor. More... | |
Operations | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, pPropertiesType pProperties) const override |
Create a new element of this type. More... | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Initialize (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::InitializeSolutionStep (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::InitializeNonLinearIteration (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateLeftHandSide (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateRightHandSide (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::EquationIdVector (EquationIdVectorType &rResult, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GetDofList (DofsVectorType &rElementalDofList, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Returns a list of the element's Dofs. More... | |
virtual void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::UpdateCauchyStress (unsigned int g, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
virtual void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::InitializeElementalVariables (ElementalVariables &rElementalVariables) override |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Protected Operations | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::ComputeBoundRHSVector (VectorType &BoundRHSVector, const ShapeFunctionsType &rN, const double TimeStep, const double BoundRHSCoeffAcc, const double BoundRHSCoeffDev) override |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::ComputeBoundRHSVectorComplete (VectorType &BoundRHSVector, const double TimeStep, const double BoundRHSCoeffAcc, const double BoundRHSCoeffDev, const VectorType SpatialDefRate) |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::CalculateTauFIC (double &TauOne, double ElemSize, const double Density, const double Viscosity, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::CalculateLocalContinuityEqForPressure (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Life Cycle | |
Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::UpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId=0) | |
Default constuctor. More... | |
Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::UpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, const NodesArrayType &ThisNodes) | |
Constructor using an array of nodes. More... | |
Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::UpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry) | |
Constructor using a geometry object. More... | |
Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::UpdatedLagrangianElement (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) | |
Constuctor using geometry and properties. More... | |
Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::UpdatedLagrangianElement (UpdatedLagrangianElement const &rOther) | |
copy constructor More... | |
virtual | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::~UpdatedLagrangianElement () |
Destructor. More... | |
Operations | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) const override |
Create a new element of this type. More... | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data. More... | |
virtual void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Initialize (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
virtual void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::InitializeSolutionStep (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem. More... | |
virtual void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::InitializeNonLinearIteration (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
virtual void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
virtual void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step. More... | |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateLeftHandSide (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateRightHandSide (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::EquationIdVector (EquationIdVectorType &rResult, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows. More... | |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GetDofList (DofsVectorType &rElementalDofList, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Returns a list of the element's Dofs. More... | |
GeometryData::IntegrationMethod | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GetIntegrationMethod () const override |
virtual void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::UpdateCauchyStress (unsigned int g, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::InitializeElementalVariables (ElementalVariables &rElementalVariables) |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateDeltaPosition (Matrix &rDeltaPosition) |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< double > &rVariable, const std::vector< double > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< double > &rVariable, std::vector< double > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Elemental Data | |
int | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered. More... | |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print object's data. More... | |
Operations | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, pPropertiesType pProperties) const override |
Create a new element of this type. More... | |
Element::Pointer | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const override |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data. More... | |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::CalculateLeftHandSide (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::CalculateRightHandSide (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
Input and output | |
std::string | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::Info () const override |
Turn back information as a string. More... | |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
Print information about this object. More... | |
Protected Operations | |
void | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::CalcElasticPlasticCauchySplitted (ElementalVariables &rElementalVariables, const unsigned int g, const Vector &rN, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo, double &Density, double &DeviatoricCoeff, double &VolumetricCoeff) override |
Add integration point contribution to the mass matrix. More... | |
double | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::GetThetaMomentum () override |
double | Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::GetThetaContinuity () override |
Static Operations | |
static void | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::SetHRomComputingModelPart (const Parameters HRomWeights, const ModelPart &rOriginModelPart, ModelPart &rHRomComputingModelPart) |
Sets the HROM model part from the nodal weights Provided an origin model part and a parameters object containing the HROM weights, this method stores the elements and conditions required by the HROM in the destination model part. The new model part features the same submodelpart hierarchy that the origin has. More... | |
static void | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::SetHRomComputingModelPartWithNeighbours (const Parameters HRomWeights, ModelPart &rOriginModelPart, ModelPart &rHRomComputingModelPart) |
Sets the HROM model part including neighboring entities based on the nodal weights. More... | |
static void | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::SetHRomVolumetricVisualizationModelPart (const ModelPart &rOriginModelPart, ModelPart &rHRomVisualizationModelPart) |
Sets the HROM skin visualization model part for a volumetric body This function detects the skin of the origin modelpart and creates the corresponding skin entities (conditions) which are stored in an auxiliary modelpart to visualize the HROM solution It is important to mention that this function only works with volumetric (a.k.a. solid) bodies. More... | |
static std::vector< IndexType > | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetHRomConditionParentsIds (const ModelPart &rModelPart, const std::map< std::string, std::map< IndexType, double >> &rHRomWeights) |
Return the decremented element ids(-1 to account for numpy indexing) of the missing HROM condition parents This function loops the HROM conditions in the HROM weights and searches for their parents in the provided model part. Once these are found, it is checked that they are not already added and returned. Note that this functions requires the NEIGHBOUR_ELEMENTS to be already computed. More... | |
static std::vector< IndexType > | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetNodalNeighbouringElementIdsNotInHRom (ModelPart &rModelPart, ModelPart &rGivenModelPart, const std::map< std::string, std::map< IndexType, double >> &rHRomWeights) |
Retrieve the decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of elements neighboring nodes in a given sub-model part but not present in HRom weights. More... | |
static std::vector< IndexType > | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetNodalNeighbouringElementIds (ModelPart &rModelPart, ModelPart &rGivenModelPart) |
Retrieve the decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of elements neighboring nodes in a given sub-model part. More... | |
static std::vector< IndexType > | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetConditionIdsNotInHRomModelPart (const ModelPart &rModelPartWithConditionsToInclude, std::map< std::string, std::map< IndexType, double >> &rHRomWeights) |
Identifies condition decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs from a given ModelPart that are not in the HROM weights This function iterates through the conditions in the provided ModelPart, checks if their IDs exist in the HROM weights, and includes them in a list if they are missing. The decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of the absent conditions are returned. More... | |
static std::vector< IndexType > | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetElementIdsNotInHRomModelPart (const ModelPart &rModelPartWithElementsToInclude, std::map< std::string, std::map< IndexType, double >> &rHRomWeights) |
Identifies element decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs from a given ModelPart that are not in the HROM weights This function iterates through the elements in the provided ModelPart, checks if their decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs exist in the HROM weights, and includes them in a list if they are missing. The decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of the absent elements are returned. More... | |
static std::vector< IndexType > | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetHRomMinimumConditionsIds (const ModelPart &rModelPart, const std::map< IndexType, double > &rHRomConditionWeights) |
