KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
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Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace > Class Template Reference

This utility uses the FEAST solver to obtain (estimate) the the condition number of a regular matrix. More...

#include <feast_condition_number_utility.h>

Collaboration diagram for Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >:

Static Public Member Functions

static double GetConditionNumber (const SparseMatrixType &InputMatrix)
 Computes the condition number using the maximum and minimum eigenvalue of the system (in moduli) More...

Type Definitions

typedef std::size_t SizeType
 Indexes. More...
typedef std::size_t IndexType
typedef TSparseSpace::MatrixType SparseMatrixType
 Sparse space. More...
typedef TSparseSpace::VectorType SparseVectorType
typedef TDenseSpace::MatrixType DenseMatrixType
 Dense space. More...
typedef TDenseSpace::VectorType DenseVectorType
 Definition of the shared pointer of the class. More...

Detailed Description

template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
class Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >

This utility uses the FEAST solver to obtain (estimate) the the condition number of a regular matrix.

Regular matrix: A*A^H=A^H*A

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DenseMatrixType

template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
typedef TDenseSpace::MatrixType Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::DenseMatrixType

Dense space.

◆ DenseVectorType

template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
typedef TDenseSpace::VectorType Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::DenseVectorType

◆ IndexType

template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
typedef std::size_t Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::IndexType

◆ SizeType

template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
typedef std::size_t Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::SizeType


◆ SparseMatrixType

template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
typedef TSparseSpace::MatrixType Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::SparseMatrixType

Sparse space.

◆ SparseVectorType

template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
typedef TSparseSpace::VectorType Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::SparseVectorType

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetConditionNumber()

template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
static double Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::GetConditionNumber ( const SparseMatrixType InputMatrix)

Computes the condition number using the maximum and minimum eigenvalue of the system (in moduli)

InputMatrixThe matrix to obtain the condition number
pLinearSolverThe complex linear solver considered in the FEAST solver
condition_number: The condition number obtained


template<class TSparseSpace = UblasSpace<double, CompressedMatrix, Vector>, class TDenseSpace = UblasSpace<double, Matrix, Vector>>
Kratos::FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION ( FEASTConditionNumberUtility< TSparseSpace, TDenseSpace >  )

Definition of the shared pointer of the class.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: