def | sympy_fe_utilities.DefineMatrix (name, m, n) |
| This method defines a symbolic matrix. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.DefineSymmetricMatrix (name, m, n) |
| This method defines a symbolic symmetric matrix. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.DefineSymmetricFourthOrderTensor (name, m, n, o, p) |
| This method defines a symbolic symmetric 4th order tensor. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.DefineVector (name, m) |
| This method defines a symbolic vector. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.DefineShapeFunctions (nnodes, dim, impose_partion_of_unity=False) |
| This method defines shape functions and derivatives. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.StrainToVoigt (M) |
| This method transform the strains matrix to Voigt notation. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.MatrixToVoigt (M) |
| This method transform a symmetric matrix to Voigt notation. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.ConvertTensorToVoigtMatrix (C) |
| This method converts a 4th order tensor given to a matrix in Voigt notation. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.ConvertVoigtMatrixToTensor (C) |
| This method converts a matrix given in Voigt notation in a 4th order tensor. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.DoubleContraction (A, B) |
| This method performs the double contraction A:B. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.MatrixB (DN) |
| This method defines the deformation matrix B. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.grad_sym_voigtform (DN, x) |
| This method defines a symmetric gradient. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.DfjDxi (DN, f) |
| This method defines a gradient. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.DfiDxj (DN, f) |
| This method defines a gradient This returns a matrix D such that D(i,j) = D(fi)/D(xj). More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.div (DN, x) |
| This method defines the divergence. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.SubstituteMatrixValue (where_to_substitute, what_to_substitute, substituted_value) |
| This method substitutes values into a matrix. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.SubstituteScalarValue (where_to_substitute, what_to_substitute, substituted_value) |
| This method substitutes values into a scalar. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.SubstituteMatrixValueByVoigtSymbols (where_to_substitute, what_to_substitute, substituted_value, is_strain) |
| This method substitutes values into a matrix. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.Compute_RHS (functional, testfunc, do_simplifications=False) |
| This computes the RHS vector. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.Compute_LHS (rhs, testfunc, dofs, do_simplifications=False) |
| This computes the LHS matrix. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.Compute_RHS_and_LHS (functional, testfunc, dofs, do_simplifications=False) |
| This computes the LHS matrix and the RHS vector. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.OutputScalar (scalar_expression, name, language, indentation_level=0, replace_indices=True, assignment_op="=") |
| This function generates code to assign to a (pre-declared) scalar. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.OutputVector (vector_expression, name, language, indentation_level=0, replace_indices=True, assignment_op="=") |
| This function generates code to fill a (pre-declared) vector. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.OutputMatrix (matrix_expression, name, language, indentation_level=0, replace_indices=True, assignment_op="=") |
| This function generates code to fill a (pre-declared) matrix. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.OutputSymbolicVariable (expression, language, replace_indices=True) |
| This function generates code from an expression. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.OutputSymbolicVariableDeclaration (expression, name, language, indentation_level=0, replace_indices=True) |
| This function generates code to declare and assign an expression, such as: More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.OutputMatrix_CollectingFactors (A, name, language, indentation_level=0, max_index=None, optimizations='basic', replace_indices=True, assignment_op="=") |
| This method collects the constants of the replacement for matrices. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.OutputVector_CollectingFactors (A, name, language, indentation_level=0, max_index=None, optimizations='basic', replace_indices=True, assignment_op="=") |
| This method collects the constants of the replacement for vectors. More...
def | sympy_fe_utilities.OutputScalar_CollectingFactors (A, name, language, indentation_level=0, optimizations='basic', replace_indices=True, assignment_op="=") |
| This method collects the constants of the replacement for vectors. More...