Return the a minimum condition for each HROM submodelpart This function loops the HROM mesh submodelparts and checks if there is at least a minimum condition for each submodelpart in the HROM condition weights. If there are no conditions it adds a null weight condition to the HROM weights. This might be required for the HROM submodelparts visualization or BC imposition. More... | |
static std::vector< IndexType > | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetElementIdsInModelPart (const ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Retrieve the decremented IDs (-1 to account for numpy indexing) of elements present in the provided model part. More... | |
static std::vector< IndexType > | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetConditionIdsInModelPart (const ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Retrieve the decremented IDs (-1 to account for numpy indexing) of conditions present in the provided model part. More... | |
static void | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::ProjectRomSolutionIncrementToNodes (const std::vector< std::string > &rRomVariableNames, ModelPart &rModelPart) |
Project the ROM solution increment onto the nodal basis For a given model part this function takes the ROM_SOLUTION_INCREMENT, which is assumed to be stored in the root model part, and projects it with the nodal ROM_BASIS to calculate the solution increment. More... | |
static void | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetPhiElemental (Matrix &rPhiElemental, const Element::DofsVectorType &rDofs, const Element::GeometryType &rGeom, const std::unordered_map< Kratos::VariableData::KeyType, Matrix::size_type > &rVarToRowMapping) |
Obtain the elemental basis matrix for a particular element. More... | |
static void | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetPsiElemental (Matrix &rPsiElemental, const Element::DofsVectorType &rDofs, const Element::GeometryType &rGeom, const std::unordered_map< Kratos::VariableData::KeyType, Matrix::size_type > &rVarToRowMapping) |
Obtain the left elemental basis (Psi) matrix for a particular element. More... | |
static void | Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GetJPhiElemental (Matrix &rJPhiElemental, const Element::DofsVectorType &rDofs, const Matrix &rJPhi) |
Obtain the JPhi elemental matrix for a particular element. JPhi represents the projection of the Jacobian onto the ROM_BASIS. More... | |
Basic set of CFD tools. The aim of the Fluid Dynamics Application is to implement a basic set of tools for the solution of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) problems. This application contains the basics, stable and tested implementations of common CFD techniques that can be used as a base for extension in other applications.
The "TwoFluidVMS" element is an element based on the Variation Multiscale Stabilization technique (VMS) which is designed for the solution of a two fluid problem.
A distinctive feature of the element is the use of 4 LOCAL enrichment functions, which allows to model a discontinuity in both the pressure field and in its gradient. The enrichment functions are obtained by duplicating all of the degrees of freedom of the element. Since the enrichment is performed elementwise, a purely local static condensation step is performed.
Since a jump in the pressure can be considered, the element shall be able to habdle moderate changes of the viscosity between the two fluids to be considered
WARNING: From the implementation point of view, the element hard codes a BDF2 scheme within the element this is different from the VMS base element which supports the use of an arbitrary time integrator. In the practice this implies that the element can ONLY be used in conjunction with the scheme implemented in "residualbased_predictorcorrector_velocity_bdf_scheme_turbulent.h"
a buffer size of dimension 3 is needed since the current step and two steps in the past need to be stored.
TODO: so far only ASGS stabilization is implemented. OSS stabilization is possible but has not yet been implemented
using Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::BaseType = FluidElement<TElementData> |
Base type definition.
typedef ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement<TDim> Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::BaseType |
typedef ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement<TDim> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::BaseType |
typedef ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement<TDim> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::BaseType |
typedef UpdatedLagrangianElement<TDim> Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::BaseType |
typedef UpdatedLagrangianElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::BaseType |
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement<TDim> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
typedef TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement<TDim> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::BaseType |
base type:
using Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::ComponentDataType = std::tuple<TDataType&, const TDataType&> |
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLawType::Pointer Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawPointerType |
Pointer type for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
Reference type definition for constitutive laws.
typedef ConstitutiveLaw Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ConstitutiveLawType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef PointerVectorSet<Dof<double>, IndexedObject> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::DofsArrayType |
typedef std::vector< Dof<double>::Pointer > Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef std::vector<Dof<double>::Pointer> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::DofsVectorType |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef BaseType::ElementalVariables Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables |
typedef LargeDisplacementElement::ElementDataType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementDataType |
Type for element variables.
using Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::ElementFacesMapType = std::unordered_map< std::vector<IndexType>, std::pair<bool, GeometryPointerType>, KeyHasherRange<std::vector<IndexType> >, KeyComparorRange<std::vector<IndexType> >> |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector<std::size_t> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::EquationIdVectorType |
using Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::GeometryPointerType = Geometry<NodeType>::Pointer |
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef Geometry<NodeType> Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::GeometryType |
Geometry type (using with given NodeType)
typedef std::size_t Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::IndexType |
using Kratos::FluidAdjointUtilities< TDim >::IndexType = std::size_t |
using Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::IndexType = std::size_t |
using Kratos::FluidCalculationUtilities::IndexType = std::size_t |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::IndexType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::IndexType |
using Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::IndexType = std::size_t |
typedef GeometryData::IntegrationMethod Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::IntegrationMethod |
Type definition for integration methods.
typedef Matrix Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Matrix Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::MatrixType |
Matrix type for local contributions to the linear system.
using Kratos::FluidAuxiliaryUtilities::ModifiedShapeFunctionsFactoryType = std::function<ModifiedShapeFunctions::UniquePointer(const GeometryType::Pointer, const Vector&)> |
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Geometry<NodeType>::PointsArrayType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::NodesArrayType |
Definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType.
typedef Node Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef Node Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::NodeType |
typedef GlobalPointersVector<Node> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::NodeWeakPtrVectorType |
typedef GlobalPointersVector<Node> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::NodeWeakPtrVectorType |
typedef GlobalPointersVector<Node> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::NodeWeakPtrVectorType |
typedef GlobalPointersVector<Node> Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::NodeWeakPtrVectorType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType::Pointer Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::pPropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef Element::PropertiesType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef BaseType::PropertiesType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::PropertiesType |
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef GeometryType::ShapeFunctionsGradientsType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesArrayType |
Type for an array of shape function gradient matrices.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Matrix Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionDerivativesType |
Type for a matrix containing the shape function gradients.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::ShapeFunctionsType |
Type for shape function values container.
typedef std::size_t Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::SizeType |
typedef std::size_t Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::SizeType |
using Kratos::RomAuxiliaryUtilities::SizeType = std::size_t |
typedef GeometryData::SizeType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::SizeType |
Type for size.
typedef Vector Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Kratos::Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
typedef Vector Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::VectorType |
Vector type for local contributions to the linear system.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Adds the boundary traction component along a cut plane for embedded formulations. This method adds the boundary traction component to the LHS and RHS arrays. Such boundary integral must be implemented in all the fluid dynamics elements deriving from this one in accordance to the formulation used. This method is intended to be called from the derived elements to add the contribution of the tractions on the elemental cuts to enforce equilibrium. This means that what we call external traction is nothing but minus the base formulation boundary term.
