KRATOS Multiphysics (Kratos) is a framework for building parallel, multi-disciplinary simulation software, aiming at modularity, extensibility, and high performance. Kratos is written in C++, and counts with an extensive Python interface.
Current directory contains the required files for the Automatic Differenctiation (AD) the _"axisymmetric_navier_stokes"_ element of the FluidDynamicsApplication. This element implements an Newtonian incompressible Navier-Stokes formulation for the 2D axisymmetric case.
Then, a file "_axisymmetric_navier_stokes.cpp_" is automatically generated. Such file muest be copied within the "_custom_elements_" folder of the FluidDynamicsApplication. The corresponding header file ("axisymmetric_navier_stokes.h") is already stored in such folder.