KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
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Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace > Class Template Reference

#include <poro_newmark_quasistatic_damped_U_Pw_scheme.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >:
Collaboration diagram for Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >:

Public Types

typedef Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace > BaseType
typedef BaseType::LocalSystemVectorType LocalSystemVectorType
typedef BaseType::LocalSystemMatrixType LocalSystemMatrixType
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
typedef Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace > BaseType
typedef BaseType::DofsArrayType DofsArrayType
typedef BaseType::TSystemMatrixType TSystemMatrixType
typedef BaseType::TSystemVectorType TSystemVectorType
typedef BaseType::LocalSystemVectorType LocalSystemVectorType
typedef BaseType::LocalSystemMatrixType LocalSystemMatrixType
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
using ClassType = Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
 The definition of the current class. More...
using TDataType = typename TSparseSpace::DataType
 Data type definition. More...
using TSystemMatrixType = typename TSparseSpace::MatrixType
 Matrix type definition. More...
using TSystemVectorType = typename TSparseSpace::VectorType
 Vector type definition. More...
using LocalSystemMatrixType = typename TDenseSpace::MatrixType
 Local system matrix type definition. More...
using LocalSystemVectorType = typename TDenseSpace::VectorType
 Local system vector type definition. More...
using TDofType = Dof< double >
 DoF type definition. More...
using DofsArrayType = ModelPart::DofsArrayType
 DoF array type definition. More...
using ElementsArrayType = ModelPart::ElementsContainerType
 Elements containers definition. More...
using ConditionsArrayType = ModelPart::ConditionsContainerType
 Conditions containers definition. More...

Public Member Functions

 KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION (PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme)
 PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme (double beta, double gamma, double theta)
 Constructor. More...
 ~PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme () override
 Destructor. More...
void CalculateSystemContributions (Element &rCurrentElement, LocalSystemMatrixType &LHS_Contribution, LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function is designed to be called in the builder and solver to introduce the selected time integration scheme. More...
void CalculateRHSContribution (Element &rCurrentElement, LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function is designed to calculate just the RHS contribution. More...
void CalculateLHSContribution (Element &rCurrentElement, LocalSystemMatrixType &LHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function is designed to calculate just the LHS contribution. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
 PoroNewmarkQuasistaticUPwScheme (double beta, double gamma, double theta)
 Constructor. More...
 ~PoroNewmarkQuasistaticUPwScheme () override
 Destructor. More...
int Check (ModelPart &r_model_part) override
void Initialize (ModelPart &r_model_part) override
 This is the place to initialize the Scheme. More...
void InitializeElements (ModelPart &rModelPart) override
 This is the place to initialize the elements. More...
void InitializeSolutionStep (ModelPart &r_model_part, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 Function called once at the beginning of each solution step. More...
void Predict (ModelPart &r_model_part, DofsArrayType &rDofSet, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 Performing the prediction of the solution. More...
void InitializeNonLinIteration (ModelPart &r_model_part, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 unction to be called when it is needed to initialize an iteration. It is designed to be called at the beginning of each non linear iteration More...
void FinalizeNonLinIteration (ModelPart &r_model_part, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 Function to be called when it is needed to finalize an iteration. It is designed to be called at the end of each non linear iteration. More...
void FinalizeSolutionStep (ModelPart &rModelPart, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 Function called once at the end of a solution step, after convergence is reached if an iterative process is needed. More...
void CalculateSystemContributions (Element &rCurrentElement, LocalSystemMatrixType &LHS_Contribution, LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function is designed to be called in the builder and solver to introduce the selected time integration scheme. More...
void CalculateSystemContributions (Condition &rCurrentCondition, LocalSystemMatrixType &LHS_Contribution, LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 Functions totally analogous to the precedent but applied to the "condition" objects. More...
void CalculateRHSContribution (Element &rCurrentElement, LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function is designed to calculate just the RHS contribution. More...
void CalculateRHSContribution (Condition &rCurrentCondition, LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 Functions totally analogous to the precedent but applied to the "condition" objects. More...
void CalculateLHSContribution (Element &rCurrentElement, LocalSystemMatrixType &LHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 This function is designed to calculate just the LHS contribution. More...
void CalculateLHSContribution (Condition &rCurrentCondition, LocalSystemMatrixType &LHS_Contribution, Element::EquationIdVectorType &EquationId, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) override
 Functions totally analogous to the precedent but applied to the "condition" objects. More...
void Update (ModelPart &r_model_part, DofsArrayType &rDofSet, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b) override
 Performing the update of the solution. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
 Scheme ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 Scheme (Parameters ThisParameters)
 Constructor with Parameters. More...
 Scheme (Scheme &rOther)
virtual ~Scheme ()
virtual std::string Info () const
 Turn back information as a string. More...
virtual void PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const
 Print information about this object. More...
virtual void PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const
 Print object's data. More...
 Pointer definition of Scheme. More...
virtual ClassType::Pointer Create (Parameters ThisParameters) const
 Create method. More...
virtual Pointer Clone ()
 Clone method. More...
bool SchemeIsInitialized ()
 This method returns if the scheme is initialized. More...
void SetSchemeIsInitialized (bool SchemeIsInitializedFlag=true)
 This method sets if the elements have been initialized or not (true by default) More...
bool ElementsAreInitialized ()
 This method returns if the elements are initialized. More...
void SetElementsAreInitialized (bool ElementsAreInitializedFlag=true)
 This method sets if the elements have been initialized or not (true by default) More...
bool ConditionsAreInitialized ()
 This method returns if the conditions are initialized. More...
void SetConditionsAreInitialized (bool ConditionsAreInitializedFlag=true)
 This method sets if the conditions have been initialized or not (true by default) More...
virtual void InitializeConditions (ModelPart &rModelPart)
 This is the place to initialize the conditions. More...
virtual void CalculateOutputData (ModelPart &rModelPart, DofsArrayType &rDofSet, TSystemMatrixType &A, TSystemVectorType &Dx, TSystemVectorType &b)
 Functions to be called to prepare the data needed for the output of results. More...
virtual void CleanOutputData ()
 Functions that cleans the results data. More...
virtual void Clean ()
 This function is intended to be called at the end of the solution step to clean up memory storage not needed after the end of the solution step. More...
virtual void Clear ()
 Liberate internal storage. More...
virtual int Check (const ModelPart &rModelPart) const
 This function is designed to be called once to perform all the checks needed on the input provided. Checks can be "expensive" as the function is designed to catch user's errors. More...
virtual void EquationId (const Element &rElement, Element::EquationIdVectorType &rEquationId, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
 This method gets the eqaution id corresponding to the current element. More...
virtual void EquationId (const Condition &rCondition, Element::EquationIdVectorType &rEquationId, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
 Functions totally analogous to the precedent but applied to the "condition" objects. More...
virtual void GetDofList (const Element &rElement, Element::DofsVectorType &rDofList, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
 Function that returns the list of Degrees of freedom to be assembled in the system for a Given element. More...
virtual void GetDofList (const Condition &rCondition, Element::DofsVectorType &rDofList, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
 Function that returns the list of Degrees of freedom to be assembled in the system for a Given condition. More...
virtual Parameters GetDefaultParameters () const
 This method provides the defaults parameters to avoid conflicts between the different constructors. More...