rData | Element data structure |
rUnitNormal | Outwards unit normal vector for the cut plane |
rLHS | Reference to the Left Hand Side matrix |
rRHS | Reference to the Right Hand Side vector |
Reimplemented from Kratos::FluidElement< TElementData >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::FluidElement< TElementData >.
protected |
void Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::AddMomentumMassTerm | ( | Matrix & | rMassMatrix, |
const ShapeFunctionsType & | rN, | ||
const double | Weight | ||
) |
void Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::AddMomentumRHSTerms | ( | Vector & | rRHSVector, |
const double | Density, | ||
const array_1d< double, 3 > & | rBodyForce, | ||
const double | OldPressure, | ||
const ShapeFunctionsType & | rN, | ||
const ShapeFunctionDerivativesType & | rDN_DX, | ||
const double | Weight | ||
) |
protected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlinestatic |
Adds values of a vector to a given matrix.
This method adds values of a vector to a matrix where matrix row is given by RowIndex, and matrix column starting index is given by ColumnIndex. The vector values are added along the row of the given matrix.
TSize | Input vector size |
rOutput | Output matrix |
rInput | Input vector |
RowIndex | Row index |
ColumnIndex | Column index |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::FluidElement< TElementData >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::FluidElement< TElementData >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::FluidElement< TElementData >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::FluidElement< TElementData >.
protected |
void Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::AddViscousTerm | ( | MatrixType & | rDampingMatrix, |
const ShapeFunctionDerivativesType & | rShapeDeriv, | ||
const double | Weight, | ||
const double | theta_velocity | ||
) |
protectedvirtual |
protected |
protected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Add integration point contribution to the mass matrix.
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >.
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::CalcElementalStrains | ( | ElementalVariables & | rElementalVariables, |
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo, | ||
const ShapeFunctionDerivativesType & | rDN_DX | ||
) |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
rVariable | Use ADVPROJ or VELOCITY |
Output | (unused) |
rCurrentProcessInfo | Process info instance (unused) |
Reimplemented from Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
rVariable | Use ADVPROJ or VELOCITY |
Output | (unused) |
rCurrentProcessInfo | Process info instance (unused) |
Reimplemented from Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
rVariable | Use ADVPROJ or VELOCITY |
Output | (unused) |
rCurrentProcessInfo | Process info instance (unused) |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Calculate a Element variable usually associated to a integration point the Output is given on integration points and characterizes the element Calculate(..) methods are: OPTIONAL
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
protectedvirtual |
Get the averaged value of the Input Variable.
rParameters | input variable, constitutive law parameters, step in which the variable is to evaluated |
virtual |
Calculation of the Position Increment
Reimplemented from Kratos::SolidElement.
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::CalculateElementalContinuityEqForPressure | ( | MatrixType & | rLeftHandSideMatrix, |
VectorType & | rRightHandSideVector, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::CalculateElementalLaplacian | ( | MatrixType & | rLeftHandSideMatrix, |
VectorType & | rRightHandSideVector, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::CalculateElementalLaplacianAndTau | ( | MatrixType & | rLeftHandSideMatrix, |
VectorType & | rRightHandSideVector, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
void Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateFirstVelocitySystem | ( | MatrixType & | rLeftHandSideMatrix, |
VectorType & | rRightHandSideVector, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions This method calculates the flow rate throught the given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field.
rModelPart | The model part to calculate the flow rate |
static |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (negative subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the negative part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field.
rModelPart | The model part to calculate the flow rate |
static |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (negative subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the negative part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field.
rModelPart | The model part to calculate the flow rate |
rSkinFlag | Flag that marks the conditions to be included in the calculation |
static |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (positive subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the positive part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field.
rModelPart | The model part to calculate the flow rate |
static |
Calculate the flow rate through the given model part conditions (positive subdomain) This method calculates the flow rate throught the positive part of given model part conditions It is assumed that only linear elements are employed for the discretization of velocity field.
rModelPart | The model part to calculate the flow rate |
rSkinFlag | Flag that marks the conditions to be included in the calculation |
static |
Calculate the fluid negative volume For the given model part, this function calculates the total negative fluid volume fraction. It is assumed that a unique element geometry type it is present in the mesh. Only simplex geometries (linear triangle and tetrahedron) are supported. The negative fraction must be described in terms of a continuous level set function stored in the variable DISTANCE of the historical database.
rModelPart | The model part to calculate the negative volume |
static |
Calculate the fluid positive volume For the given model part, this function calculates the total positive fluid volume fraction. It is assumed that a unique element geometry type it is present in the mesh. Only simplex geometries (linear triangle and tetrahedron) are supported. The positive fraction must be described in terms of a continuous level set function stored in the variable DISTANCE of the historical database.
rModelPart | The model part to calculate the positive volume |
Calculate the fluid volume For the given model part, this function iterates its elements to calculate the total volume (or area in 2D)
rModelPart | The model part to calculate the volume of |
void Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateFSplusPSPGPressureSystem | ( | MatrixType & | rLeftHandSideMatrix, |
VectorType & | rRightHandSideVector, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
protectedvirtual |
Determine integration point weights and shape funcition derivatives from the element's geometry.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Determine integration point weights and shape funcition derivatives from the element's geometry.
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
protected |
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental left hand side matrix only
rLeftHandSideMatrix | the elemental left hand side matrix |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step.
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step.
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Calculate the element's local contribution to the system for the current step.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
static |
Calculates linear or logarithmic y_plus value.
This method calculates $y^+$ values based on the following formulare.
if $y^+ \geq y^+_{limit}$ using logarithmic wall law
[ u^+ = \frac{1}{\kappa}ln\left(y^+\right) + \beta ]
else using linear wall law
[ u^+ = y^+ ]
Where [ u^+ = \frac{|\underline{u}|}{u_\tau} ] [ y^+ = \frac{u_\tau y}{\nu} ]
$u_\tau$ is the friction velocity, $y$ is the wall distance, and $\nu$ is the fluid kinematic viscosity.
WallVelocityMagnitude | $|\underline{u}|$ | |
WallHeight | $y,$ | |
KinematicViscosity | $\nu$ | |
Kappa | $\kappa$ | |
Beta | $\beta$ | |
YPlusLimit | $y,^+_{limit}$ | |
MaxIterations | Number of max iterations to solve for $y^+$ | |
Tolerance | Tolerance to be used for solving $y^+$ |
static |
Calculates logarithmic and linear wall law region limit.
