KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
mesh_to_mdpa_converter Namespace Reference


string mesh_namefile = sys.argv[1] + '.msh'
string mdpa_namefile = sys.argv[2] + '.mdpa'
 SpheresMesh = open(mesh_namefile, 'r')
 SpheresMdpa = open(mdpa_namefile, 'w')
int Test_type = 3
float top = 0.0
float bottom = 0.0
float radius = 0.0
float internal_tol_factor = 2.0
float external_tol_factor = 1.0
int mean_particle_radius = 2e-3
float internal_radius = 0.1
float external_radius = 0.15
bool node_section_started = False
bool node_section_finished = False
bool element_section_started = False
list node_list = []
list coord_x_list = []
list coord_y_list = []
list coord_z_list = []
list element_list = []
list radius_list = []
list props_list = []
list zeros_list = []
list skin_list = []
 data = Line.split(" ")

Variable Documentation

◆ bottom

float mesh_to_mdpa_converter.bottom = 0.0

◆ coord_x_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.coord_x_list = []

◆ coord_y_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.coord_y_list = []

◆ coord_z_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.coord_z_list = []

◆ data = Line.split(" ")

◆ element_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.element_list = []

◆ element_section_started

bool mesh_to_mdpa_converter.element_section_started = False

◆ external_radius

float mesh_to_mdpa_converter.external_radius = 0.15

◆ external_tol_factor

float mesh_to_mdpa_converter.external_tol_factor = 1.0

◆ internal_radius

float mesh_to_mdpa_converter.internal_radius = 0.1

◆ internal_tol_factor

float mesh_to_mdpa_converter.internal_tol_factor = 2.0

◆ mdpa_namefile

string mesh_to_mdpa_converter.mdpa_namefile = sys.argv[2] + '.mdpa'

◆ mean_particle_radius

int mesh_to_mdpa_converter.mean_particle_radius = 2e-3

◆ mesh_namefile

string mesh_to_mdpa_converter.mesh_namefile = sys.argv[1] + '.msh'

◆ node_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.node_list = []

◆ node_section_finished

bool mesh_to_mdpa_converter.node_section_finished = False

◆ node_section_started

bool mesh_to_mdpa_converter.node_section_started = False

◆ props_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.props_list = []

◆ radius

float mesh_to_mdpa_converter.radius = 0.0

◆ radius_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.radius_list = []

◆ skin_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.skin_list = []

◆ SpheresMdpa

mesh_to_mdpa_converter.SpheresMdpa = open(mdpa_namefile, 'w')

◆ SpheresMesh

mesh_to_mdpa_converter.SpheresMesh = open(mesh_namefile, 'r')

◆ Test_type

int mesh_to_mdpa_converter.Test_type = 3

◆ top

float = 0.0

◆ zeros_list

list mesh_to_mdpa_converter.zeros_list = []