def | __init__ (self, model, iteration, varying_parameters=Parameters("{}")) |
| The default constructor of the class. More...
def | InitializeVariablesWithNonZeroValues (self) |
def | Initialize (self) |
def | GetDebugInfo (self) |
def | SetEmbeddedTools (self) |
def | ComputePostProcessResults (self) |
def | GetDerivativeRecoveryStrategy (self) |
def | FinalizeSolutionStep (self) |
def | TransferBodyForceFromDisperseToFluid (self) |
def | GetVolumeDebugTool (self) |
def | GetModelAttributes (self) |
def | __enter__ (self) |
def | __exit__ (self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback) |
def | GetMainPath (self) |
def | __init__ (self, model, parameters=Parameters("{}")) |
def | SetFluidParameters (self) |
def | SetProjectParameters (self, parameters) |
def | SetAllModelParts (self) |
def | StartTimer (self) |
def | SetBetaParameters (self) |
def | ModifyInputParametersForCoherence (self) |
def | SetDoSolveDEMVariable (self) |
def | Run (self) |
def | SetUpResultsDatabase (self) |
def | ReadDispersePhaseModelParts (self, starting_node_Id=0, starting_elem_Id=0, starting_cond_Id=0) |
def | AddExtraProcessInfoVariablesToFluid (self) |
def | FluidInitialize (self) |
def | DispersePhaseInitialize (self) |
def | SetPostUtils (self) |
def | GetAnalyticFacesModelParts (self) |
def | MakeAnalyticsMeasurements (self) |
def | InitializeSolutionStep (self) |
def | OutputSolutionStep (self) |
def | GetFirstStepForFluidComputation (self) |
def | CloneTimeStep (self) |
def | DEMSolve (self, time='None') |
def | UpdateALEMeshMovement (self, time) |
def | RecoverDerivatives (self) |
def | FluidSolve (self, time='None', solve_system=True) |
def | PerformZeroStepInitializations (self) |
def | PerformInitialDEMStepOperations (self, time=None) |
def | PerformEmbeddedOperations (self) |
def | AssessStationarity (self) |
def | SetInlet (self) |
def | SetAnalyticParticleWatcher (self) |
def | ProcessAnalyticData (self) |
def | TellTime (self) |
def | TellFinalSummary (self, time, dem_step, fluid_step, message_n_char_width=60) |
def | GetBackwardCouplingCounter (self) |
def | GetRecoveryCounter (self) |
def | GetStationarityCounter (self) |
def | GetPrintCounter (self) |
def | GetParticlesResultsCounter (self) |
def | GetHistoryForceQuadratureCounter (self) |
def | ProcessAnalyticDataCounter (self) |
def | GetRunCode (self) |
def | FillHistoryForcePrecalculatedVectors (self) |
def | GetFieldUtility (self) |
def | ApplyForwardCoupling (self, alpha='None') |
def | PerformFinalOperations (self, time=None) |
def | ModifyResultsFolderName (self, time) |
def | Finalize (self) |
def | SetPointGraphPrinter (self) |
def | AssignKinematicViscosityFromDynamicViscosity (self) |
def | GetReturnValue (self) |