KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
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Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw Class Reference

#include <plane_stress_d_plus_d_minus_damage_masonry_2d.h>

Inheritance diagram for Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw:
Collaboration diagram for Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw:


struct  CalculationData

Public Member Functions

 DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw ()
 ~DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw () override
ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer Clone () const override
SizeType WorkingSpaceDimension () override
 returns the working space dimension of the current constitutive law More...
SizeType GetStrainSize () const override
 returns the size of the strain vector of the current constitutive law More...
bool Has (const Variable< double > &rThisVariable) override
bool Has (const Variable< Vector > &rThisVariable) override
bool Has (const Variable< Matrix > &rThisVariable) override
bool Has (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rThisVariable) override
bool Has (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &rThisVariable) override
doubleGetValue (const Variable< double > &rThisVariable, double &rValue) override
VectorGetValue (const Variable< Vector > &rThisVariable, Vector &rValue) override
MatrixGetValue (const Variable< Matrix > &rThisVariable, Matrix &rValue) override
array_1d< double, 3 > & GetValue (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rValue) override
array_1d< double, 6 > & GetValue (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &rVariable, array_1d< double, 6 > &rValue) override
void SetValue (const Variable< double > &rVariable, const double &rValue, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void SetValue (const Variable< Vector > &rVariable, const Vector &rValue, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void SetValue (const Variable< Matrix > &rVariable, const Matrix &rValue, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void SetValue (const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, const array_1d< double, 3 > &rValue, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void SetValue (const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &rVariable, const array_1d< double, 6 > &rValue, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
bool ValidateInput (const Properties &rMaterialProperties) override
StrainMeasure GetStrainMeasure () override
StressMeasure GetStressMeasure () override
bool IsIncremental () override
void InitializeMaterial (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunctionsValues) override
void InitializeMaterialResponsePK2 (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void InitializeSolutionStep (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunctionsValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void FinalizeSolutionStep (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunctionsValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) override
void CalculateMaterialResponsePK1 (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void CalculateMaterialResponsePK2 (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void CalculateMaterialResponseKirchhoff (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void CalculateMaterialResponseCauchy (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void FinalizeMaterialResponsePK1 (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void FinalizeMaterialResponsePK2 (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void FinalizeMaterialResponseKirchhoff (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void FinalizeMaterialResponseCauchy (ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters &rValues) override
void ResetMaterial (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunctionsValues) override
void GetLawFeatures (Features &rFeatures) override
int Check (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo) const override
void CalculateMaterialResponse (const Vector &StrainVector, const Matrix &DeformationGradient, Vector &StressVector, Matrix &AlgorithmicTangent, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo, const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunctionsValues, bool CalculateStresses=true, int CalculateTangent=true, bool SaveInternalVariables=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw
 ConstitutiveLaw ()
 ~ConstitutiveLaw () override
virtual Pointer Create (Kratos::Parameters NewParameters) const
 It creates a new constitutive law pointer. More...
virtual Pointer Create (Kratos::Parameters NewParameters, const Properties &rProperties) const
 It creates a new constitutive law pointer (version with properties) More...
void SetInitialState (InitialState::Pointer pInitialState)
InitialState::Pointer pGetInitialState ()
InitialStateGetInitialState ()
bool HasInitialState () const
template<typename TVectorType >
void AddInitialStressVectorContribution (TVectorType &rStressVector)
 Adds the initial stress vector if it is defined in the InitialState. More...
template<typename TVectorType >
void AddInitialStrainVectorContribution (TVectorType &rStrainVector)
 Adds the initial strain vector if it is defined in the InitialState. More...
template<typename TMatrixType >
void AddInitialDeformationGradientMatrixContribution (TMatrixType &rF)
 Adds the initial strain vector if it is defined in the InitialState. More...
virtual bool Has (const Variable< bool > &rThisVariable)
 Returns whether this constitutive Law has specified variable (boolean) More...
virtual bool Has (const Variable< int > &rThisVariable)
 Returns whether this constitutive Law has specified variable (integer) More...
virtual boolGetValue (const Variable< bool > &rThisVariable, bool &rValue)
 Returns the value of a specified variable (boolean) More...
virtual intGetValue (const Variable< int > &rThisVariable, int &rValue)
virtual void SetValue (const Variable< bool > &rVariable, const bool &Value, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
 Sets the value of a specified variable (boolean) More...
virtual void SetValue (const Variable< int > &rVariable, const int &Value, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
 Sets the value of a specified variable (integer) More...
