KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
List of all members
Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > Class Template Reference

Current class provides an implementation for applying the chimera constraints that is enforcing continuity. More...

#include <residualbased_block_builder_and_solver_with_constraints_for_chimera.h>

Inheritance diagram for Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >:
Collaboration diagram for Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >:

Public Member Functions

Life Cycle
 ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera (typename TLinearSolver::Pointer pNewLinearSystemSolver)
 ~ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera ()=default
void Clear () override
 This function is intended to be called at the end of the solution step to clean up memory storage not needed. More...
Input and output
std::string Info () const override
 Turn back information as a string. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
 ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver ()
 Default constructor. More...
 ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver (typename TLinearSolver::Pointer pNewLinearSystemSolver, Parameters ThisParameters)
 Default constructor. (with parameters) More...
 ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver (typename TLinearSolver::Pointer pNewLinearSystemSolver)
 Default constructor. More...
 ~ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver () override
BaseType::Pointer Create (typename TLinearSolver::Pointer pNewLinearSystemSolver, Parameters ThisParameters) const override
 Create method. More...
TSparseSpace::MatrixType & GetConstraintRelationMatrix () override
 This method returns constraint relation (T) matrix. More...
TSparseSpace::VectorType & GetConstraintConstantVector () override
 This method returns constraint constant vector. More...
double GetScaleFactor ()
 Retrieves the current scale factor. This function returns the current scale factor value. More...
void SetScaleFactor (const double ScaleFactor)
 Sets the scale factor. This function sets a new value for the scale factor. More...
void PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override
 Print information about this object. More...
void PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const override
 Print object's data. More...
 Definition of the flags. More...
 KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION (ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver)
 Definition of the pointer. More...
void Build (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 Function to perform the build of the RHS. The vector could be sized as the total number of dofs or as the number of unrestrained ones. More...
void BuildLHS (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA) override
 Function to perform the building of the LHS. More...
void BuildLHS_CompleteOnFreeRows (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &A) override
 Build a rectangular matrix of size n*N where "n" is the number of unrestrained degrees of freedom and "N" is the total number of degrees of freedom involved. More...
void SystemSolve (TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb) override
 This is a call to the linear system solver. More...
virtual void SystemSolveWithPhysics (TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb, ModelPart &rModelPart)
 This is a call to the linear system solver (taking into account some physical particularities of the problem) More...
void InternalSystemSolveWithPhysics (TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb, ModelPart &rModelPart)
 This is a call to the linear system solver (taking into account some physical particularities of the problem) More...
void BuildAndSolve (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 Function to perform the building and solving phase at the same time. More...
void BuildAndSolveLinearizedOnPreviousIteration (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb, const bool MoveMesh) override
 Function to perform the building and solving phase at the same time Linearizing with the database at the old iteration. More...
void BuildRHSAndSolve (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb) override
 Corresponds to the previews, but the System's matrix is considered already built and only the RHS is built again. More...
void BuildRHS (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 Function to perform the build of the RHS. More...
void SetUpDofSet (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart) override
 Builds the list of the DofSets involved in the problem by "asking" to each element and condition its Dofs. More...
void SetUpSystem (ModelPart &rModelPart) override
 Organises the dofset in order to speed up the building phase. More...
void ResizeAndInitializeVectors (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, TSystemMatrixPointerType &pA, TSystemVectorPointerType &pDx, TSystemVectorPointerType &pb, ModelPart &rModelPart) override
 This method initializes and resizes the system of equations. More...
void CalculateReactions (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 It computes the reactions of the system. More...
void ApplyDirichletConditions (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb) override
 Applies the dirichlet conditions. This operation may be very heavy or completely unexpensive depending on the implementation chosen and on how the System Matrix is built. More...
void ApplyRHSConstraints (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemVectorType &rb) override
 Applies the constraints with master-slave relation matrix (RHS only) More...
int Check (ModelPart &rModelPart) override
 This function is designed to be called once to perform all the checks needed on the input provided. Checks can be "expensive" as the function is designed to catch user's errors. More...
Parameters GetDefaultParameters () const override
 This method provides the defaults parameters to avoid conflicts between the different constructors. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::BuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
 BuilderAndSolver ()
 Default constructor. More...
 BuilderAndSolver (typename TLinearSolver::Pointer pNewLinearSystemSolver, Parameters ThisParameters)
 Default constructor with Parameters. More...
 BuilderAndSolver (typename TLinearSolver::Pointer pNewLinearSystemSolver)
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~BuilderAndSolver ()
void SetEchoLevel (int Level)
 It sets the level of echo for the solving strategy. More...
int GetEchoLevel () const
 It returns the echo level. More...
 Pointer definition of BuilderAndSolver. More...
bool GetCalculateReactionsFlag () const
 This method returns the flag mCalculateReactionsFlag. More...
void SetCalculateReactionsFlag (bool flag)
 This method sets the flag mCalculateReactionsFlag. More...
bool GetDofSetIsInitializedFlag () const
 This method returns the flag mDofSetIsInitialized. More...
void SetDofSetIsInitializedFlag (bool DofSetIsInitialized)
 This method sets the flag mDofSetIsInitialized. More...
bool GetReshapeMatrixFlag () const
 This method returns the flag mReshapeMatrixFlag. More...
void SetReshapeMatrixFlag (bool ReshapeMatrixFlag)
 This method sets the flag mReshapeMatrixFlag. More...
unsigned int GetEquationSystemSize () const
 This method returns the value mEquationSystemSize. More...
TLinearSolver::Pointer GetLinearSystemSolver () const
 This method return the linear solver used. More...
void SetLinearSystemSolver (typename TLinearSolver::Pointer pLinearSystemSolver)
 This method sets the linear solver to be used. More...
virtual void BuildLHS_Complete (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA)
 It builds a matrix of size N*N where "N" is the total number of degrees of freedom involved. More...
virtual void ApplyDirichletConditions_LHS (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx)
 The same of the precedent but affecting only the LHS. More...
virtual void ApplyDirichletConditions_RHS (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb)
 The same of the precedent but affecting only the RHS. More...
virtual DofsArrayTypeGetDofSet ()
 It allows to get the list of Dofs from the element. More...
virtual const DofsArrayTypeGetDofSet () const
 It allows to get the list of Dofs from the element. More...
virtual void InitializeSolutionStep (ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb)
 It applies certain operations at the system of equations at the beginning of the solution step. More...
virtual void FinalizeSolutionStep (ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rDx, TSystemVectorType &rb)
 It applies certain operations at the system of equations at the end of the solution step. More...

Protected Member Functions

Protected Operations
void ConstructMasterSlaveConstraintsStructure (ModelPart &rModelPart) override
void BuildMasterSlaveConstraints (ModelPart &rModelPart) override
void ApplyConstraints (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &rA, TSystemVectorType &rb) override
 Applies the constraints with master-slave relation matrix. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
void BuildRHSNoDirichlet (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemVectorType &b)
virtual void ConstructMatrixStructure (typename TSchemeType::Pointer pScheme, TSystemMatrixType &A, ModelPart &rModelPart)
void Assemble (TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &b, const LocalSystemMatrixType &LHS_Contribution, const LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId)
void AssembleLHS (TSystemMatrixType &rA, const LocalSystemMatrixType &rLHSContribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &rEquationId)
void AssembleRHS (TSystemVectorType &b, LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId)
void AssembleRowContribution (TSystemMatrixType &A, const Matrix &Alocal, const unsigned int i, const unsigned int i_local, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId)
void AssignSettings (const Parameters ThisParameters) override
 This method assigns settings to member variables. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::BuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
virtual Parameters ValidateAndAssignParameters (Parameters ThisParameters, const Parameters DefaultParameters) const
 This method validate and assign default parameters. More...

Protected Attributes

Protected member Variables
TSystemMatrixType mL
- Protected Attributes inherited from Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
TSystemMatrixType mT
TSystemVectorType mConstantVector
 This is matrix containing the global relation for the constraints. More...
std::vector< IndexTypemSlaveIds
 This is vector containing the rigid movement of the constraint. More...
std::vector< IndexTypemMasterIds
 The equation ids of the slaves. More...
std::unordered_set< IndexTypemInactiveSlaveDofs
 The equation ids of the master. More...
double mScaleFactor = 1.0
 The set containing the inactive slave dofs. More...
 The manually set scale factor. More...
Flags mOptions
 We identify the scaling considered for the dirichlet dofs. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from Kratos::BuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
TLinearSolver::Pointer mpLinearSystemSolver = nullptr
DofsArrayType mDofSet
 Pointer to the linear solver. More...
bool mReshapeMatrixFlag = false
 The set containing the DoF of the system. More...
bool mDofSetIsInitialized = false
 If the matrix is reshaped each step. More...
bool mCalculateReactionsFlag = false
 Flag taking care if the dof set was initialized ot not. More...
unsigned int mEquationSystemSize
 Flag taking in account if it is needed or not to calculate the reactions. More...
int mEchoLevel = 0
 Number of degrees of freedom of the problem to be solve. More...
TSystemVectorPointerType mpReactionsVector