This method calculates logarithmic and linear wall law region limit according to following formulare
[ y^+ = \frac{1}{\kappa}ln\left(y^+\right) + \beta ]
Kappa | $\kappa$ value |
Beta | $\beta$ value |
MaxIterations | Number of max iterations to consider |
Tolerance | Tolerance for the iterative solve |
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Add integration point contribution to the mass matrix.
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Add integration point contribution to the mass matrix.
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Add integration point contribution to the mass matrix.
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Calculate the response of the material for the current strain rates.
This is the main method for fluid constitutive laws. It should calculate, at least, the tangent matrix d(Stress)/d(Strain rate) or a suitable linearization and the stresses corresponding to the current strain rates. These are returned as rValues.GetConstitutiveMatrix() and rValues.GetStressVector(), respectively.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw, Kratos::Bingham3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, and Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw.
overridevirtual |
Calculate the response of the material for the current strain rate.
This is the main method for solid constitutive laws.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
Calculate variables on Integration points. This gives access to variables computed in the constitutive law on each integration point. Specialisations of element must specify the actual interface to the integration points! Note, that these functions expect a std::vector of values for the specified variable type that contains a value for each integration point! CalculateValueOnIntegrationPoints: calculates the values of given Variable.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Get on rVariable a double Value from the Element Constitutive Law
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
protected |
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called during the assembling process in order to calculate the elemental right hand side vector only
rRightHandSideVector | the elemental right hand side vector |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >.
void Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateSecondVelocitySystem | ( | MatrixType & | rLeftHandSideMatrix, |
VectorType & | rRightHandSideVector, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::CalculateStabilizingTermsContinuityEqForPressure | ( | MatrixType & | rLeftHandSideMatrix, |
VectorType & | rRightHandSideVector, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
protected |
protected |
protectedvirtual |
void Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::CalculateTauFIC | ( | double & | TauOne, |
double | ElemSize, | ||
const double | Density, | ||
const double | Viscosity, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
protectedvirtual |
protected |
protected |
overridevirtual |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
We are abusing the constitutive law interface to return the effective viscosity to the calling element through this function.
it always returns this->GetEffectiveViscosity() (and copies the result to rValue).
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
Useless boilerplate that's just here to avoid a compilation warning. Only the double variant is meaningful.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::CalculateVolumetricStabilizedTerms | ( | MatrixType & | rLeftHandSideMatrix, |
VectorType & | rRightHandSideVector, | ||
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo | ||
) |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
overridevirtual |
This method provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input and the compatibility with the problem options as well as the contitutive laws selected It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | this method is: MANDATORY |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Checks the input and that all required Kratos variables have been registered.
This function provides the place to perform checks on the completeness of the input. It is designed to be called only once (or anyway, not often) typically at the beginning of the calculations, so to verify that nothing is missing from the input or that no common error is found.
rCurrentProcessInfo | The ProcessInfo of the ModelPart that contains this element. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Validate the data received by the constitutive law.
rMaterialProperties | Properties of the parent Element. |
rElementGeometry | Geometry of the parent Element. |
rCurrentProcessInfo | ProcessInfo for the problem. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::RansNewtonian3DLaw, Kratos::RansNewtonian2DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent2DLaw, Kratos::BinghamTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw, Kratos::Bingham3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTwoFluid3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTwoFluid2DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent2DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, and Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw.
overridevirtual |
Validate the data received by the constitutive law.
rMaterialProperties | Properties of the parent Element. |
rElementGeometry | Geometry of the parent Element. |
rCurrentProcessInfo | ProcessInfo for the problem. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::HypoelasticTemperatureDependent3DLaw, and Kratos::HypoelasticTemperatureDependent2DLaw.
protected |
protected |
protected |
overridevirtual |
Initialize a new instance of this type of law.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::RansNewtonian3DLaw, Kratos::RansNewtonian2DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent2DLaw, Kratos::BinghamTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw, Kratos::Bingham3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTwoFluid3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTwoFluid2DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent2DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, and Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw.
overridevirtual |
Initialize a new instance of this type of law.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::HypoelasticTemperatureDependent3DLaw, and Kratos::HypoelasticTemperatureDependent2DLaw.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUwPStabElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUwPElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUWwPElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUWwPDMEElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUWElement, Kratos::TotalUpdatedLagrangianElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data.
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >.
protected |
void Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ComputeBoundLHSMatrix | ( | MatrixType & | BoundLHSMatrix, |
const ShapeFunctionsType & | rN, | ||
const double | Weight | ||
) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
void Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ComputeBoundRHSVector | ( | VectorType & | BoundRHSVector, |
const ShapeFunctionsType & | rN, | ||
const double | TimeStep, | ||
const double | BoundRHSCoeffAcc, | ||
const double | BoundRHSCoeffDev | ||
) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
void Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ComputeBoundRHSVectorComplete | ( | VectorType & | BoundRHSVector, |
const double | TimeStep, | ||
const double | BoundRHSCoeffAcc, | ||
const double | BoundRHSCoeffDev, | ||
const VectorType | SpatialDefRate | ||
) |
protected |
protected |
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::ComputeBoundRHSVectorComplete | ( | VectorType & | BoundRHSVector, |
const double | TimeStep, | ||
const double | BoundRHSCoeffAcc, | ||
const double | BoundRHSCoeffDev, | ||
const VectorType | SpatialDefRate | ||
) |
protected |
protected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
protected |
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::ComputeElementalBoundRHSVector | ( | VectorType & | BoundRHSVector, |
const double | TimeStep, | ||
const double | BoundRHSCoeffAcc, | ||
const double | BoundRHSCoeffDev | ||
) |
protected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineprotected |
protected |
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
inlineprotected |
Add integration point contribution to the mass matrix.
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
protected |
void Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ComputeStabLaplacianMatrix | ( | MatrixType & | StabLaplacianMatrix, |
const ShapeFunctionDerivativesType & | rShapeDeriv, | ||
const double | Weight | ||
) |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
override |
Create a new element of this type using given geometry.
Returns a pointer to a new FluidElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
pGeom | a pointer to the geomerty to be used to create the element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverride |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
override |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new FIC element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
inlineoverridevirtual |
Create a new element of this type.
Returns a pointer to a new UpdatedLagrangianElement element, created using given input
NewId | the ID of the new element |
ThisNodes | the nodes of the new element |
pProperties | the properties assigned to the new element |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUwPStabElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUwPElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUWwPElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUWwPDMEElement, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianUWElement, and Kratos::TotalUpdatedLagrangianElement.
double Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementSize |
protected |
overridevirtual |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows.
this determines the elemental equation ID vector for all elemental DOFs
rResult | A vector containing the global Id of each row |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info object (unused) |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows.
this determines the elemental equation ID vector for all elemental DOFs
rResult | A vector containing the global Id of each row |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info object (unused) |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows.
this determines the elemental equation ID vector for all elemental DOFs
rResult | A vector containing the global Id of each row |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info object (unused) |
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
protected |
EquivalentStrainRate Calculate the second invariant of the strain rate tensor GammaDot = (2SijSij)^0.5.
rDN_DX | Shape function derivatives at the integration point. |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
inlinestatic |
Evaluates gradients of given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations at step.