virtual boolCalculateValue (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< bool > &rThisVariable, bool &rValue)
 Calculates the value of a specified variable (bool) More...
virtual intCalculateValue (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< int > &rThisVariable, int &rValue)
 Calculates the value of a specified variable (int) More...
virtual doubleCalculateValue (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< double > &rThisVariable, double &rValue)
 Calculates the value of a specified variable (double) More...
virtual VectorCalculateValue (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< Vector > &rThisVariable, Vector &rValue)
 Calculates the value of a specified variable (Vector) More...
virtual MatrixCalculateValue (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< Matrix > &rThisVariable, Matrix &rValue)
 Calculates the value of a specified variable (Matrix) More...
virtual array_1d< double, 3 > & CalculateValue (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &rVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rValue)
 Calculates the value of a specified variable (array of 3 components) More...
virtual array_1d< double, 6 > & CalculateValue (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &rVariable, array_1d< double, 6 > &rValue)
virtual void CalculateDerivative (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< double > &rFunctionVariable, const Variable< double > &rDerivativeVariable, double &rOutput)
 Calculates derivatives of a given function. More...
virtual void CalculateDerivative (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< Vector > &rFunctionVariable, const Variable< double > &rDerivativeVariable, Vector &rOutput)
 Calculates derivatives of a given function. More...
virtual void CalculateDerivative (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< Matrix > &rFunctionVariable, const Variable< double > &rDerivativeVariable, Matrix &rOutput)
 Calculates derivatives of a given function. More...
virtual void CalculateDerivative (Parameters &rParameterValues, const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 >> &rFunctionVariable, const Variable< double > &rDerivativeVariable, array_1d< double, 3 > &rOutput)
 Calculates derivatives of a given function. More...
virtual void InitializeNonLinearIteration (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunctionsValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
virtual void FinalizeNonLinearIteration (const Properties &rMaterialProperties, const GeometryType &rElementGeometry, const Vector &rShapeFunctionsValues, const ProcessInfo &rCurrentProcessInfo)
void CalculateMaterialResponse (Parameters &rValues, const StressMeasure &rStressMeasure)
virtual bool RequiresInitializeMaterialResponse ()
 If the CL requires to initialize the material response, called by the element in InitializeSolutionStep. More...
virtual void CalculateStressResponse (Parameters &rValues, Vector &rInternalVariables)
void InitializeMaterialResponse (Parameters &rValues, const StressMeasure &rStressMeasure)
 Initialize the material response, called by the element in InitializeSolutionStep. More...
virtual void InitializeMaterialResponsePK1 (Parameters &rValues)
 Initialize the material response in terms of 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stresses. More...
virtual void InitializeMaterialResponseKirchhoff (Parameters &rValues)
 Initialize the material response in terms of Kirchhoff stresses. More...
virtual void InitializeMaterialResponseCauchy (Parameters &rValues)
 Initialize the material response in terms of Cauchy stresses. More...
virtual bool RequiresFinalizeMaterialResponse ()
 If the CL requires to finalize the material response, called by the element in FinalizeSolutionStep. More...
void FinalizeMaterialResponse (Parameters &rValues, const StressMeasure &rStressMeasure)
 Finalize the material response, called by the element in FinalizeSolutionStep. More...
virtual VectorTransformStrains (Vector &rStrainVector, const Matrix &rF, StrainMeasure rStrainInitial, StrainMeasure rStrainFinal)
virtual MatrixTransformStresses (Matrix &rStressMatrix, const Matrix &rF, const double &rdetF, StressMeasure rStressInitial, StressMeasure rStressFinal)
virtual VectorTransformStresses (Vector &rStressVector, const Matrix &rF, const double &rdetF, StressMeasure rStressInitial, StressMeasure rStressFinal)
VectorTransformPK1Stresses (Vector &rStressVector, const Matrix &rF, const double &rdetF, StressMeasure rStressFinal)
VectorTransformPK2Stresses (Vector &rStressVector, const Matrix &rF, const double &rdetF, StressMeasure rStressFinal)
VectorTransformKirchhoffStresses (Vector &rStressVector, const Matrix &rF, const double &rdetF, StressMeasure rStressFinal)
VectorTransformCauchyStresses (Vector &rStressVector, const Matrix &rF, const double &rdetF, StressMeasure rStressFinal)
void PullBackConstitutiveMatrix (Matrix &rConstitutiveMatrix, const Matrix &rF)
void PushForwardConstitutiveMatrix (Matrix &rConstitutiveMatrix, const Matrix &rF)
virtual void CalculateCauchyStresses (Vector &Cauchy_StressVector, const Matrix &F, const Vector &PK2_StressVector, const Vector &GreenLagrangeStrainVector)
std::string Info () const override
 Turn back information as a string. More...
void PrintInfo (std::ostream &rOStream) const override
 Print information about this object. More...
void PrintData (std::ostream &rOStream) const override
 Print object's data. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::Flags
Flagsoperator= (Flags const &rOther)
 Assignment operator. More...
 operator bool () const
Flags operator~ () const
bool operator! () const
void AssignFlags (Flags const &rOther)
void Set (const Flags ThisFlag)
void Set (const Flags ThisFlag, bool Value)
void Reset (const Flags ThisFlag)
void Flip (const Flags ThisFlag)
void SetPosition (IndexType Position, bool Value=true)
bool GetPosition (IndexType Position) const
void FlipPosition (IndexType Position)
void ClearPosition (IndexType Position)
void Clear ()
Flags AsFalse () const
bool Is (Flags const &rOther) const
bool IsDefined (Flags const &rOther) const
bool IsNot (Flags const &rOther) const
bool IsNotDefined (Flags const &rOther) const
 Pointer definition of Flags. More...
const Flagsoperator|= (const Flags &Other)
const Flagsoperator&= (const Flags &Other)
 Flags ()
 Default constructor. More...
 Flags (Flags const &rOther)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~Flags ()
 Destructor. More...

