KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
fluid_ulf_var Namespace Reference


int domain_size = 2
float FSI = 1.00000e+00
float compute_reactions = 0.00000e+00
float Dt = 2.00000e-03
float max_time = 0.200000e+00
float output_step = 1.00000e-02
float alpha_shape = 1.50000e+00
float erase_nodes = 1.00000e+00
float adaptive_refinement = 0.00000e+00
float delete_nodes_close_to_wall = 1.00000e+00
float bulk_modulus = -1.00000e+03
float viscosity = 1.500000e-05
float density = 1.00000e+03
float with_gravity = 1.00000e+00
float bounding_box_corner1_x = -1.00000e-01
float bounding_box_corner1_y = -1.00000e-03
float bounding_box_corner1_z = -1.00000e+00
float bounding_box_corner2_x = 1.10000e-01
float bounding_box_corner2_y = 2.10000e-01
float bounding_box_corner2_z = 1.00000e+00
float lagrangian_nodes_inlet = 0.00000e+00
string SolverType = "Incompressible_Modified_FracStep"
string problem_name = 'AntociRough'
string kratos_path = '/home/paolo/Kratos/'
string problem_path = '/home/julio.marti/new_kratos/applications/incompressible_fluid_application/test_examples/prueba32_bis'

Variable Documentation

◆ adaptive_refinement

float fluid_ulf_var.adaptive_refinement = 0.00000e+00

◆ alpha_shape

float fluid_ulf_var.alpha_shape = 1.50000e+00

◆ bounding_box_corner1_x

float fluid_ulf_var.bounding_box_corner1_x = -1.00000e-01

◆ bounding_box_corner1_y

float fluid_ulf_var.bounding_box_corner1_y = -1.00000e-03

◆ bounding_box_corner1_z

float fluid_ulf_var.bounding_box_corner1_z = -1.00000e+00

◆ bounding_box_corner2_x

float fluid_ulf_var.bounding_box_corner2_x = 1.10000e-01

◆ bounding_box_corner2_y

float fluid_ulf_var.bounding_box_corner2_y = 2.10000e-01

◆ bounding_box_corner2_z

float fluid_ulf_var.bounding_box_corner2_z = 1.00000e+00

◆ bulk_modulus

float fluid_ulf_var.bulk_modulus = -1.00000e+03

◆ compute_reactions

float fluid_ulf_var.compute_reactions = 0.00000e+00

◆ delete_nodes_close_to_wall

float fluid_ulf_var.delete_nodes_close_to_wall = 1.00000e+00

◆ density

float fluid_ulf_var.density = 1.00000e+03

◆ domain_size

int fluid_ulf_var.domain_size = 2

◆ Dt

float fluid_ulf_var.Dt = 2.00000e-03

◆ erase_nodes

float fluid_ulf_var.erase_nodes = 1.00000e+00


float fluid_ulf_var.FSI = 1.00000e+00

◆ kratos_path

string fluid_ulf_var.kratos_path = '/home/paolo/Kratos/'

◆ lagrangian_nodes_inlet

float fluid_ulf_var.lagrangian_nodes_inlet = 0.00000e+00

◆ max_time

float fluid_ulf_var.max_time = 0.200000e+00

◆ output_step

float fluid_ulf_var.output_step = 1.00000e-02

◆ problem_name

string fluid_ulf_var.problem_name = 'AntociRough'

◆ problem_path

string fluid_ulf_var.problem_path = '/home/julio.marti/new_kratos/applications/incompressible_fluid_application/test_examples/prueba32_bis'

◆ SolverType

string fluid_ulf_var.SolverType = "Incompressible_Modified_FracStep"

◆ viscosity

float fluid_ulf_var.viscosity = 1.500000e-05

◆ with_gravity

float fluid_ulf_var.with_gravity = 1.00000e+00