Example: array_1d<double, 3> density_gradient; BoundedMatrix<double, 3, 3> velocity_gradient EvaluateGradientInPoint(rGeometry, rShapeFunctionDerivatives, Step, std::tie(density_gradient, DENSITY), std::tie(velocity_gradient, VELOCITY));
The above evaluation will fill density_gradient, and velocity_gradient variables with gauss point evaluated gradient of DENSITY and VELOCITY at gauss point with shape function derivative values rShapeFunctionDerivatives in the geometry named rGeometry.
The output gradient vectors will be having variable direction components in rows in the case where variable is of type scalar
The output gradient matrices will be having variable components in rows, direction components in columns in the case where variable is of type vector
TRefVariableValuePairArgs |
[in] | rGeometry | Geometry to get nodes |
[in] | rShapeFunctionDerivatives | Shape function derivative values at gauss point |
[in] | Step | Step to be evaluated |
[in/out] | rValueVariablePairs std::tuple<TDataType1, const Variable<TDataType2>> list of variables. |
inlinestatic |
Evaluates gradients of given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations at current step.
Example: array_1d<double, 3> density_gradient; BoundedMatrix<double, 3, 3> velocity_gradient EvaluateGradientInPoint(rGeometry, rShapeFunctionDerivatives, Step, std::tie(density_gradient, DENSITY), std::tie(velocity_gradient, VELOCITY));
The above evaluation will fill density_gradient, and velocity_gradient variables with gauss point evaluated gradient of DENSITY and VELOCITY at gauss point with shape function derivative values rShapeFunctionDerivatives in the geometry named rGeometry.
The output gradient vectors will be having variable direction components in rows in the case where variable is of type scalar
The output gradient matrices will be having variable components in rows, direction components in columns in the case where variable is of type vector
TRefVariableValuePairArgs |
[in] | rGeometry | Geometry to get nodes |
[in] | rShapeFunctionDerivatives | Shape function derivative values at gauss point |
[in] | Step | Step to be evaluated |
[in/out] | rValueVariablePairs std::tuple<TDataType1, const Variable<TDataType2>> list of variables. |
inlinestatic |
Evaluates given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations at step.
Example: double density; array_1d<double, 3> velocity EvaluateInPoint(rGeometry, rShapeFunction, Step, std::tie(density, DENSITY), std::tie(velocity, VELOCITY));
The above evaluation will fill density, and velocity variables with gauss point evaluated DENSITY and VELOCITY at gauss point with shape function values rShapeFunction in the geometry named rGeometry.
TRefVariableValuePairArgs |
[in] | rGeometry | Geometry to get nodes |
[in] | rShapeFunction | Shape function values at gauss point |
[in] | Step | Step to be evaluated |
[in/out] | rValueVariablePairs std::tuple<TDataType, const Variable<TDataType>> list of variables. |
inlinestatic |
Evaluates given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations at current step.
Example: double density; array_1d<double, 3> velocity EvaluateInPoint(rGeometry, rShapeFunction, std::tie(density, DENSITY), std::tie(velocity, VELOCITY));
The above evaluation will fill density, and velocity variables with gauss point evaluated DENSITY and VELOCITY at gauss point with shape function values rShapeFunction in the geometry named rGeometry.
TRefVariableValuePairArgs |
[in] | rGeometry | Geometry to get nodes |
[in] | rShapeFunction | Shape function values at gauss point |
[in/out] | rValueVariablePairs std::tuple<TDataType, const Variable<TDataType>> list of variables. |
inlineprotected |
Write the value of a variable at a point inside the element to a double.
Evaluate a nodal variable in the point where the form functions take the values given by rShapeFunc and write the result to rResult. This is an auxiliary function used to compute values in integration points.
rResult | The variable where the value will be added to |
rVariable | The nodal variable to be read |
rShapeFunc | The values of the form functions in the point |
inlineprotected |
Write the value of a variable at a point inside the element to a double.
Evaluate a nodal variable in the point where the form functions take the values given by rShapeFunc and write the result to rResult. This is an auxiliary function used to compute values in integration points.
rResult | The variable where the value will be added to |
rVariable | The nodal variable to be read |
rShapeFunc | The values of the form functions in the point |
Step | Number of time steps back |
inlinestatic |
Evaluates non historical gradients of given list of variable pairs at gauss point locations.
Example: array_1d<double, 3> density_gradient; BoundedMatrix<double, 3, 3> velocity_gradient EvaluateGradientInPoint(rGeometry, rShapeFunctionDerivatives, Step, std::tie(density_gradient, DENSITY), std::tie(velocity_gradient, VELOCITY));
The above evaluation will fill density_gradient, and velocity_gradient variables with gauss point evaluated gradient of DENSITY and VELOCITY at gauss point with shape function derivative values rShapeFunctionDerivatives in the geometry named rGeometry.
The output gradient vectors will be having variable direction components in rows in the case where variable is of type scalar
The output gradient matrices will be having variable components in rows, direction components in columns in the case where variable is of type vector
TRefVariableValuePairArgs |
[in] | rGeometry | Geometry to get nodes |
[in] | rShapeFunctionDerivatives | Shape function derivative values at gauss point |
[in/out] | rValueVariablePairs std::tuple<TDataType1, const Variable<TDataType2>> list of variables. |
inlinestatic |
Evaluates given list of non historical variable pairs at gauss point locations.
Example: double density; array_1d<double, 3> velocity EvaluateInPoint(rGeometry, rShapeFunction, std::tie(density, DENSITY), std::tie(velocity, VELOCITY));
The above evaluation will fill density, and velocity variables with gauss point evaluated DENSITY and VELOCITY at gauss point with shape function values rShapeFunction in the geometry named rGeometry.