Protected Member Functions

void AddDampingToLHS (LocalSystemMatrixType &LHS_Contribution, LocalSystemMatrixType &C, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo)
void AddDampingToRHS (Element &rCurrentElement, LocalSystemVectorType &RHS_Contribution, LocalSystemMatrixType &C, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
virtual void UpdateVariablesDerivatives (ModelPart &r_model_part)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
virtual Parameters ValidateAndAssignParameters (Parameters ThisParameters, const Parameters DefaultParameters) const
 This method validate and assign default parameters. More...
virtual void AssignSettings (const Parameters ThisParameters)
 This method assigns settings to member variables. More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< MatrixmDampingMatrix
 Member Variables. More...
std::vector< VectormVelocityVector
- Protected Attributes inherited from Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
double mBeta
 Member Variables. More...
double mGamma
double mTheta
double mDeltaTime
- Protected Attributes inherited from Kratos::Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
bool mSchemeIsInitialized
bool mElementsAreInitialized
 Flag to be used in controlling if the Scheme has been initialized or not. More...
bool mConditionsAreInitialized
 Flag taking in account if the elements were initialized correctly or not. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >
static std::string Name ()
 Returns the name of the class as used in the settings (snake_case format) More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BaseType

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
typedef Scheme<TSparseSpace,TDenseSpace> Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::BaseType

◆ LocalSystemMatrixType

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
typedef BaseType::LocalSystemMatrixType Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::LocalSystemMatrixType

◆ LocalSystemVectorType

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
typedef BaseType::LocalSystemVectorType Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::LocalSystemVectorType

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme ( double  beta,
double  gamma,
double  theta 


◆ ~PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::~PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ AddDampingToLHS()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
void Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::AddDampingToLHS ( LocalSystemMatrixType LHS_Contribution,
LocalSystemMatrixType C,
const ProcessInfo CurrentProcessInfo 

◆ AddDampingToRHS()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
void Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::AddDampingToRHS ( Element rCurrentElement,
LocalSystemVectorType RHS_Contribution,
LocalSystemMatrixType C,
const ProcessInfo CurrentProcessInfo 

◆ CalculateLHSContribution()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
void Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::CalculateLHSContribution ( Element rElement,
LocalSystemMatrixType LHS_Contribution,
Element::EquationIdVectorType rEquationIdVector,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

This function is designed to calculate just the LHS contribution.

rElementThe element to compute
LHS_ContributionThe RHS vector contribution
rEquationIdVectorThe ID's of the element degrees of freedom
rCurrentProcessInfoThe current process info instance

Reimplemented from Kratos::Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >.

◆ CalculateRHSContribution()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
void Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::CalculateRHSContribution ( Element rElement,
LocalSystemVectorType RHS_Contribution,
Element::EquationIdVectorType rEquationIdVector,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

This function is designed to calculate just the RHS contribution.

rElementThe element to compute
RHS_ContributionThe RHS vector contribution
rEquationIdVectorThe ID's of the element degrees of freedom
rCurrentProcessInfoThe current process info instance

Reimplemented from Kratos::Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >.

◆ CalculateSystemContributions()

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
void Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::CalculateSystemContributions ( Element rElement,
LocalSystemMatrixType LHS_Contribution,
LocalSystemVectorType RHS_Contribution,
Element::EquationIdVectorType rEquationIdVector,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

This function is designed to be called in the builder and solver to introduce the selected time integration scheme.

It "asks" the matrix needed to the element and performs the operations needed to introduce the selected time integration scheme. This function calculates at the same time the contribution to the LHS and to the RHS of the system

rElementThe element to compute
LHS_ContributionThe LHS matrix contribution
RHS_ContributionThe RHS vector contribution
rEquationIdVectorThe ID's of the element degrees of freedom
rCurrentProcessInfoThe current process info instance

Reimplemented from Kratos::Scheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >.


template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION ( PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >  )

Member Data Documentation

◆ mDampingMatrix

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
std::vector< Matrix > Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::mDampingMatrix

Member Variables.

◆ mVelocityVector

template<class TSparseSpace , class TDenseSpace >
std::vector< Vector > Kratos::PoroNewmarkQuasistaticDampedUPwScheme< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::mVelocityVector

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