| KRATOS_CLASS_INTRUSIVE_POINTER_DEFINITION (AdjointFiniteDifferencingBaseElement) |
| AdjointFiniteDifferencingBaseElement (IndexType NewId=0, bool HasRotationDofs=false) |
| AdjointFiniteDifferencingBaseElement (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, bool HasRotationDofs=false) |
| AdjointFiniteDifferencingBaseElement (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties, bool HasRotationDofs=false) |
| Element (IndexType NewId=0) |
| Element (IndexType NewId, const NodesArrayType &ThisNodes) |
| Element (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry) |
| Element (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) |
| Element (Element const &rOther) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| ~Element () override |
| Destructor. More...
Element & | operator= (Element const &rOther) |
| Assignment operator. More...
virtual Pointer | Clone (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes) const |
| It creates a new element pointer and clones the previous element data. More...
virtual void | GetFirstDerivativesVector (Vector &values, int Step=0) const |
virtual void | GetSecondDerivativesVector (Vector &values, int Step=0) const |
virtual void | CalculateLumpedMassVector (VectorType &rLumpedMassVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const |
virtual void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< int > &rVariable, std::vector< int > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 4 >> &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 4 >> &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 9 >> &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 9 >> &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer > &rVariable, std::vector< ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< bool > &rVariable, const std::vector< bool > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< int > &rVariable, const std::vector< int > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< double > &rVariable, const std::vector< double > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rVariable, const std::vector< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 4 >> &rVariable, const std::vector< array_1d< double, 4 >> &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rVariable, const std::vector< array_1d< double, 6 >> &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 9 >> &rVariable, const std::vector< array_1d< double, 9 >> &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, const std::vector< Vector > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, const std::vector< Matrix > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | SetValuesOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer > &rVariable, const std::vector< ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer > &rValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | MassMatrix (MatrixType &rMassMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | AddMassMatrix (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, double coeff, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | DampMatrix (MatrixType &rDampMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | AddInertiaForces (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, double coeff, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | CalculateLocalVelocityContribution (MatrixType &rDampingMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
virtual void | CalculateSensitivityMatrix (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rDesignVariable, Matrix &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
PropertiesType::Pointer | pGetProperties () |
| returns the pointer to the property of the element. Does not throw an error, to allow copying of elements which don't have any property assigned. More...
const PropertiesType::Pointer | pGetProperties () const |
PropertiesType & | GetProperties () |
PropertiesType const & | GetProperties () const |
void | SetProperties (PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) |
bool | HasProperties () const |
| Check that the Element has a correctly initialized pointer to a Properties instance. More...
virtual const Parameters | GetSpecifications () const |
| This method provides the specifications/requirements of the element. More...
std::string | Info () const override |
| Turn back information as a string. More...
void | PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
| Print information about this object. More...
void | PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
| Print object's data. More...
| GeometricalObject (IndexType NewId=0) |
| Default constructor. More...
| GeometricalObject (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry) |
| Default constructor. More...
| ~GeometricalObject () override |
| Destructor. More...
| GeometricalObject (GeometricalObject const &rOther) |
| Copy constructor. More...
GeometricalObject & | operator= (GeometricalObject const &rOther) |
| Assignment operator. More...
virtual void | SetGeometry (GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry) |
| Sets the pointer to the geometry. More...
GeometryType::Pointer | pGetGeometry () |
| Returns the pointer to the geometry. More...
const GeometryType::Pointer | pGetGeometry () const |
| Returns the pointer to the geometry (const version) More...
GeometryType & | GetGeometry () |
| Returns the reference of the geometry. More...
GeometryType const & | GetGeometry () const |
| Returns the reference of the geometry (const version) More...
Flags & | GetFlags () |
| Returns the flags of the object. More...
Flags const & | GetFlags () const |
| Returns the flags of the object (const version) More...
void | SetFlags (Flags const &rThisFlags) |
| Sets the flags of the object. More...
DataValueContainer & | Data () |
DataValueContainer & | GetData () |
DataValueContainer const & | GetData () const |
void | SetData (DataValueContainer const &rThisData) |
template<class TDataType > |
bool | Has (const Variable< TDataType > &rThisVariable) const |
template<class TVariableType > |
void | SetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable, typename TVariableType::Type const &rValue) |
template<class TVariableType > |
TVariableType::Type & | GetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable) |
template<class TVariableType > |
TVariableType::Type const & | GetValue (const TVariableType &rThisVariable) const |
std::string | Info () const override |
| Turn back information as a string. More...
void | PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
| Print information about this object. More...
void | PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const override |
| Print object's data. More...
unsigned int | use_count () const noexcept |
| Pointer definition of GeometricalObject. More...
bool | IsActive () const |
| Checks if the GeometricalObject is active. More...
| IndexedObject (IndexType NewId=0) |
| Default constructor. More...
virtual | ~IndexedObject () |
| Destructor. More...
| IndexedObject (IndexedObject const &rOther) |
| Copy constructor. More...