Static Public Attributes

Type Definitions
static constexpr SizeType Dimension = 2
 We define the working dimension size, already defined in the integrator. More...
static constexpr SizeType VoigtSize = 3
 We define the Voigt size, already defined in the integrator. More...
static constexpr double tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
 Definition of the machine precision tolerance. More...

Protected Member Functions

Protected Operators
void InitializeCalculationData (const Properties &props, const GeometryType &geom, const ProcessInfo &pinfo, CalculationData &data)
 Initializes the CalculationData at the beginning of each SolutionStep. More...
void CalculateElasticityMatrix (CalculationData &data)
 Constructs the Linear Elasticity Matrix and stores it in the CalculationData. More...
void TensionCompressionSplit (CalculationData &data)
 Splits the Effective Stress Vector into a positive (tension) and negative (compression) part. More...
void ConstructProjectionTensors (CalculationData &data)
 This method computes the positive (tension) and negative (compression) parts of the ProjectionMatrix. More...
void CalculateEquivalentStressTension (CalculationData &data, double &UniaxialStressTension)
 This method computes the equivalent stress in Tension. More...
void CalculateEquivalentStressCompression (CalculationData &data, double &UniaxialStressCompression)
 This method computes the equivalent stress in Compression. More...
void CalculateDamageTension (CalculationData &data, double internal_variable, double &rDamageTension)
 This method computes the damage variable d+ of the tension law by considering an exponential softening behavior. More...
void CalculateDamageCompression (CalculationData &data, double internal_variable, double &rDamage)
 This method computes the damage variable d- of the compression law by considering the above explained bezier curved uniaxial behavior. More...
void ComputeBezierEnergy (double &rBezierEnergy, double &rBezierEnergy1, double s_p, double s_k, double s_r, double e_p, double e_j, double e_k, double e_r, double e_u)
 This method computes the energy of the uniaxial damage law before regularization. More...
double EvaluateBezierArea (double x1, double x2, double x3, double y1, double y2, double y3)
 This method evaluates the area below the bezier curves. More...
void ApplyBezierStretcherToStrains (double stretcher, double e_p, double &e_j, double &e_k, double &e_r, double &e_u)
 This method applies the stretcher to the strains, to regularize the fracture energy. More...
void EvaluateBezierCurve (double &rDamageParameter, double xi, double x1, double x2, double x3, double y1, double y2, double y3)
 This method evaluates the damage parameter by considering the Bezier law explained above. More...
void ComputeCharacteristicLength (const GeometryType &geom, double &rCharacteristicLength)
 This method computes the Charcteristic element length. More...
void CalculateMaterialResponseInternal (const Vector &strain_vector, Vector &stress_vector, CalculationData &data, const Properties props)
 This method computes the internal material response strain to stress by applying cl. More...
void CheckDamageLoadingUnloading (bool &is_damaging_tension, bool &is_damaging_compression)
 This method checks whether we are in loading/unloading/damage state. More...
void CalculateTangentTensor (Parameters &rValues, Vector strain_vector, Vector stress_vector, CalculationData &data, const Properties &props)
 This method computes the tangent tensor. More...
void CalculateSecantTensor (Parameters &rValues, CalculationData &data)
 This method computes the secant tensor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw
void ContraVariantPushForward (Matrix &rMatrix, const Matrix &rF)
void ContraVariantPullBack (Matrix &rMatrix, const Matrix &rF)
void CoVariantPushForward (Matrix &rMatrix, const Matrix &rF)
void CoVariantPullBack (Matrix &rMatrix, const Matrix &rF)
void ConstitutiveMatrixTransformation (Matrix &rConstitutiveMatrix, const Matrix &rOriginalConstitutiveMatrix, const Matrix &rF)
doubleTransformConstitutiveComponent (double &rCabcd, const Matrix &rConstitutiveMatrix, const Matrix &rF, const unsigned int &a, const unsigned int &b, const unsigned int &c, const unsigned int &d)
doubleGetConstitutiveComponent (double &rCabcd, const Matrix &rConstitutiveMatrix, const unsigned int &a, const unsigned int &b, const unsigned int &c, const unsigned int &d)