TRefVariableValuePairArgs |
[in] | rGeometry | Geometry to get nodes |
[in] | rShapeFunction | Shape function values at gauss point |
[in/out] | rValueVariablePairs std::tuple<TDataType, const Variable<TDataType>> list of variables. |
inlineprotected |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::FIC | ( | IndexType | NewId, |
const NodesArrayType & | ThisNodes | ||
) |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::FIC | ( | IndexType | NewId, |
GeometryType::Pointer | pGeometry | ||
) |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::FIC | ( | IndexType | NewId, |
GeometryType::Pointer | pGeometry, | ||
Properties::Pointer | pProperties | ||
) |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::FIC | ( | IndexType | NewId = 0 | ) |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
static |
Find the maximum edge length This function finds and returns the maximum edge length in the given model part from the nodal neighbours.
rModelPart | The model part to find the maximum edge length |
CalculateNodalNeighbours | Indicates if the nodal neighbours calculation is required (true by default) |
Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::FluidConstitutiveLaw | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::FluidConstitutiveLaw | ( | const FluidConstitutiveLaw & | rOther | ) |
Copy constructor.
protected |
static |
Retrieve the decremented IDs (-1 to account for numpy indexing) of conditions present in the provided model part.
This function iterates over all the conditions in the given model part (rModelPart
) and collects their IDs after decrementing each by one. The decremented IDs are then added to a vector which is returned to the caller.
rModelPart | The model part containing the conditions whose IDs are to be fetched. |
static |
Identifies condition decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs from a given ModelPart that are not in the HROM weights This function iterates through the conditions in the provided ModelPart, checks if their IDs exist in the HROM weights, and includes them in a list if they are missing. The decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of the absent conditions are returned.
rModelPart | Complete hrom model part (all elements and conditions) |
rModelPartWithConditionsToInclude | ModelPart with conditions that should be checked against HROM weights |
protected |
protected |
override |
Returns a list of the element's Dofs.
ElementalDofList | the list of DOFs |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
override |
Returns a list of the element's Dofs.
ElementalDofList | the list of DOFs |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
inlineoverride |
Returns a list of the element's Dofs.
ElementalDofList | the list of DOFs |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
protectedvirtual |
Get the Effective Density object Get the effective density for the fluid.
rParameters | constitutive law parameters |
Reimplemented in Kratos::HypoelasticTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::HypoelasticTemperatureDependent2DLaw, Kratos::Hypoelastic3DLaw, and Kratos::Hypoelastic2DLaw.
protectedvirtual |
Get the Effective Viscosity object Get the effective viscosity (in dynamic units – Pa s) for the fluid.
rParameters | constitutive law parameters |
Reimplemented in Kratos::RansNewtonian3DLaw, Kratos::RansNewtonian2DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTwoFluid3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTwoFluid2DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent2DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw, Kratos::Euler3DLaw, Kratos::Euler2DLaw, and Kratos::Bingham3DLaw.
protected |
inlineprotected |
Helper function to print results on gauss points.
Reads a variable from the element's database and returns it in a format that can be used by GetValueOnIntegrationPoints functions.
static |
Retrieve the decremented IDs (-1 to account for numpy indexing) of elements present in the provided model part.
This function iterates over all the elements in the given model part (rModelPart
) and collects their IDs after decrementing each by one. The decremented IDs are then added to a vector which is returned to the caller.
rModelPart | The model part containing the elements whose IDs are to be fetched. |
static |
Identifies element decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs from a given ModelPart that are not in the HROM weights This function iterates through the elements in the provided ModelPart, checks if their decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs exist in the HROM weights, and includes them in a list if they are missing. The decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of the absent elements are returned.
rModelPartWithElementsToInclude | ModelPart with elements that should be checked against HROM weights |
rHRomWeights | Map containing the original HROM elements and conditions weights |
protected |
static |
Return the decremented element ids(-1 to account for numpy indexing) of the missing HROM condition parents This function loops the HROM conditions in the HROM weights and searches for their parents in the provided model part. Once these are found, it is checked that they are not already added and returned. Note that this functions requires the NEIGHBOUR_ELEMENTS to be already computed.
rModelPart | Complete model part (all elements and conditions) |
rHRomWeights | Map containing the original HROM conditions and elements weights |
static |
Return the a minimum condition for each HROM submodelpart This function loops the HROM mesh submodelparts and checks if there is at least a minimum condition for each submodelpart in the HROM condition weights. If there are no conditions it adds a null weight condition to the HROM weights. This might be required for the HROM submodelparts visualization or BC imposition.
rHRomConditionWeights | Map containing the original HROM conditions and elements weights |
overridevirtual |
returns the used integration method. In the general case this is the default integration method of the used geometry. I an other integration method is used the method has to be overwritten within the element
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
static |
Obtain the JPhi elemental matrix for a particular element. JPhi represents the projection of the Jacobian onto the ROM_BASIS.
rJPhiElemental | The matrix to store the result in. Must have the appropriate size already. |
rDofs | The set of degrees of freedom (DoFs) of the element. |
rJPhi | The JPhi matrix, from which rows are extracted according to the equation ID of each DoF. |
This function loops over all the DoFs for the given element. For each DoF, it uses its equation ID to extract a corresponding row from the rJPhi matrix, which is then stored in the corresponding row of rJPhiElemental.
static |
Retrieve the decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of elements neighboring nodes in a given sub-model part.
This function iterates over all the nodes in the provided sub-model part (rGivenModelPart
) and collects the decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of the elements neighboring each node. The neighboring elements are determined using the 'NEIGHBOUR_ELEMENTS' value attached to each node. The function automatically ensures that each element ID is unique, avoiding duplicates in the return vector. It's important to note that this function assumes that the 'NEIGHBOUR_ELEMENTS' values are already computed for the nodes in the model part.
rModelPart | The complete model part which houses all the elements. |
rGivenModelPart | The sub-model part with nodes for which neighboring elements should be fetched. |
static |
Retrieve the decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs of elements neighboring nodes in a given sub-model part but not present in HRom weights.
This function iterates over all the nodes in the provided sub-model part (rGivenModelPart
) and collects the decremented IDs (-1 to account for numpy indexing) of the elements neighboring each node. The neighboring elements are determined using the 'NEIGHBOUR_ELEMENTS' value attached to each node. The function then checks if these elements are already present in rHRomWeights
. If not, their decremented (-1 to account for numpy indexing) IDs are added to the return vector. It's important to note that this function assumes that the 'NEIGHBOUR_ELEMENTS' values are already computed for the nodes in the model part.
rModelPart | The complete model part which houses all the elements. |
rGivenModelPart | The sub-model part with nodes for which neighboring elements should be fetched. |
rHRomWeights | Map containing the original HROM conditions and elements weights. |
void Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::GetNodesPosition | ( | Vector & | rValues, |
const ProcessInfo & | rCurrentProcessInfo, | ||
double | theta | ||
) |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
static |
Obtain the elemental basis matrix for a particular element.
rPhiElemental | The matrix to store the result in. Must have the appropiate size already. |
rDofs | The set of dofs of the element. |
rGeom | The geometry of the element. @rVarToRowMapping A map from each variables's key to its row in the basis matrix. |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
static |
Obtain the left elemental basis (Psi) matrix for a particular element.
rPsiElemental | The matrix to store the result in. Must have the appropiate size already. |
rDofs | The set of dofs of the element. |
rGeom | The geometry of the element. |
rVarToRowMapping | A map from each variables's key to its row in the basis matrix. |
static |
static |
overridevirtual |
This method provides the specifications/requirements of the element.