Type Definitions

typedef ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > BaseType
 Definition of the base class. More...
typedef BaseType::IndexType IndexType
typedef BaseType::TSchemeType TSchemeType
 Definition of the classes from the base class. More...
typedef BaseType::TSystemMatrixType TSystemMatrixType
typedef BaseType::TSystemVectorType TSystemVectorType
 KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION (ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
typedef BuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > BaseType
 Definition of the base class. More...
typedef ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > ClassType
 The definition of the current class. More...
typedef std::size_t SizeType
typedef std::size_t IndexType
typedef BaseType::TSchemeType TSchemeType
 Definition of the classes from the base class. More...
typedef BaseType::TDataType TDataType
typedef BaseType::DofsArrayType DofsArrayType
typedef BaseType::TSystemMatrixType TSystemMatrixType
typedef BaseType::TSystemVectorType TSystemVectorType
typedef BaseType::LocalSystemVectorType LocalSystemVectorType
typedef BaseType::LocalSystemMatrixType LocalSystemMatrixType
typedef BaseType::TSystemMatrixPointerType TSystemMatrixPointerType
typedef BaseType::TSystemVectorPointerType TSystemVectorPointerType
typedef BaseType::NodesArrayType NodesArrayType
typedef BaseType::ElementsArrayType ElementsArrayType
typedef BaseType::ConditionsArrayType ConditionsArrayType
typedef PointerVectorSet< Element, IndexedObjectElementsContainerType
 Additional definitions. More...
typedef Element::EquationIdVectorType EquationIdVectorType
typedef Element::DofsVectorType DofsVectorType
typedef boost::numeric::ublas::compressed_matrix< doubleCompressedMatrixType
typedef Node NodeType
 DoF types definition. More...
typedef NodeType::DofType DofType
typedef DofType::Pointer DofPointerType
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::BuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
typedef BuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver > ClassType
 The definition of the current class. More...
typedef std::size_t SizeType
 Definition of the size type. More...
typedef std::size_t IndexType
 Definition of the index type. More...
typedef TSparseSpace::DataType TDataType
 Definition of the data type. More...
typedef TSparseSpace::MatrixType TSystemMatrixType
 Definition of the sparse matrix. More...
typedef TSparseSpace::VectorType TSystemVectorType
 Definition of the vector size. More...
typedef TSparseSpace::MatrixPointerType TSystemMatrixPointerType
 Definition of the pointer to the sparse matrix. More...
typedef TSparseSpace::VectorPointerType TSystemVectorPointerType
 Definition of the pointer to the vector. More...
typedef TDenseSpace::MatrixType LocalSystemMatrixType
 The local matrix definition. More...
typedef TDenseSpace::VectorType LocalSystemVectorType
 The local vector definition. More...
typedef Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace > TSchemeType
 Definition of the scheme type. More...
typedef ModelPart::DofType TDofType
 Definition of the DoF class. More...
typedef ModelPart::DofsArrayType DofsArrayType
 Definition of the DoF array type. More...
typedef ModelPart::NodesContainerType NodesArrayType
 The containers of the entities. More...
typedef ModelPart::ElementsContainerType ElementsArrayType
typedef ModelPart::ConditionsContainerType ConditionsArrayType
typedef PointerVectorSet< Element, IndexedObjectElementsContainerType
 The definition of the element container type. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
static std::string Name ()
 Returns the name of the class as used in the settings (snake_case format) More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::BuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >
static std::string Name ()
 Returns the name of the class as used in the settings (snake_case format) More...

Detailed Description

template<class TSparseSpace, class TDenseSpace, class TLinearSolver>
class Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >

Current class provides an implementation for applying the chimera constraints that is enforcing continuity.

This implementation enforces continuity necessary for chimera in the following way :

L = [I 0 0 ] [0 I 0 ]

K_mod = L'KT F_mod = L'(F-K*g)

Where T has the same definition as that of the classical master slave constraints

Aditya Ghantasala

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BaseType

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
typedef ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver<TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver> Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::BaseType

Definition of the base class.

◆ IndexType

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
typedef BaseType::IndexType Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::IndexType

◆ TSchemeType

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
typedef BaseType::TSchemeType Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::TSchemeType

Definition of the classes from the base class.

◆ TSystemMatrixType

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
typedef BaseType::TSystemMatrixType Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::TSystemMatrixType

◆ TSystemVectorType

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
typedef BaseType::TSystemVectorType Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::TSystemVectorType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera ( typename TLinearSolver::Pointer  pNewLinearSystemSolver)


◆ ~ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::~ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyConstraints()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
void Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::ApplyConstraints ( typename TSchemeType::Pointer  pScheme,
ModelPart rModelPart,
TSystemMatrixType rA,
TSystemVectorType rb 

Applies the constraints with master-slave relation matrix.

pSchemeThe integration scheme considered
rModelPartThe model part of the problem to solve
rAThe LHS matrix
rbThe RHS vector

Reimplemented from Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >.

◆ BuildMasterSlaveConstraints()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
void Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::BuildMasterSlaveConstraints ( ModelPart rModelPart)

◆ Clear()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
void Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::Clear ( )

This function is intended to be called at the end of the solution step to clean up memory storage not needed.

Reimplemented from Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolver< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >.

◆ ConstructMasterSlaveConstraintsStructure()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
void Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::ConstructMasterSlaveConstraintsStructure ( ModelPart rModelPart)

◆ Info()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
std::string Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::Info ( ) const


template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION ( ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >  )

Member Data Documentation

◆ mL

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace , class TLinearSolver >
TSystemMatrixType Kratos::ResidualBasedBlockBuilderAndSolverWithConstraintsForChimera< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace, TLinearSolver >::mL

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