Protected Attributes

Protected member Variables
bool InitializeDamageLaw = false
double PreviousThresholdTension = 0.0
double PreviousThresholdCompression = 0.0
double CurrentThresholdTension = 0.0
double CurrentThresholdCompression = 0.0
double ThresholdTension = 0.0
double ThresholdCompression = 0.0
double DamageParameterTension = 0.0
double DamageParameterCompression = 0.0
double UniaxialStressTension = 0.0
double UniaxialStressCompression = 0.0
double InitialCharacteristicLength = 0.0
double CurrentDeltaTime = 0.0
double PreviousDeltaTime = 0.0
double TemporaryImplicitThresholdTension = 0.0
double TemporaryImplicitThresholdTCompression = 0.0


class Serializer

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw
enum  StrainMeasure {
  StrainMeasure_Infinitesimal , StrainMeasure_GreenLagrange , StrainMeasure_Almansi , StrainMeasure_Hencky_Material ,
  StrainMeasure_Hencky_Spatial , StrainMeasure_Deformation_Gradient , StrainMeasure_Right_CauchyGreen , StrainMeasure_Left_CauchyGreen ,
enum  StressMeasure { StressMeasure_PK1 , StressMeasure_PK2 , StressMeasure_Kirchhoff , StressMeasure_Cauchy }
typedef ProcessInfo ProcessInfoType
typedef std::size_t SizeType
typedef Geometry< NodeGeometryType
typedef Vector StrainVectorType
typedef Vector StressVectorType
typedef Matrix VoigtSizeMatrixType
typedef Matrix DeformationGradientMatrixType
- Public Types inherited from Kratos::Flags
enum  FlagsList {
  Flag0 = BlockType(1) , Flag1 = BlockType(1) << 1 , Flag2 = BlockType(1) << 2 , Flag3 = BlockType(1) << 3 ,
  Flag4 = BlockType(1) << 4 , Flag5 = BlockType(1) << 5 , Flag6 = BlockType(1) << 6 , Flag7 = BlockType(1) << 7 ,
  Flag8 = BlockType(1) << 8 , Flag9 = BlockType(1) << 9 , Flag10 = BlockType(1) << 10 , Flag11 = BlockType(1) << 11 ,
  Flag12 = BlockType(1) << 12 , Flag13 = BlockType(1) << 13 , Flag14 = BlockType(1) << 14 , Flag15 = BlockType(1) << 15 ,
  Flag16 = BlockType(1) << 16 , Flag17 = BlockType(1) << 17 , Flag18 = BlockType(1) << 18 , Flag19 = BlockType(1) << 19 ,
  Flag20 = BlockType(1) << 20 , Flag21 = BlockType(1) << 21 , Flag22 = BlockType(1) << 22 , Flag23 = BlockType(1) << 23 ,
  Flag24 = BlockType(1) << 24 , Flag25 = BlockType(1) << 25 , Flag26 = BlockType(1) << 26 , Flag27 = BlockType(1) << 27 ,
  Flag28 = BlockType(1) << 28 , Flag29 = BlockType(1) << 29 , Flag30 = BlockType(1) << 30
typedef int64_t BlockType
typedef int64_t FlagType
typedef std::size_t IndexType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw
static bool HasSameType (const ConstitutiveLaw &rLHS, const ConstitutiveLaw &rRHS)
 This method is used to check that two Constitutive Laws are the same type (references) More...
static bool HasSameType (const ConstitutiveLaw *rLHS, const ConstitutiveLaw *rRHS)
 This method is used to check that two Constitutive Laws are the same type (pointers) More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Kratos::Flags
static const Flags AllDefined ()
static const Flags AllTrue ()
static Flags Create (IndexType ThisPosition, bool Value=true)
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw
static const unsigned int msIndexVoigt3D6C [6][2] = { {0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {0, 1}, {1, 2}, {0, 2} }
static const unsigned int msIndexVoigt2D4C [4][2] = { {0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {0, 1} }
static const unsigned int msIndexVoigt2D3C [3][2] = { {0, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1} }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw()

Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw ( )

Default Constructor.