IndexedObject & | operator= (IndexedObject const &rOther) |
| Assignment operator. More...
template<class TObjectType > |
IndexType | operator() (TObjectType const &rThisObject) const |
IndexType | Id () const |
IndexType | GetId () const |
virtual void | SetId (IndexType NewId) |
IndexType & | DepricatedIdAccess () |
| TODO: remove this function when removing data_file_io object. More...
| Pointer definition of IndexedObject. More...
Flags & | operator= (Flags const &rOther) |
| Assignment operator. More...
| operator bool () const |
Flags | operator~ () const |
bool | operator! () const |
void | AssignFlags (Flags const &rOther) |
void | Set (const Flags ThisFlag) |
void | Set (const Flags ThisFlag, bool Value) |
void | Reset (const Flags ThisFlag) |
void | Flip (const Flags ThisFlag) |
void | SetPosition (IndexType Position, bool Value=true) |
bool | GetPosition (IndexType Position) const |
void | FlipPosition (IndexType Position) |
void | ClearPosition (IndexType Position) |
void | Clear () |
Flags | AsFalse () const |
bool | Is (Flags const &rOther) const |
bool | IsDefined (Flags const &rOther) const |
bool | IsNot (Flags const &rOther) const |
bool | IsNotDefined (Flags const &rOther) const |
| Pointer definition of Flags. More...
const Flags & | operator|= (const Flags &Other) |
const Flags & | operator&= (const Flags &Other) |
| Flags () |
| Default constructor. More...
| Flags (Flags const &rOther) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~Flags () |
| Destructor. More...
Element::Pointer | Create (IndexType NewId, NodesArrayType const &ThisNodes, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) const override |
| It creates a new element pointer. More...
Element::Pointer | Create (IndexType NewId, GeometryType::Pointer pGeometry, PropertiesType::Pointer pProperties) const override |
| It creates a new element pointer. More...
void | EquationIdVector (EquationIdVectorType &rResult, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
void | GetDofList (DofsVectorType &ElementalDofList, const ProcessInfo &CurrentProcessInfo) const override |
IntegrationMethod | GetIntegrationMethod () const override |
void | GetValuesVector (Vector &values, int Step=0) const override |
void | Initialize (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | ResetConstitutiveLaw () override |
void | InitializeSolutionStep (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | InitializeNonLinearIteration (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | FinalizeNonLinearIteration (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | FinalizeSolutionStep (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateLocalSystem (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateLeftHandSide (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateRightHandSide (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateFirstDerivativesContributions (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateFirstDerivativesLHS (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateFirstDerivativesRHS (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateSecondDerivativesContributions (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateSecondDerivativesLHS (MatrixType &rLeftHandSideMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateSecondDerivativesRHS (VectorType &rRightHandSideVector, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateMassMatrix (MatrixType &rMassMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateDampingMatrix (MatrixType &rDampingMatrix, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | AddExplicitContribution (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | AddExplicitContribution (const VectorType &rRHSVector, const Variable< VectorType > &rRHSVariable, const Variable< double > &rDestinationVariable, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
| This function is designed to make the element to assemble an rRHS vector identified by a variable rRHSVariable by assembling it to the nodes on the variable rDestinationVariable. (This is the double version) More...
void | AddExplicitContribution (const VectorType &rRHSVector, const Variable< VectorType > &rRHSVariable, const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rDestinationVariable, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
| This function is designed to make the element to assemble an rRHS vector identified by a variable rRHSVariable by assembling it to the nodes on the variable rDestinationVariable. (This is the vector version) More...
void | AddExplicitContribution (const MatrixType &rLHSMatrix, const Variable< MatrixType > &rLHSVariable, const Variable< Matrix > &rDestinationVariable, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
| This function is designed to make the element to assemble an rRHS vector identified by a variable rRHSVariable by assembling it to the nodes on the variable rDestinationVariable. (This is the matrix version) More...
void | Calculate (const Variable< double > &rVariable, double &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Calculate (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Calculate (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, Vector &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | Calculate (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, Matrix &Output, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< bool > &rVariable, std::vector< bool > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< double > &rVariable, std::vector< double > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &rVariable, std::vector< array_1d< double, 6 > > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, std::vector< Vector > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, std::vector< Matrix > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
int | Check (const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override |
void | CalculateSensitivityMatrix (const Variable< double > &rDesignVariable, Matrix &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
void | CalculateSensitivityMatrix (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rDesignVariable, Matrix &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override |
virtual void | CalculateStressDisplacementDerivative (const Variable< Vector > &rStressVariable, Matrix &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
void | CalculateStressDesignVariableDerivative (const Variable< double > &rDesignVariable, const Variable< Vector > &rStressVariable, Matrix &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
void | CalculateStressDesignVariableDerivative (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rDesignVariable, const Variable< Vector > &rStressVariable, Matrix &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
Element::Pointer | pGetPrimalElement () |
const Element::Pointer | pGetPrimalElement () const |
template<typename TDataType > |
void | CalculateAdjointFieldOnIntegrationPoints (const Variable< TDataType > &rVariable, std::vector< TDataType > &rOutput, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) |
typedef Element | ElementType |
| definition of element type More...
