KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
multiple_mesh_temporal_output_process Namespace Reference

Store a model part and simulation results after each solution step with HDF5. More...


def Factory (settings, Model)
 Return a process for multiple mesh temporal output with HDF5. More...
def MultipleMeshTemporalOutputProcessFactory (core_settings, Model)
def CreateCoreSettings (user_settings, model)
 Return the core settings. More...

Detailed Description

Store a model part and simulation results after each solution step with HDF5.

This process:

This process works with or without MPI.

license: HDF5Application/license.txt

Function Documentation

◆ CreateCoreSettings()

def multiple_mesh_temporal_output_process.CreateCoreSettings (   user_settings,

Return the core settings.

The core setting "io_type" cannot be overwritten by the user. It is
automatically set depending on whether or not MPI is used.

◆ Factory()

def multiple_mesh_temporal_output_process.Factory (   settings,

Return a process for multiple mesh temporal output with HDF5.

The input settings are given in the following table:
| Setting                                     | Type       | Default Value                   |
| "model_part_name"                           | String     | ""                              |
| "file_settings"                             | Parameters | "file_name": "<model_part_name>"|
|                                             |            | "time_format": "0.4f"           |
|                                             |            | "file_access_mode": "exclusive" |
|                                             |            | "max_files_to_keep": "unlimited"|
|                                             |            | "echo_level":  0                |
| "output_time_settings"                      | Parameters | "time_frequency": 1.0           |
|                                             |            | "step_frequency": 1             |
| "model_part_output_settings"                | Parameters | "prefix": "/ModelData"          |
| "nodal_solution_step_data_settings"         | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |
| "nodal_data_value_settings"                 | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |
| "element_data_value_settings"               | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |
| "nodal_flag_value_settings"                 | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |
| "element_flag_value_settings"               | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |
| "element_gauss_point_value_settings"        | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |
| "condition_flag_value_settings"             | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |
| "condition_data_value_settings"             | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |
| "condition_gauss_point_value_settings"      | Parameters | "prefix": "/ResultsData"        |
|                                             |            | "list_of_variables": []         |

◆ MultipleMeshTemporalOutputProcessFactory()

def multiple_mesh_temporal_output_process.MultipleMeshTemporalOutputProcessFactory (   core_settings,