◆ ~DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw()

Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::~DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyBezierStretcherToStrains()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::ApplyBezierStretcherToStrains ( double  stretcher,
double  e_p,
double e_j,
double e_k,
double e_r,
double e_u 

This method applies the stretcher to the strains, to regularize the fracture energy.

stretcherThe stretch factor e_p The reference strain from which on the stretching is applied e_j, e_k, e_r, e_u The strains that have to be modified by the stretcher

◆ CalculateDamageCompression()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateDamageCompression ( CalculationData data,
double  internal_variable,
double rDamage 

This method computes the damage variable d- of the compression law by considering the above explained bezier curved uniaxial behavior.

BRIEF DOCUMENTATION OF THE USED UNIAXIAL SOFTENING BEHAVIOR IN COMPRESSION Entire documentation can be found in the the Phd Thesis of Massimo Petracca << Computational Multiscale Analysis of Masonry Structures>>

UNIAXIAL BEZIER COMPRESSION DAMAGE {I} Linear Elastic {II} Hardening Quadratic Bezier Curve Control nodes: 0=(e_0,s_0); I=(e_i,s_p); P=(e_p,s_p) {III} Softening Quadratic Bezier Curve Control nodes: P=(e_p,s_p); J=(e_j,s_j); K=(e_k,s_k) {IV} Softening Quadratic Bezier Curve Control nodes: K=(e_k,s_k); R=(e_r,s_r); U=(e_u,s_u) {V} Residual Strength

STRESS ^ /|\ | (P) s_p = |---------—(I)+-—#####–+(J) s_i = | ' ### ' #### s_j | ### ' ### | ###' ' ' ## s_k |--------—##–+---—+-—+–## (K) s_0 |------—##(0) ' ' ' ### | ## ' ' ' ' '### | ## ' ' ' ' ' #### | ## ' ' ' ' ' ##### | ## ' ' ' ' ' ##### | ## ' ' ' ' ' (R) ######## (U) s_r = |—##---—+—+---—'-—+-—+--—+--------------—###################### s_u | ## ' ' ' ' ' ' ' |_##________+___+______+____+____+_____+_________________+______________________________\ e_0 e_i e_p e_j e_k e_r e_u / STRAIN ' ' ' ' ' ' {I} ' {II} ' {III} ' {IV} ' {V} ' ' ' ' '

CalculationDataCalculation Data for the CL internal_variable The internal variable that considers the considers the state of damage rDamage The final damage variable to be filled by this method

◆ CalculateDamageTension()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateDamageTension ( CalculationData data,
double  internal_variable,
double rDamageTension 

This method computes the damage variable d+ of the tension law by considering an exponential softening behavior.

CalculationDatainternal_variable The internal variable that considers the considers the state of damage rDamage The final damage variable to be filled by this method

◆ CalculateElasticityMatrix()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateElasticityMatrix ( CalculationData data)

Constructs the Linear Elasticity Matrix and stores it in the CalculationData.


◆ CalculateEquivalentStressCompression()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateEquivalentStressCompression ( CalculationData data,
double UniaxialStressCompression 

This method computes the equivalent stress in Compression.

CalculationDataUniaxialStressCompression The variable to be filled with the resulting value

◆ CalculateEquivalentStressTension()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateEquivalentStressTension ( CalculationData data,
double UniaxialStressTension 

This method computes the equivalent stress in Tension.

CalculationDataUniaxialStressTension The variable to be filled with the resulting value

◆ CalculateMaterialResponse()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateMaterialResponse ( const Vector StrainVector,
const Matrix DeformationGradient,
Vector StressVector,
Matrix AlgorithmicTangent,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo,
const Properties rMaterialProperties,
const GeometryType rElementGeometry,
const Vector rShapeFunctionsValues,
bool  CalculateStresses = true,
int  CalculateTangent = true,
bool  SaveInternalVariables = true 

◆ CalculateMaterialResponseCauchy()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateMaterialResponseCauchy ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Computes the material response in terms of Cauchy stresses and constitutive tensor

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ CalculateMaterialResponseInternal()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateMaterialResponseInternal ( const Vector strain_vector,
Vector stress_vector,
CalculationData data,
const Properties  props 

This method computes the internal material response strain to stress by applying cl.

strain_vectorThe strain vector stress_vector The stress vector CalculationData Calculation Data for the CL

◆ CalculateMaterialResponseKirchhoff()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateMaterialResponseKirchhoff ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Computes the material response in terms of Kirchhoff stresses and constitutive tensor

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ CalculateMaterialResponsePK1()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateMaterialResponsePK1 ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Computes the material response in terms of 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stresses and constitutive tensor

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ CalculateMaterialResponsePK2()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateMaterialResponsePK2 ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Computes the material response in terms of 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stresses and constitutive tensor

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ CalculateSecantTensor()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateSecantTensor ( Parameters rValues,
CalculationData data 

This method computes the secant tensor.

rValuesThe constitutive law parameters and flags CalculationData Calculation Data for the CL

◆ CalculateTangentTensor()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CalculateTangentTensor ( Parameters rValues,
Vector  strain_vector,
Vector  stress_vector,
CalculationData data,
const Properties props 

This method computes the tangent tensor.

rValuesThe constitutive law parameters and flags strain_vector The strain vector stress_vector The stress vector CalculationData Calculation Data for the CL

◆ Check()

int Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::Check ( const Properties rMaterialProperties,
const GeometryType rElementGeometry,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 
) const

This function is designed to be called once to perform all the checks needed on the input provided. Checks can be "expensive" as the function is designed to catch user's errors.


Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ CheckDamageLoadingUnloading()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CheckDamageLoadingUnloading ( bool is_damaging_tension,
bool is_damaging_compression 

This method checks whether we are in loading/unloading/damage state.

is_damaging_tensionThe damage tension bool is_damaging_tension The damage compression bool

◆ Clone()

ConstitutiveLaw::Pointer Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::Clone ( ) const


Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ ComputeBezierEnergy()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::ComputeBezierEnergy ( double rBezierEnergy,
double rBezierEnergy1,
double  s_p,
double  s_k,
double  s_r,
double  e_p,
double  e_j,
double  e_k,
double  e_r,
double  e_u 

This method computes the energy of the uniaxial damage law before regularization.

rBezierEnergyrBezierEnergy1 double s_p, double s_k, double s_r, double e_p, double e_j, double e_k, double e_r, double e_u As inputs for the energy calculation

◆ ComputeCharacteristicLength()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::ComputeCharacteristicLength ( const GeometryType geom,
double rCharacteristicLength 

This method computes the Charcteristic element length.

GeometryType&geom The element geometry data from rValues rCharacteristicLength The characteristic Length

◆ ConstructProjectionTensors()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::ConstructProjectionTensors ( CalculationData data)

This method computes the positive (tension) and negative (compression) parts of the ProjectionMatrix.


◆ EvaluateBezierArea()

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::EvaluateBezierArea ( double  x1,
double  x2,
double  x3,
double  y1,
double  y2,
double  y3 

This method evaluates the area below the bezier curves.

x1,x2,x3x-coordinates of the Bezier control points y1, y2, y3 y-coordinates of the Bezier control points

◆ EvaluateBezierCurve()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::EvaluateBezierCurve ( double rDamageParameter,
double  xi,
double  x1,
double  x2,
double  x3,
double  y1,
double  y2,
double  y3 

This method evaluates the damage parameter by considering the Bezier law explained above.

rDamageParameterThe parameter to obtain the damage d- xi The strain like counterpart x1, x2, x3 x-coordinates of the Bezier control points y1, y2, y3 y-coordinates of the Bezier control points

◆ FinalizeMaterialResponseCauchy()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::FinalizeMaterialResponseCauchy ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Updates the material response in terms of Cauchy stresses

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ FinalizeMaterialResponseKirchhoff()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::FinalizeMaterialResponseKirchhoff ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Updates the material response in terms of Kirchhoff stresses

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ FinalizeMaterialResponsePK1()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::FinalizeMaterialResponsePK1 ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Updates the material response in terms of 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stresses

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ FinalizeMaterialResponsePK2()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::FinalizeMaterialResponsePK2 ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Updates the material response in terms of 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stresses