typedef GeometricalObject | BaseType |
| base type: an GeometricalObject that automatically has a unique number More...
typedef Node | NodeType |
| definition of node type (default is: Node) More...
typedef Properties | PropertiesType |
typedef Geometry< NodeType > | GeometryType |
| definition of the geometry type with given NodeType More...
typedef Geometry< NodeType >::PointsArrayType | NodesArrayType |
| definition of nodes container type, redefined from GeometryType More...
typedef Vector | VectorType |
typedef Matrix | MatrixType |
typedef std::size_t | IndexType |
typedef std::size_t | SizeType |
typedef Dof< double > | DofType |
typedef std::vector< std::size_t > | EquationIdVectorType |
typedef std::vector< DofType::Pointer > | DofsVectorType |
typedef PointerVectorSet< DofType > | DofsArrayType |
typedef GeometryData::IntegrationMethod | IntegrationMethod |
| Type definition for integration methods. More...
typedef GeometryData | GeometryDataType |
typedef Node | NodeType |
| Definition of the node type. More...
typedef Geometry< NodeType > | GeometryType |
| The geometry type definition. More...
typedef std::size_t | IndexType |
| Defines the index type. More...
typedef std::size_t | result_type |
| Defines the result type. More...
typedef std::size_t | IndexType |
| The definition of the index type. More...
typedef std::size_t | result_type |
| The definition of the result_type. More...
enum | FlagsList {
Flag0 = BlockType(1)
, Flag1 = BlockType(1) << 1
, Flag2 = BlockType(1) << 2
, Flag3 = BlockType(1) << 3
Flag4 = BlockType(1) << 4
, Flag5 = BlockType(1) << 5
, Flag6 = BlockType(1) << 6
, Flag7 = BlockType(1) << 7
Flag8 = BlockType(1) << 8
, Flag9 = BlockType(1) << 9
, Flag10 = BlockType(1) << 10
, Flag11 = BlockType(1) << 11
Flag12 = BlockType(1) << 12
, Flag13 = BlockType(1) << 13
, Flag14 = BlockType(1) << 14
, Flag15 = BlockType(1) << 15
Flag16 = BlockType(1) << 16
, Flag17 = BlockType(1) << 17
, Flag18 = BlockType(1) << 18
, Flag19 = BlockType(1) << 19
Flag20 = BlockType(1) << 20
, Flag21 = BlockType(1) << 21
, Flag22 = BlockType(1) << 22
, Flag23 = BlockType(1) << 23
Flag24 = BlockType(1) << 24
, Flag25 = BlockType(1) << 25
, Flag26 = BlockType(1) << 26
, Flag27 = BlockType(1) << 27
Flag28 = BlockType(1) << 28
, Flag29 = BlockType(1) << 29
, Flag30 = BlockType(1) << 30
} |
typedef int64_t | BlockType |
typedef int64_t | FlagType |
typedef std::size_t | IndexType |
static bool | HasSameType (const GeometricalObject &rLHS, const GeometricalObject &rRHS) |
| Checks if two GeometricalObject have the same type. More...
static bool | HasSameType (const GeometricalObject *rLHS, const GeometricalObject *rRHS) |
| Checks if two GeometricalObject have the same type (pointer version) More...
static bool | HasSameGeometryType (const GeometricalObject &rLHS, const GeometricalObject &rRHS) |
| Checks if two GeometricalObject have the same geometry type. More...
static bool | HasSameGeometryType (const GeometricalObject *rLHS, const GeometricalObject *rRHS) |
| Checks if two GeometricalObject have the same geometry type (pointer version) More...
static bool | IsSame (const GeometricalObject &rLHS, const GeometricalObject &rRHS) |
| Checks if two GeometricalObject are the same. More...
static bool | IsSame (const GeometricalObject *rLHS, const GeometricalObject *rRHS) |
| Checks if two GeometricalObject are the same (pointer version) More...
static const Flags | AllDefined () |
static const Flags | AllTrue () |
static Flags | Create (IndexType ThisPosition, bool Value=true) |
template<typename TPrimalElement>
class Kratos::AdjointFiniteDifferencingBaseElement< TPrimalElement >
This element a wrapper for a primal element to calculate element derivatives using finite differencing (adjoint semi analytic approach). It is designed to be used in adjoint sensitivity analysis