This can be used to enhance solvers and analysis. The following is an example: { "time_integration" : [], // NOTE: Options are static, implicit, explicit "framework" : "eulerian", // NOTE: Options are eulerian, lagrangian, ALE "symmetric_lhs" : true, // NOTE: Options are true/false "positive_definite_lhs" : false, // NOTE: Options are true/false "output" : { // NOTE: Values compatible as output "gauss_point" : ["INTEGRATION_WEIGTH"], "nodal_historical" : ["DISPLACEMENT"], "nodal_non_historical" : [], "entity" : [] }, "required_variables" : ["DISPLACEMENT"], // NOTE: Fill with the required variables "required_dofs" : ["DISPLACEMENT_X", "DISPLACEMENT_Y"], // NOTE: Fill with the required dofs "flags_used" : ["BOUNDARY", "ACTIVE"], // NOTE: Fill with the flags used "compatible_geometries" : ["Triangle2D3"], // NOTE: Compatible geometries. Options are "Point2D", "Point3D", "Sphere3D1", "Line2D2", "Line2D3", "Line3D2", "Line3D3", "Triangle2D3", "Triangle2D6", "Triangle3D3", "Triangle3D6", "Quadrilateral2D4", "Quadrilateral2D8", "Quadrilateral2D9", "Quadrilateral3D4", "Quadrilateral3D8", "Quadrilateral3D9", "Tetrahedra3D4" , "Tetrahedra3D10" , "Prism3D6" , "Prism3D15" , "Hexahedra3D8" , "Hexahedra3D20" , "Hexahedra3D27" "element_integrates_in_time" : true, // NOTE: Options are true/false "compatible_constitutive_laws": { "type" : ["PlaneStress","PlaneStrain"], // NOTE: List of CL compatible types. Options are "PlaneStress", "PlaneStrain", "3D" "dimension" : ["2D", "2D"], // NOTE: List of dimensions. Options are "2D", "3D", "2DAxysimm" "strain_size" : [3,3] // NOTE: List of strain sizes }, "documentation" : "This is an element" // NOTE: The documentation of the entity }
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
static |
Get the Standard Modified Shape Functions Factory object For the given geometry, this methods returns a factory function to create the corresponding standard modified shape functions. The factory returns a unique pointer and expects a pointer to the geometry as well as the nodal distances vector.
rGeometry | Geometry reference to check the geometry type |
overridevirtual |
This lets the user know the size of the strain rate vector (in Voigt notation) used by the constitutive law.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw, Kratos::Bingham3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, and Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw.
overridevirtual |
This lets the user know the size of the strain rate vector (in Voigt notation) used by the constitutive law.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >.
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
inlineoverrideprotectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >.
protectedvirtual |
Get the Value From Table object For an table independent variable, this method returns the table dependent variable value. Note that the properties container must have a table relating the two variables.
rIndependentVariable | independent variable |
rDependentVariable | dependent variable |
rParameters | constitutive law parameters container |
protectedvirtual |
Get the Value From Table object For an table input variable, this method returns the table output variable value. Note that the properties container must have a table relating the input and output variables.
rVariableInput | input variable |
rVariableOutput | output variable |
rParameters | constitutive law parameters container |
protected |
protected |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::RansNewtonian3DLaw, Kratos::RansNewtonian2DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent2DLaw, Kratos::BinghamTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw, Kratos::Bingham3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTwoFluid3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTwoFluid2DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent3DLaw, Kratos::NewtonianTemperatureDependent2DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, and Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw.
overridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::HypoelasticTemperatureDependent3DLaw, and Kratos::HypoelasticTemperatureDependent2DLaw.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Turn back information as a string.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
ELEMENTS inherited from this class must implement next methods Initialize, ResetConstitutiveLaw if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done reset material and constitutive parameters or clean memory deleting obsolete variables these methods are: OPTIONAL is called to initialize the element if the element needs to perform any operation before any calculation is done the elemental variables will be initialized and set using this method
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows.
this determines the elemental equation ID vector for all elemental DOFs
rResult | A vector containing the global Id of each row |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info object (unused) Returns a list of the element's Dofs |
ElementalDofList | the list of DOFs |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows.
this determines the elemental equation ID vector for all elemental DOFs
rResult | A vector containing the global Id of each row |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info object (unused) Returns a list of the element's Dofs |
ElementalDofList | the list of DOFs |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this is called for non-linear analysis at the beginning of the iteration process
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Initializes the element and all geometric information required for the problem.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlinestatic |
Checks if an element is negative From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is negative.
rElementDistancesVector | Vector containing the distance values at each node |
inlinestatic |
Checks if an element is positive From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is positive.
rElementDistancesVector | Vector containing the distance values at each node |
inlinestatic |
Checks if an element is split From the given vector containing the distance in each node, this method checks if the element is split.
rElementDistancesVector | Vector containing the distance values at each node |
Kratos::FIC< TElementData >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | FIC< TElementData > | ) |
Pointer definition of FIC.
Kratos::ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of ThreeStepFirstOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement.
Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | ThreeStepSecondOrderPspgUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement.
Kratos::ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of ThreeStepSecondOrderUpdatedLagrangianElement.
Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement.
Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement.
Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of UpdatedLagrangianElement.
Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >::KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim > | ) |
Pointer definition of UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement.
Kratos::FluidConstitutiveLaw::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | FluidConstitutiveLaw | ) |
Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION | ( | PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw | ) |
static |
This function maps the velocity of the nodes "on the skin" by the use of RBF interpolation to the variable EMBEDDED_VELOCITY of the nodes which correspond to the cut cells in the volume. It is designed for use together with the "embedded solver".
rVolumeModelPart | is the destination domain on which EMBEDDED_VELOCITY will be calculated |
rSkinModelPart | is the skin of the object from which the velocity will be taken |
SearchRadius | is the radius which will be used in searching the neighbours. It needs to be sufficiently large otherwise the method will fail in the calculation of the RBF basis NOTE: historical variable VELOCITY is assumed to be present on the nodes of the rSkinModelPArt NOTE: non historical variable EMBEDDED_VELOCITY is assumed to be present in rVolumeModelPart prior to calling the function |
protected |
Helper function to write the constitutive matrix using an effective viscosity (2D version).
It returns a matrix with the same structure as for a Newtonian fluid, using the given viscosity.
[in] | EffectiveViscosity | Equivalent viscosity for the fluid (dynamic units – Pa s – assumed). |
[out] | rC | Resulting constitutive matrix. |
protected |
Helper function to write the constitutive matrix using an effective viscosity (3D version).
It returns a matrix with the same structure as for a Newtonian fluid, using the given viscosity.
[in] | EffectiveViscosity | Equivalent viscosity for the fluid (dynamic units – Pa s – assumed). |
[out] | rC | Resulting constitutive matrix. |
protected |
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
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output stream function
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output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
Defines an output stream operator that prints element info.
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
output stream function
inline |
input stream function
inline |
input stream function
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input stream function
inline |
input stream function
inline |
input stream function
inline |
input stream function
inline |
input stream function
inline |
input stream function
inline |
Defines an input stream operator that does nothing.
inline |
input stream function
inline |
input stream function
inline |
input stream function
inline |
input stream function
Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw | ( | ) |
Default constructor.
Kratos::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw::PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw | ( | const PfemSolidConstitutiveLaw & | rOther | ) |
Copy constructor.
protected |
overridevirtual |
Print detailed information about this constitutive law instance and its managed data.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
Print detailed information about this constitutive law instance and its managed data.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print object's data.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Print basic information about this constitutive law instance.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
overridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
overridevirtual |
Print basic information about this constitutive law instance.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
Reimplemented in Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianVImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedFluidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidPspgElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidFicElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitFluidDEMcouplingElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Print information about this object.
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >.
static |
Project the ROM solution increment onto the nodal basis For a given model part this function takes the ROM_SOLUTION_INCREMENT, which is assumed to be stored in the root model part, and projects it with the nodal ROM_BASIS to calculate the solution increment.
rRomVariableNames | Vector containing the names of the ROM variables |
rModelPart | Model part onto which the projection is to be performed |
inlinestatic |
Get a sub vector from a vector.
This method returns a sub vector from a vector with size TSize, starting from Position index.
TSize | Size of the output vector |
rOutput | Output vector |
rInput | Input vector |
Position | Starting index in input vector |
static |
Sets the HROM model part from the nodal weights Provided an origin model part and a parameters object containing the HROM weights, this method stores the elements and conditions required by the HROM in the destination model part. The new model part features the same submodelpart hierarchy that the origin has.
HRomWeights | Parameters object containing the HROM elemental and condition weights |
rOriginModelPart | Origin model part (this is likely the computing model part) |
rHRomComputingModelPart | Destination model part to store the HROM mesh |
static |
Sets the HROM model part including neighboring entities based on the nodal weights.
Provided an origin model part and a parameters object containing the HROM weights, this method stores not only the elements and conditions required by the HROM in the destination model part, but also includes neighboring elements and conditions of the nodes involved. The resulting model part features the same submodelpart hierarchy that the origin has, but is augmented with the neighboring elements and conditions.
HRomWeights | Parameters object containing the HROM elemental and condition weights |
rOriginModelPart | Origin model part (this is likely the computing model part) |
rHRomComputingModelPart | Destination model part to store the HROM mesh augmented with neighbours |
static |
Sets the HROM skin visualization model part for a volumetric body This function detects the skin of the origin modelpart and creates the corresponding skin entities (conditions) which are stored in an auxiliary modelpart to visualize the HROM solution It is important to mention that this function only works with volumetric (a.k.a. solid) bodies.
HRomWeights | |
rOriginModelPart | |
rHRomVisualizationModelPart |
overridevirtual |
Set a double Value on the Element Constitutive Law
Reimplemented from Kratos::Element.
protected |
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >, Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 2 >, and Kratos::ThreeStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< 3 >.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >.
Reimplemented in Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 2 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitSolidElement< 3 >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< TDim >, Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 2 >, and Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitNodallyIntegratedSolidElement< 3 >.
overridevirtual |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows.
this determines the elemental equation ID vector for all elemental DOFs
rResult | A vector containing the global Id of each row |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info object (unused) Returns a list of the element's Dofs |
ElementalDofList | the list of DOFs |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
overridevirtual |
Provides the global indices for each one of this element's local rows.
this determines the elemental equation ID vector for all elemental DOFs
rResult | A vector containing the global Id of each row |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info object (unused) Returns a list of the element's Dofs |
ElementalDofList | the list of DOFs |
rCurrentProcessInfo | the current process info instance |
Reimplemented from Kratos::TwoStepUpdatedLagrangianVPImplicitElement< TDim >.
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::UpdatedLagrangianElement | ( | UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim > const & | rOther | ) |
copy constructor
inline |
Constructor using an array of nodes.
NewId | Index of the new element |
ThisNodes | An array containing the nodes of the new element |
inline |
Constructor using a geometry object.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
inline |
Constuctor using geometry and properties.
NewId | Index of the new element |
pGeometry | Pointer to a geometry object |
pProperties | Pointer to the element's properties |
inline |
Default constuctor.
NewId | Index number of the new element (optional) |
inline |
copy constructor
protected |
protected |
protected |
overridevirtual |
This lets user classes know if the constitutive law is defined for 1D, 2D or 3D.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
Reimplemented in Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw, Kratos::Bingham3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian3DLaw, Kratos::Newtonian2DLaw, and Kratos::HerschelBulkley3DLaw.
overridevirtual |
This lets user classes know if the constitutive law is defined for 1D, 2D or 3D.
Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.
override |
override |
override |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
inlinevirtual |
staticconstexpr |
MatrixType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::ConstitutiveMatrix |
VectorType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::CurrentDeviatoricCauchyStress |
VectorType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::CurrentTotalCauchyStress |
double Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::DetFgrad |
double Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::DetFgradVel |
double Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::DeviatoricInvariant |
staticconstexpr |
double Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::EquivalentStrainRate |
MatrixType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::Fgrad |
MatrixType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::FgradVel |
MatrixType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::InvFgrad |
MatrixType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::InvFgradVel |
staticconstexpr |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
Container for historical total elastic deformation measure F0 = dx/dX
protected |
Container for the total deformation gradient determinants
VectorType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::MDGreenLagrangeMaterial |
double Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::MeanPressure |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
staticconstexpr |
VectorType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::SpatialDefRate |
MatrixType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::SpatialVelocityGrad |
staticconstexpr |
VectorType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::UpdatedDeviatoricCauchyStress |
VectorType Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::UpdatedTotalCauchyStress |
unsigned int Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::voigtsize |
double Kratos::UpdatedLagrangianElement< TDim >::ElementalVariables::VolumetricDefRate |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
friend |
Add integration point contribution to the mass matrix.
A constistent mass matrix is used.
rMassMatrix | The local matrix where the result will be added. |
rN | Elemental shape functions. |
Weight | Multiplication coefficient for the matrix, typically Density times integration point weight. |
friend |
friend |
friend |