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ FinalizeSolutionStep()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::FinalizeSolutionStep ( const Properties rMaterialProperties,
const GeometryType rElementGeometry,
const Vector rShapeFunctionsValues,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

to be called at the end of each solution step (e.g. from Element::FinalizeSolutionStep)

rMaterialPropertiesthe Properties instance of the current element
rElementGeometrythe geometry of the current element
rShapeFunctionsValuesthe shape functions values in the current integration point
thecurrent ProcessInfo instance

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetLawFeatures()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetLawFeatures ( Features rFeatures)

This function is designed to be called once to check compatibility with element


Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetStrainMeasure()

DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::StrainMeasure Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetStrainMeasure ( )

returns the expected strain measure of this constitutive law (by default linear strains)

the expected strain measure

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetStrainSize()

SizeType Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetStrainSize ( ) const

returns the size of the strain vector of the current constitutive law

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetStressMeasure()

DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::StressMeasure Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetStressMeasure ( )

returns the stress measure of this constitutive law (by default 1st Piola-Kirchhoff stress in voigt notation)

the expected stress measure

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetValue() [1/5]

array_1d< double, 3 > & Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetValue ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &  rVariable,
array_1d< double, 3 > &  rValue 

returns the value of a specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuea reference to the returned value
the value of the specified variable

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetValue() [2/5]

array_1d< double, 6 > & Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetValue ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &  rVariable,
array_1d< double, 6 > &  rValue 

returns the value of a specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuea reference to the returned value
the value of the specified variable

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetValue() [3/5]

double & Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetValue ( const Variable< double > &  rThisVariable,
double rValue 

returns the value of a specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuea reference to the returned value
rValueoutput: the value of the specified variable

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetValue() [4/5]

Matrix & Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetValue ( const Variable< Matrix > &  rThisVariable,
Matrix rValue 

returns the value of a specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be returned
the value of the specified variable

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ GetValue() [5/5]

Vector & Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::GetValue ( const Variable< Vector > &  rThisVariable,
Vector rValue 

returns the value of a specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuea reference to the returned value
the value of the specified variable

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ Has() [1/5]

bool Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::Has ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &  rThisVariable)

returns whether this constitutive Law has specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be checked for
true if the variable is defined in the constitutive law NOTE: fixed size array of 3 doubles (e.g. for 2D stresses, plastic strains, ...)

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ Has() [2/5]

bool Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::Has ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &  rThisVariable)

returns whether this constitutive Law has specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be checked for
true if the variable is defined in the constitutive law NOTE: fixed size array of 6 doubles (e.g. for stresses, plastic strains, ...)

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ Has() [3/5]

bool Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::Has ( const Variable< double > &  rThisVariable)

returns whether this constitutive Law has specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be checked for
true if the variable is defined in the constitutive law

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ Has() [4/5]

bool Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::Has ( const Variable< Matrix > &  rThisVariable)

returns whether this constitutive Law has specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be checked for
true if the variable is defined in the constitutive law

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ Has() [5/5]

bool Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::Has ( const Variable< Vector > &  rThisVariable)

returns whether this constitutive Law has specified variable

rThisVariablethe variable to be checked for
true if the variable is defined in the constitutive law

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ InitializeCalculationData()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::InitializeCalculationData ( const Properties props,
const GeometryType geom,
const ProcessInfo pinfo,
CalculationData data 

Initializes the CalculationData at the beginning of each SolutionStep.

Properties&props The Material Properties of the constitutive law from rValues GeometryType& geom The Element Geometry from rValues ProcessInfo& pinfo The ProcessInfo from rValues CalculationData

◆ InitializeMaterial()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::InitializeMaterial ( const Properties rMaterialProperties,
const GeometryType rElementGeometry,
const Vector rShapeFunctionsValues 

This is to be called at the very beginning of the calculation (e.g. from InitializeElement) in order to initialize all relevant attributes of the constitutive law

rMaterialPropertiesthe Properties instance of the current element
rElementGeometrythe geometry of the current element
rShapeFunctionsValuesthe shape functions values in the current integration point

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ InitializeMaterialResponsePK2()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::InitializeMaterialResponsePK2 ( ConstitutiveLaw::Parameters rValues)

Initialize the material response in terms of 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stresses

See also

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ InitializeSolutionStep()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::InitializeSolutionStep ( const Properties rMaterialProperties,
const GeometryType rElementGeometry,
const Vector rShapeFunctionsValues,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

to be called at the beginning of each solution step (e.g. from Element::InitializeSolutionStep)

rMaterialPropertiesthe Properties instance of the current element
rElementGeometrythe geometry of the current element
rShapeFunctionsValuesthe shape functions values in the current integration point
thecurrent ProcessInfo instance

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ IsIncremental()

bool Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::IsIncremental ( )

returns whether this constitutive model is formulated in incremental strains/stresses NOTE: by default, all constitutive models should be formulated in total strains

true, if formulated in incremental strains/stresses, false otherwise

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.


Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::KRATOS_CLASS_POINTER_DEFINITION ( DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw  )

◆ ResetMaterial()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::ResetMaterial ( const Properties rMaterialProperties,
const GeometryType rElementGeometry,
const Vector rShapeFunctionsValues 

This can be used in order to reset all internal variables of the constitutive law (e.g. if a model should be reset to its reference state)

rMaterialPropertiesthe Properties instance of the current element
rElementGeometrythe geometry of the current element
rShapeFunctionsValuesthe shape functions values in the current integration point
thecurrent ProcessInfo instance

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ SetValue() [1/5]

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::SetValue ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 3 > > &  rVariable,
const array_1d< double, 3 > &  rValue,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

sets the value of a specified variable

rVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuenew value of the specified variable
rCurrentProcessInfothe process info

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ SetValue() [2/5]

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::SetValue ( const Variable< array_1d< double, 6 > > &  rVariable,
const array_1d< double, 6 > &  rValue,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

sets the value of a specified variable

rVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuenew value of the specified variable
rCurrentProcessInfothe process info

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ SetValue() [3/5]

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::SetValue ( const Variable< double > &  rVariable,
const double rValue,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

sets the value of a specified variable

rVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuenew value of the specified variable
rCurrentProcessInfothe process info

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ SetValue() [4/5]

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::SetValue ( const Variable< Matrix > &  rVariable,
const Matrix rValue,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

sets the value of a specified variable

rVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuenew value of the specified variable
rCurrentProcessInfothe process info

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ SetValue() [5/5]

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::SetValue ( const Variable< Vector > &  rVariable,
const Vector rValue,
const ProcessInfo rCurrentProcessInfo 

sets the value of a specified variable

rVariablethe variable to be returned
rValuenew value of the specified variable
rCurrentProcessInfothe process info

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ TensionCompressionSplit()

void Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::TensionCompressionSplit ( CalculationData data)

Splits the Effective Stress Vector into a positive (tension) and negative (compression) part.


◆ ValidateInput()

bool Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::ValidateInput ( const Properties rMaterialProperties)

Is called to check whether the provided material parameters in the Properties match the requirements of current constitutive model.

rMaterialPropertiesthe current Properties to be validated against.
true, if parameters are correct; false, if parameters are insufficient / faulty NOTE: this has to be implemented by each constitutive model. Returns false in base class since no valid implementation is contained here.

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

◆ WorkingSpaceDimension()

SizeType Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::WorkingSpaceDimension ( )

returns the working space dimension of the current constitutive law

Reimplemented from Kratos::ConstitutiveLaw.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ Serializer

friend class Serializer

Member Data Documentation

◆ CurrentDeltaTime

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CurrentDeltaTime = 0.0

◆ CurrentThresholdCompression

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CurrentThresholdCompression = 0.0

◆ CurrentThresholdTension

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::CurrentThresholdTension = 0.0

◆ DamageParameterCompression

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::DamageParameterCompression = 0.0

◆ DamageParameterTension

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::DamageParameterTension = 0.0

◆ Dimension

constexpr SizeType Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::Dimension = 2

We define the working dimension size, already defined in the integrator.

◆ InitialCharacteristicLength

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::InitialCharacteristicLength = 0.0

◆ InitializeDamageLaw

bool Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::InitializeDamageLaw = false

◆ PreviousDeltaTime

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::PreviousDeltaTime = 0.0

◆ PreviousThresholdCompression

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::PreviousThresholdCompression = 0.0

◆ PreviousThresholdTension

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::PreviousThresholdTension = 0.0

◆ TemporaryImplicitThresholdTCompression

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::TemporaryImplicitThresholdTCompression = 0.0

◆ TemporaryImplicitThresholdTension

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::TemporaryImplicitThresholdTension = 0.0

◆ ThresholdCompression

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::ThresholdCompression = 0.0

◆ ThresholdTension

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::ThresholdTension = 0.0

◆ tolerance

constexpr double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::tolerance = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()

Definition of the machine precision tolerance.

◆ UniaxialStressCompression

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::UniaxialStressCompression = 0.0

◆ UniaxialStressTension

double Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::UniaxialStressTension = 0.0

◆ VoigtSize

constexpr SizeType Kratos::DamageDPlusDMinusMasonry2DLaw::VoigtSize = 3

We define the Voigt size, already defined in the integrator.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: